"Hyuuuuu, I'm gonna suck you dry, boyo... you're mine now~!"
Ryali is a rather deadly catch, for most. Insatiable, sticky to the point of near-inescapability, and absolutely naughty. She literally sexes her prey to dessication most of the time... poor things. If you manage to get her into conversation, most of her talk is about sucking prey dry too! She's got a bit of a one track mind, this one.
She has a number of bad habits, such as oozing through plumbing and air ducts and ambushing people in their homes, particularly in the shower and in bed!
She's awfully friendly, and if you somehow manage to not be devoured, she's cuddly and smothery and loves having people sloshing about in and around her!
Vore types? Everything! She's capable of mimicking whatever she wants, though she mostly enjoys blobvoring folks, as one might expect~
Boys preferred, but as long as you're mostly humanoid you should be fine~!
She's Mikyou's sister... a sort of yin-yang situation, where Mikyou is quiet and gentle and Ryali is active and sloppy and bouncing all over. That usually means that she gets more prey, but she also burns herself out quicker... so it takes her three prey to satisfiy what Mikyou needs one snack for.