Rouand is a sadistic bastard of a trainer. He plays for keeps- or, in other words, he trains his pokemon to fight to the death. He does this partially because he just enjoys the killing, and partially under the belief that "survival of the fittest" should apply to all things. Stepping into his path with the intent to stop him is
not a good idea. Aside from losing the pokemon you likely care about, you will lose your own life to boot. Trying to take a swing at him after losing a battle is
not a good idea. Where he might've let you walk away, he will instead just kill you. Rouand doesn't deal with shit like that.
As for the pokemon he does own and train, the first and the most loyal of them is a Zoroark by the name of Sark. Following the typical mentality of his people, he is loyal to a fault. Disobeying Rouand isn't something he would consider and the thought of turning his back the human disgusts him. He treats the other pokemon that are with Rouand as a pack, of sorts, and will go out of his way to protect them, if need be. His devotion to Rouand has even brought Sark to pick up some Rouand's mannerisms, though there is a noticeable love of torment, Sark taking special care to trap enemies in hallucinations designed to exploit fears. Sark is also the very first pokemon that Rouand ever had and has survived the many, many years Rounad has spent moving around the world.
A shiny Houndoom is the second pokemon that Rouand obtained. Having named her Yurah, he has the houndoom wear a Mega Stone at all times, keeping her locked into her Mega state. She, like the other two, is loyal to Rouand and will do as he says, though she might seem disobedient to someone who didn't know her well. This is mostly due to Yurah spending the time she has outside of fighting living in her own world.
The third of the group is a shiny Aegislash named Týr, who has been in Rouand's company since he was a Honedge. Having been around the man since such a young age, he is very well versed in Rouand's methods of killing and has developed an odd taste for death. He's a bit similar to Yurah, bieng introverted and making little effort to deal with others that aren't Sark, Yurah, or Rouand. Unlike Yurah, he tends to be a bit spiritual, utilizing his beliefs to simultaneously rationalize the rampant killing he's done in combat and encourage his own bloodlust.
Most recently, Rouand has come across an... Interesting boy by the name of
Zyan. The fact that he's a Deino and thus had the potential to become a Hydreigon, which have a well-known reputation of being vicious and very dangerous creatures, was not what drew Rouand to Zyan. What got his attention was... Well, it was the fact he found the boy eating the corpse of some person that Rouand always assumed Zyan had killed himself. Such a cute, innocent looking boy, committing such heinous acts... Naturally, Rouand thought he'd be perfect for his team. The boy could simply use his false charm to give enemies the impression that he was weak and easy to beat, only to swiftly and violently put an end to that thinking. After assuring Zyan that he was more than okay with what he'd discovered him doing, he made an offer that he hoped Zyan wouldn't refuse. Rouand wanted the boy to travel with him, and, in exchange, he would allow him to remain outside of a Pokeball- just like Sark, Yurah, and Tyr -and Zyan would be encouraged to violently end battles in whatever way Zyan himself saw fit. Fortunately for Rouand, Zyan happily agreed to those terms and so far, there's been little to no conflict among the group.