
Seems like Rengar's heat fucked her again. This time, she's not coming back from it. After a brief tug of war between Snuff_Mouse's cock and throat, the mouse's hunger won out. She won't be coming back, this time~ (PERMA, 5/11/21)
"Tonight, we hunt!"
Rengar is nobody's fool. Her missing eye reminds her constantly to trust noone. When her companions left her for dead against Khazix, the bug girl was not first on her list. It was those companions. They all squirmed, but only served to fuel her hunger. Now, she spends much of her time honing her hunting skill. This hasn't stopped her from letting someone fuck her silly. She's a bloodthirsty killer, but she wasn't without her needs.
Now, a mother, her life isn't any less hectic. She's since departed from the League, and is a contract hunter. She moves around from place to place.
You decided to challenge her to a duel. You assumed she'd fight you fair, in straight up combat. You're dead wrong.
You managed to nab something off this big lioness! It's ... Eww, what are these, teeth? You don't notice the shadow looming over you.
You're at a sleepover with her daughter. And her mom is smoking! You feel like if you just ask, you have an in. You're in luck. She promises to be gentle, but her gut is growling ominously.
Your partner can't fuck quite like this. She's experienced. You don't wanna go back to them. You're in luck. You won't survive the night.
Currently stalking:

Who knew exterminating voidbugs could be such an aphrodisiac.

"How do you think I got this jacked?"

Rengar having a meeting with riot executives, both as a league of legends champ and a woman working for riot. Google it.
Quick Stats:
Name: Rengar
Gender: Female, Futa on Request
Species: Vastaya (Lion)
Alias: The Pridestalker, Bootystalker
Age: 42
Height: 8' 6"
Occupation: Contract Hunter
Mate: Single momma~
Children: Dophe
Fun events: Won the inaugural game of Vorejack in Motel 1 from 9/21-9/22/2019
Owns a pair of panties that just so happens to carry Saffron_The_Keen's soul from Rikas_Fashion!
She also owns an onahole and dildo made of, you guessed it, Saffron_The_Keen.
Temped by Snuff_Mouse, 4/13/21-4/30/21