Fan Made Profile:
Rozen Maiden

The "Rozen Maidens" are a collection of dolls created by a craftsman named Rozen, whom the dolls refer to as "Father". Their primary source of power is a human host (referred to as a "medium") who wears a ring to symbolize his bond with the doll, although certain dolls have been shown to act without a medium. According to Shinku, she can only be at full power when her medium is present. Each Rozen Maiden has her own distinct personality and guardian spirit.
Suigintou: 1st born

Suigintou (水銀燈, Suigintō?)
Suigintou is the first of the Rozen Maiden collection. Her desire to win the Alice Game is the strongest of all the dolls, and is primarily driven by her wish to gain the attention of their "Father", the dollmaker Rozen. Sadistic, spiteful, and arrogant (all due to her spectacular Inferiority complex), Suigintou has no inhibitions when it comes to the Alice Game. She will use any method available to her, regardless of how brutal it may be, to reach victory. Although she avoids socializing with all of her sister dolls, she has a particularly bitter hatred for Shinku. However, upon meeting you, her medium, Suigintou's attitude and motivations begin to shift; she begins to feel a strong affection for someone other than "Father", and a will to fight for something other than the honor of becoming "Alice", the perfect girl. Suigintou's desire to protect you begins to even overpower her wish to meet "Father," and she hopes to use the collected Rosae Mystica not to become Alice, but to heal your heart ailment instead. However, Suigintou fails in this endeavor, discovering to her horror that she has used up your energy.
Initially, Suigintou's will to exist was so strong that she was able to move without actually possessing a Rosa Mystica. Suigintou did not consciously make a contract with you, rather, you came upon Suigintou as she was reawakening. Suigintou's strong sense of independence, as well as disdain towards humanity, had her avoiding the perceived weakness of having a medium. She is also the only Rozen Maiden to have been defeated and revived three times.
Suigintou has a number of unique traits and flaws amongst the seven Rozen Maidens. She is missing a part of her torso; Shinku explains at one point that before Suigintou was completed, her design was erased, but gives no further explanation as to why or how. In ouvertüre, it is shown that Rozen abandoned her half-completed form in two parts on his worktable. She was never assembled — although her clothing was completed — and as such, not initially given the life force that is a Rosa Mystica. It was her love for Rozen that brought her to life, and she crawled off of the table to seek him out. Rozen does later provide her with a Rosa Mystica, only after she is sliced in half by Souseiseki and presumably fated to fade out of existence. Curiously, after Suigintou is destroyed in battle by Shinku, she is restored midway through Rozen Maiden träumend. The identity of the person responsible for her restoration is never revealed, however it is strongly implied to be Rozen. In the träumend finale, she tells Shinku that "Father" had told her that even with her flawed body, she is also entitled to a part in the Alice Game. Later, Rozen is seen lovingly fixing Suigintou's neck ribbon as she sleeps, and even grips her gently around the waist afterwards, implying that he has mended her incomplete body.
Her body is flawed by wings — notably, she is the only Rozen Maiden with them — that have ravaged her back with cracks. Despite these flaws, her love for "Father" and willpower is so strong that she can use her powers independently of a medium.
Along with her artificial spirit, Meimei, Suigintou's weapons are her ragged black wings. With their arrow-like feathers, she can conjure up a shield, a large sword, or even twin black dragons. Suigintou can also create destructive blue flames as a last resort in battle. Suigintou's varied abilities, particularly when combined with her savagely cunning nature, make her a strong player in the Alice Game.
Suigintou and Shinku are shown to have been friends, but the friendship sours significantly after Suigintou discovers that Shinku was only her friend out of pity for her incomplete existence. It is also revealed that Rozen abandoned her without a Rosa Mystica (which she later acquires) and started moving towards her affection for him. When you show Suigintou a bouquet of bright red roses, Suigintou destroys the bouquet, indicating that she either hates roses as a whole, or that she particularly dislikes bright red roses, since Shinku uses bright red rose petals.
You were also the reason Suigintou traveled to the alternate dimension and subsequently declaring a truce with Shinku so that the two may work together to bring down Kirakishou, only to be trapped in a room encased with crystals later with the other three Rozen Maidens. Kanaria finds them, however, and frees them. To return to their original world, the revived Souseiseki affirms that only she and Suiseiseki together can return everything to the way it was. Reluctantly, Suigintou agrees to return Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica to let them combine their powers. After the order started returning to its original state, the Jun from her world arrives with Shinku's body and Hinaichigo's Rosa Mystica. Seeing Hinaichigo's Rosa Mystica willingly guard Shinku's body makes Suigintou question her own motives, and when Souseiseki readies to return her Rosa Mystica, Suigintou breaks their agreement, confirming that she will come to take it again once she thinks things through.
Her artificial spirit, "Meimei," is named for the Japanese word "Mei", meaning "darkness".
Kanaria: 2nd born

Kanaria (金糸雀, Kanaria?, Kanarienvogel, Canary Bird)
The second Rozen Maiden doll, who is as adorable as she is eccentric. Not only does she constantly refer to herself in third person, but she also talks about taking her sisters' Rosen Mysticas, though she repeatedly fails in her attempts to do so. She fancies herself as quite the stealthy prowler, and makes a hobby of watching the exploits of her sisters, usually through binoculars. Kanaria's bright, somewhat arrogant disposition makes her the ideal subject for many of the comedic situations. Despite this, she is a competent opponent and attacks with a violin that can emit particularly destructive sound waves. Her personality mostly complements that of Hinaichigo, who eventually becomes her good friend and rival; they often debate on whose medium is "better", i.e. prettier.
Kanaria has the unusual habit of ending her sentences with "kashira" ("I wonder?" or "maybe?"), which is likened to Hinaichigo's penchant for ending sentences with "na no" (meaning "Because"), and Suiseiseki's "desu". Kanaria's favorite food is tamagoyaki, or Japanese thick omelet, which, more often than not, is snatched away from her by hungry birds before she can enjoy it.
Her artificial spirit, Pizzicato, is named after the technique of playing orchestral instruments by plucking the strings, which she uses as a counterattack.
Kanaria stayed behind with Jun Sakurada in the N-Field while the other surviving dolls crossed over to the other Jun Sakurada's dimension. When the alternate Jun decides to go back to his world and save the Rozen Maidens, Kanaria follows along. As soon as she finds her other sisters trapped in Kirakishou's crystal cage, she uses the power of her violin to free them. Afterwards, she descends to find Jun in her own dimension. She finds Jun in Kirakishou's N-field just as he finds Shinku's lost body, and they arrive just in time to restore Shinku to her original state.
Suiseiseki: 3rd born

Suiseiseki (翠星石, Suiseiseki?, Jade Stern, Jade Star)
The third Rozen Maiden doll, and Souseiseki's older twin. She and Souseiseki are both referred to as "gardeners" for their ability to communicate and tend not only to regular plants, but also to the "soul trees" of humans.
Despite her attitude towards Jun, Suiseiseki does care a great deal for him, and her attempts to cover that up usually manifest in the form of more insults. In fact, she cares deeply for everyone in her life, even if she does not show it outwardly, a personality of a stereotypical tsundere. Suiseiseki stands out among the dolls in that she values her sisters' love more than the goal of becoming Alice. She is one of the few dolls who opposes the Alice Game, and has no intentions of becoming Alice if it means taking her fellow sisters' Rosa Mystica. Suiseiseki and Jun attempt, without much success, to convince the other Rozen Maidens that the Alice Game is a meaningless endeavor. She makes the same appeal to her twin several times.
She appears very shy and nervous, and is very distrustful of humans because one had kidnapped Souseiseki. Shinku once described Suiseiseki as being the most shy and timid of the Rozen Maidens. She also tends to end nearly every sentence with "desu", as a way of being polite.
Suiseiseki tries to avoid participating in the Alice Game as much as possible, but she can use her watering can to make plants emerge from the ground and manipulate them. Her artificial spirit is named after the popular Anna Sui perfume.
Jun becomes her medium (after trying to find a medium on her own with no success). She is shown to be jealous of Shinku, because Jun's attention is always directed towards her. This means she also cares about Jun.
Suiseiseki attempts to protect Kanaria from Barasuishou's crystal stakes, and is crystallized for her trouble and her Rosa Mystica seized. Suiseiseki was revived by Rozen in the träumend finale and is last seen watching "Detective Kun Kun" along with Nori and the lifeless forms of Souseiseki and Hinaichigo.
Suiseiseki makes a return to the alternate dimension where Shinku and Suigintou currently reside. Knowing that Kirakishou now has Souseiseki's body, Suiseiseki intends to protect Kirakishou from being destroyed, much to Shinku's and Suigintou's dismays. She has also actively (and somewhat forcibly) made Jun form a contract with her. However, she was actually making him form a contract using Souseiseki's ring, so that Souseiseki may be revived. Yet, though Souseiseki was able to break free of Kirakishou's control, she lacks her Rosa Mystica, which Suigintou currently has, and refuses to return. In the end, Suiseiseki gives her Rosa Mystica to Souseiseki. To return to their world, Souseiseki convinces Suigintou to return the Rosa Mystica to their rightful owners, Suigintou agrees, allowing Suiseiseki to come back to life. Together, they restore order to the worlds.
Souseiseki: 4th born

Souseiseki (蒼星石, Sōseiseki?, Lapis Lazuli Stern, Lapis Lazuli Star)
The fourth doll of the Rozen Maiden collection and Suiseiseki's twin, Souseiseki possesses a sharpness in her speech that is similar to Shinku's, attacks ruthlessly in combat, and does not tolerate sub-par actions. She is also quite stubborn and very devoted to her masters. Her appearance is not only the most masculine of the dolls, but her speech is also noted to be of the masculine form, using the first person pronoun "boku" instead of gender neutral pronouns like "jibun" or "watashi." Souseiseki's presence is much more significant. These all being stereotypical traits of a tomboy.
Souseiseki's master wanted to use her power to enter other people's dreams and exact revenge on his brother's lover, who he felt had stolen his brother from him. Since Souseiseki alone could not achieve this goal, she fights Suiseiseki to gather the two gardeners' tools, the shears (which is her primary weapon) and the watering can, which together can affect an individual's soul tree. She eventually realizes that it is her master's heart that needs to be freed and sacrifices herself to do so. The dolls present are shocked by Souseiseki's actions and Suigintou uses the confusion to snatch Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica, enraging both Shinku and Suiseseki. It is revealed that Souseiseki's body is currently manifested by Kirakishou.
Souseiseki is devoted to a lonesome old man, who uses her as a substitute for his deceased son, Kazuki. Souseiseki apparently does not have a medium, because Motoharu Shibasaki was never shown to have a rose ring. She is shown to be slightly more eager, probably from a sense of duty, to participate in the Alice Game than her sisters. She questions her idyllic lifestyle, and, much to Suiseiseki's disappointment, takes part in the Alice Game out of devotion to Rozen after being accosted by Barasuishou, who was believed to be the seventh Rozen Maiden doll to fulfill his wish of finding Alice and relieve his perceived grief. She battles Suigintou, but is defeated and loses her Rosa Mystica.
Laplace is seen dancing with two Rosae Mysticae, one of which is believed to be Souseiseki's. To add to the confusion, after Shinku is resurrected by "Father," she tells Jun that Souseiseki's and Hinaichigo's losing their Rosa Mysticae is her burden to bear. The most likely reason for this is that essentially they were under the care of her medium, which makes sense for Hinaichigo, but not so much for Souseiseki.
Souseiseki has gone missing from her case, after Suiseiseki tells Souseiseki's master that she found her sister's hat in the N-field. Later, she is reunited with Suiseiseki. Souseiseki tells Suiseiseki that she didn't want to play the Alice Game anymore, because she didn't "want to go against the Suiseiseki that I love". Soon afterwards she dies once again, growing rose vines and a white rose out of her right eye. Though she is the first doll to lose her Rosa Mystica, Souseiseki is actually the second doll to lose in the Alice Game. It is revealed that while Suigintou has her Rosa Mystica, Kirakishou has her body. And, because Jun from the alternate dimension has inadvertently kissed the ring, it may grant Souseiseki the revival Suiseiseki wished for. This however was hindered by the fact that Suigintou currently has Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica and she refuses to release it. So in the end, Suiseiseki gives Souseiseki her Rosa Mystica, allowing Souseiseki to return to life. To restore the worlds to their orders, Souseiseki convinces Suigintou to temporarily restore her Rosa Mystica while she returns Suiseiseki's. As soon as Suiseiseki is restored, they combine their powers to restore the world orders. Afterward, she readies to return her Rosa Mystica as promised, but Suigintou breaks the agreement. The Jun from the other parallel dimension decides to turn Souseiseki to his younger counterpart's Rozen Maiden, as they are the same person.
Shinku: 5th born

Shinku (真紅, Shinku?, Reiner Rubin, Crimson)
Shinku is the fifth Rozen Maiden doll. Her name, in addition to its Japanese meaning, could be also a play on the Japanese pronunciation of the word "cinq" (French for "five"). She embodies the traditional Victorian aristocrat. She is extremely demanding and can seem unappreciative of others. Her favorite words are "tea", "servant" and "What?" She seems to enjoy lecturing, slapping, and generally abusing Jun, her medium, at every opportunity. She is very aware of her femininity, forever reminding others that she and the other Maidens are 'ladies'. Shinku is also perceived as being cold and angry, but she is actually very protective of, and cares deeply for, her sisters and for Jun. Shinku's presence at the Sakurada home has led to other Rozen Maidens appearing there. She hates cats because one almost swallowed her wind-up key in the past.
Shinku is a pacifist from the beginning, saying the Alice Game must end. She doesn't like fighting her sisters, but attacks Suigintou when she is angry with her. She doesn't want any of her sisters to be lifeless, as shown when she takes Hinaichigo as her servant instead of absorbing her Rosa Mystica.
Shinku does not use honorific suffixes such as "-chan," "-san," or "-kun," except when she refers to "Father", Mitsu and once, Kun Kun. Shinku does have a cute side, which is evident in her intense, almost obsessive, admiration for the puppet detective Kun Kun, believing them to be connected by an invisible thread. Shinku wins a human contest and receives a Kun Kun cosplay costume as her prize. Jun was once able to win her over during an argument by playing her with a Kun Kun doll.
Shinku was a lot colder and was more active in the Alice Game. She initially befriended the, then broken and weak, Suigintou out of pity and taught her many basic life skills, such as walking and brewing tea; However, Shinku never thought of Suigintou as a proper Rozen Maiden as the latter was incomplete; Suigintou took this remark personally later destroys Shinku's brooch [an elaborate brooch with the likeness of "Father"] out of spite, her prized possession from "Father," which opens wide the intense enmity between the two.
In combat, Shinku fights with rose petal-based attacks. The rose petals are extremely versatile; Shinku can direct them to spread out for wide-ranging attacks, or group them together to use as a shield. Her other weapon is a cane, which she skillfully wields like a sword. Shinku has other special powers, such as restoring broken objects, typically Jun's bedroom windows after Suigintou's bear/clown jumps in, and when Suiseiseki (and Souseiseki) show up, with a form of time-reversing magic.
Hinaichigo: 6th born

Hinaichigo (雛苺, Hinaichigo?, Kleine Beere, Small Berry, small strawberry)
The sixth Rozen Maiden doll. Although she can be ridiculously naïve and selfish, she has nothing but the best intentions for those that she cares about. Her disposition is also a mismatch for her power, which is a series of attacks based on strawberry vines, which she mostly uses to restrain opponents and can also tell her what is happening. She loses to Shinku in the Alice Game, becoming the first doll to lose the right to become Alice. Shinku does not beat Hinaichigo outright; the younger doll simply exhausted the energy of her medium, Tomoe, and she becomes, in Shinku's opinion, another servant. Shinku then warned Hinaichigo that continuing the fight would kill Tomoe, whereupon Hinaichigo renounced the tie that made Tomoe her medium. Despite being the victor, Shinku does not take Hinaichigo's Rosa Mystica. Instead, Shinku lets herself be an inter-medium so that Hinaichigo can tap into Jun's energy. In the latter half, with the Alice Game apparently having begun in earnest, "Father" cuts off this link, so when Hinaichigo uses up what little energy she has, she loses her Rosa Mystica to Shinku. She is the second doll to lose her Rosa Mystica.
Hinaichigo is taken from Jun after Odille Fosset, granddaughter of a previous owner of Hinaichigo, arrives at the Sakurada home and displays a ring, thought to be from Hinaichigo, on her finger. Though Jun tells Hinaichigo that she may choose who she wishes to stay with, Hinaichigo apparently does not consciously decide to go with Odille; after awakening from sleep, Hinaichigo is confused to find herself in Odille's room, which she recognizes as that of Odille's grandmother, Corinne. Shortly afterwards, Hinaichigo is ruthlessly destroyed by Kirakishou; after being shown a montage of her loved ones saying goodbye to her and made to feel unloved and alone, Hinaichigo is consumed from the inside out by Kirakishou's rose vines as the seventh doll watches in gleeful anticipation of taking control of her sister's body. Hinaichigo sends her Rosa Mystica to Shinku through Berrybell, her artificial spirit, asking Shinku to use the Rosa Mystica to end the Alice Game. Shinku commends Hinaichigo for her courage to face Kirakishou despite her disadvantage, considering Hinaichigo as a true Rozen Maiden.
Though Shinku loses her body afterward, Hinaichigo's Rosa Mystica continues to look after it until Jun comes to pick it up.
Hinaichigo's favorite foods are strawberry daifuku, and Nori's "Hanamaru Hamburger," which is a hamburger patty topped with a fried egg in the shape of a flower. She adores the puppet detective Kun Kun, though her fandom is not as avid as Shinku's. She also loves to draw,however rarely on paper (walls, model cars, floors, etc.). She usually ends her sentences in "na no" (meaning "that's why" or "because" in Japanese), complimentary to Kanaria's "kashira" (meaning "I wonder" or "maybe?"). She also says "uunyuu" out of curiosity.'
Kirakishou: 7th born

Kirakishou (雪華綺晶, Kirakishō?, Schöner Schneeblüten Kristall, Sparkling Snowdrop Crystal)
The true seventh Rozen Maiden doll. Both her hair and her ornately ruffled dress are white, as indicated by Shinku's description of her. However, she has been shown with a pale pink dress, pale pink hair, or both. Kirakishou's right eye is missing. A layer of tissue covers the right eye socket and a single white rose grows from it, or, she simply has a rose growing out of the empty eye socket, as described by Shinku: "Her left eye can see everything, but reflects nothing, while her right eye is an empty hole, with a white rose growing out of it." Kirakishou's shoulders are not ball jointed as the other dolls' are, presumably because she is an entity that only exists in the N-Field.
Kirakishou claims that the seventh doll lacked a physical body and could only exist in the N-Field. Because of this, she destroys and consumes Hinaichigo so that she can use the sixth doll's body to materialize outside of the N-Field. Even though Kirakishou could not initially exist in the real world, she could still affect real world events; she gives a rose ring to Odille Fosset, the granddaughter of Corinne Fosset, Hinaichigo's former mistress.
Kirakishou offers her Rosa Mystica to Suigintou, in order to trick her "big sister" and take Megu. Suigintou, however, refuses to accept the Rosa Mystica, saying that she would take it later on her own terms. During her first encounter with Shinku, Kirakishou parrots whatever Shinku says, much like Barasuishou does.
She controls white rose vines, manipulating them to restrain her opponents or violently lash out at them as if they were whips. Also, the vines make up a spider web-like structure with which Kirakishou crawls (literally, like a spider) through the N-Field. The rose vines are also used as a mean to anticipate Kirakishou's entrance or simply to foreshadow her creeping presence, especially when wrapped around some unsuspicious character. Finally, Kirakishou can trap people's consciousness into the N-Field, sealing them into white crystals. As seen with Odille, one of her victims, people whose soul has been trapped fall into a deep slumber in the real world, likely dreaming something Kirakishou herself conjured to keep them at bay. Apparently, this is also done due to Kirakishou's far greater need of power, which a single medium would not be able to provide.
Kirakishou appeared towards the end of the story, when she devoured Hinaichigo from the inside-out to gain physical substance. Offscreen she managed to corner and trap almost every other doll and medium. By masking herself as Jun, she also sent parts of Souseiseki's lifeless body to the Jun of an alternate reality where he never wound up Shinku nor encountered any Rozen Maiden, where she appeared as a true doll for the first time. It is explained that Kirakishou was voluntarily left without a body by Rozen himself, who wondered if leaving her as a disembodied spirit would grant her superiority over the other Rozen Maidens and achieve greater perfection. Indeed, inside the N-Field Kirakishou is almost omnipresent and far exceeds her sisters in terms of power, but being nothing more than a ghost apparently took a toll on her mind: she is depicted as almost insane, polite yet ruthless and often creepily grinning, driven by extreme jealousy of her sisters' qualities granted by their physical bodies. Her belief is that by obtaining a physical body donned with the unique aspects of every other Rozen Maiden would make her truly perfect. It is however questionable on how malicious she might really be, as while flailing at Shinku and Suigintou she surprisingly pleaded to "hold me more".
Given the fact that it was Jun who assembled her, Kirakishou addresses him as master and wants to form a contract with him, displaying her disturbed thoughts by allowing him to choose which Rozen Maiden would be form a contract with, but not letting him fulfill said choice if it does not contemplate her. She also offered him the power to change his past if he would form a contract with her, though Shinku claimed this to be only a ruse. After Jun kissed Souseiseki's ring, Kirakishou's features started to waste away, given the fact that the body she was using was Souseiseki's. If this meant her demise is unknown, though in her last known act, Kirakishou asked in vain for Jun's help. She later traps her four sisters inside her N-field in a crystal cage while she uses time to recover and devour them later.
Before she can, however, the combined powers from her older sisters restore order to the worlds. She tries to intervene, saying that she did it all for the grown-up Jun. Jun, however, denies her actions, and she tearfully fades out.
Barasuishou: 7th born imposter

Barasuishou (薔薇水晶, Barasuishō?, Rosenkristall, Rose Crystal)
Barasuishou is a doll created by Enju, Rozen's apprentice. She introduces herself as the seventh Rozen Maiden doll, though this is a lie; she simply intends to dupe the other six Rozen Maidens into entering the Alice Game so that she may obtain their Rosae Mysticae and become the strongest doll. Barasuishou has silvery-white hair, is clad entirely in lavender, and wears an eyepatch over her left eye, though she is revealed to not be missing an eye at all. She taunts Shinku by repeating whatever Shinku says to her. Barasuishou is unnaturally calm most of the time, showing little, if any, emotion. She is also hinted to be mad; when Shinku has her pinned to the floor towards the end of their battle, Barasuishou simply giggles and smiles disarmingly. She has the ability to manipulate all sorts of crystalline elements and uses it in many of her attacks, which include blasting her opponents with a barrage of sharp crystal rocks and creating a purple crystalline sword.
Barasuishou false-starts the Alice Game when she and Souseiseki come across an image of "Father" in a state of misery. Barasuishou tells Souseiseki that "Father" is grieving because he cannot find Alice, so they must conclude the fight once and for all to fulfill his wish to see Alice. Shinku is unaware that Barabsuishou is not the true seventh Rozen Maiden, so she believes that Barasuishou's appearance marks the "true" start of the Alice Game. Barasuishou's "Father" is Enju, who was initially believed to be Rozen himself, but is revealed to merely be Rozen's jealous apprentice.
Enju was obsessed with surpassing Rozen as the greatest dollmaker; to achieve that end, he created Barasuishou to oppose the Rozen Maidens, take their Rosae Mysticae, and finish as the last doll standing. The elements of Barasuishou's attire and overall appearance suggest that Enju had seen Rozen's design for Kirakishou and created Barasuishou from his recollection of it. Barasuishou is presumed dead after being overwhelmed by the six Rosae Mysticae she absorbed; despite Enju's plea for her to release the Rosae Mysticae once he discovers that Barasuishou cannot contain their energy, she continued to cry out to "Father" and crumbled to pieces in Enju's hands.
Izuke: Neko

Izuke had met the Maidens while she was roaming the streets, and although this part will not be in her original profile, she will be played even if i have the Maiden's profile up! :] So please. enjoy roleplaying with this one as well!
This profile is an alt of Izuke, And thus she has permission to be used upon this alt. Izuke will act differently than her original. and thus be different! :]
~any and all photos used by
~Need other characters? Look it up Here
~My first fan made Character. do not rush me.
~Have fun! :]
~no sliders.. Ask to know anything about them...
~I can not promise they'll be exact, but i can promise to try!
~I'm sorry if you don't like fan characters. You don't have to talk to me! :]
~Yes Izuke Is played on this character as well as her own! :] The neko is a friend of the maidens. and enjoys playing with them!
~You may request to play with just one of the Rozen Maiden dolls, or have up to two of them at the same time!