Age: 21
Height: 6'5" ("'m one of the biggest of my species")
Weight: 91 Lb ("...m..moth girls are light, of course")
Bust: 35 B-C ish ("...s...stop staring!")
Occupation: ELT ("That stands for Electrical Lighting Technician."
Species:Chrysiridia rhipheus (Madagascan sunset moth)
A rather shy, but lovingly sweet member of the
Art done by the wonderful Vkelis. Art below done by Tenacious Tinkerer.
"Chrysiridia rhipheus (Madagascan sunset moth) is a day-flying moth of the family Uraniidae. It is considered one of the most impressive and appealing-looking lepidopterans.Famous worldwide, it is featured in most coffee table books on Lepidoptera and is much sought after by collectors....J...Jeez, no wonder people k-keep asking for my picture"
It is an amusing thing to consider that a moth girl might work with lighting, especially bright arena lights and stage lights. Rosalva knew for a fact that people would make the joke about such a thing, but it was less that she was entranced by the lights, and more that one of her best friends in the world was getting into that business, and she wanted to have a reason to keep in touch with them.
But i'm getting ahead of myself.
Born with a loving family in the country of Spain, her ancestors had migrated from Africa years and years before, mostly due to the rather hateful actions of certain other monster species that were taking up more and more of the land as time went. Lamia, beast kin, even the sphinxes and the Manicores were becoming atrocious to the less 'powerful' species that lived their. Her own kin were on the brink of extinction by the time her great great grandparents had fled the area.
Spain was somewhat better to raise a family at the time, and two generations of refugees would prove to allow the beautiful moths to flourish again, even if the climate wasn't -exactly- the same, they proved to be pretty resilient. Over time, the country grew even more kind toward monster-kin and slowly but surely cohabitation was found.
Still, Rosalva moved to America when she turned 17. One might ask why, if she lived in a country that adored her kind. Simple, really. Her best friend from school, the girl she could rely on to be there for her if she needed help. The girl that she had shared so many shy secrets with, and had even shared a kiss with on a trip, even if it was a silly dare...lived there.
Alouette Benoit. A pretty black mamba girl. They knew each other by chance, meeting online on forums and chat rooms involving drama classes. The two became firm friends rather rapidly, and thanks to a few choice vacations, she got to meet her friend many times when she was younger. Of course, it was Alouette who had all but encouraged her to get into the same sort of business that she was interested in.
At first, Rosa was, for lack of a better term, unsure if she could do it, but a few years of schooling, a four year stint in college in America and a lot of help from her serpentine friend and she got her certifications to be able to do that wonderful work that Alouette gushed about.
Which, of course, brings us to today. Curiously enough, Rosalva does live fairly close to her friend, even if its in an apartment complex, where her friend lives in a house with her mate. Single, at the moment, she is enjoying her time in America, even if she often gets asked to have her picture took, or people get a little handsy with her without thinking about it. She mostly does work at the arena's in town, though has clients all across north america that call her for consulting or even flat out work from time to time, and she the money she makes from those jobs is more than enough to cover any expenses she has and then some. It's a wonderful, simple life, though sometimes the girl wished she had someone she could share it with.
Not that she can get the courage to ask someone out, or accept a date.
Well, that statement sums her up in a nutshell.
Being a tall girl means everyone stares at you. Rosa -hates- being looked at. She can't stand it when she is the center of attention, and any conversations with her tend to end up with her playing nervously with her long hair and stammering in the cutest little way. The truth is, she is a very shy girl, both because of the awkward way she was treated throughout life, and the fact she doesn't believe for a second she is as beautiful as people make her out to be.
She has a body a model would dream of, skin that was completely soft and velvety to the touch, breasts that fit her frame just nice, beautifully haunting eyes that seem to stare right into your soul, long silky hair that was a dream to touch. She even smelled like tropical flowers, thanks to a unique defense mechanism her body has.
Yet, she is completely convinced she isn't beautiful or wonderful at all. She hides from people most days, keeps to herself and flat out doesn't go out much. Flirting earns a bright blush and a girl trying desperately to hide from said flirter. Granted, with friends she can calm down -some- and come out of that pretty, shy shell of hers...but it still takes a lot of work.
That said, she does open up when doing certain things. Cooking, for example, she loves to do. She can make the most amazing, delicious meals and loves to be praised for them. As well, someone who can talk about her work will get somewhere, though shifting topic to her tends to put her off some.
Chrysiridia rhipheus, better known as the Madagascan sunset moth are known mostly for their beautiful, color shifting wings. In truth, her wings are actually jet black, but it is because of the way light shifts and moves along them that the beautiful multi-colored iridescence is seen along them. The colors often change between shades of the entire rainbow, depending on when she has ate last, what she is feeling, and even if she is ill or hurt.
Its because of those colors that she often times is stopped for pictures. Ironically, pictures tend to make her wings even -more- vivid and beautiful because of the flash.
Moving on, the wings themselves are perfectly capable of flight, but incredibly delicate. often times she has them folded onto her back to keep them safe, especially when its windy, but she does enjoy flying when the weather is not too bad. Touching them causes her to shiver a little bit, but they are -very- pleasant to the touch. She is also capable of wrapping herself in them, and often does during moments of shyness.
Her antennae are fully functional sensory organs, allowing her to sense changes in pressure, wind movement and even light and odd scents without using her eyes, ears or nose. Honestly, her other sensory organs are quite terrible and if her antennae are ever pinned down, she becomes completely disoriented and even blind, as she relies on them to assist her poor eyesight, they 'filling in the blanks'.
As for the rest of her body, she looks fairly...well..human-esk when it comes to her proportions. Insect girls tend to have mostly humanistic features when it comes to their bodies, though she is different in her own ways. Mostly internal differences, Most of her outward differences include the abdomen, her eyes, her mouth, her scent, and her skin, actually.
If there was one thing she wished she didn't have, it would be her Abdomen. No, not her stomach, smart ass. that large, bulbous appendage seated right above her cushy butt. It is actually an incredibly large silk gland and reproductive organ, where she is constantly producing silk from. The silk is very strong and durable, though a rather ugly shade of grey and rather useless when it comes to textile applications.
As well, during season, her body grows multiple eggs that...well..if she had a mate, would be fertilized and laid out from her...more traditional orifice, but when they are infertile, they are laid via the same area as her silk glands, out a different tube though.
Both acts prove to be a very private affair, due to the fact of how pleasurable it can be.
Moving on *cough*
Her eyes are useless. Now, that isn't to say she cannot see. Her Antennae actually act as a form of eyes for her, and though she appears to be looking at people and objects with her eyes, often times its her antennae that are doing the job in conjunction with her eyes. No, those pretty orbs are more or less a way to show emotion for her kind.
The shyness she exhibits is not simply because of upbringing or personality, you see. All her kin are very quiet, shy, stuttery types. It is purely because before humans and vocal language was shown to them, Moth-kin spoke in a sort of ocular and antennae-based way, using the position of their antennae and the movement and position of their eyes and eyelids to speak to one another. No noise was used because of the nature of sound being dangerous to their kind, using this silent 'gesture' and 'expression' based language to be able to inform others of food, potential predators and emotions.
Even to this day, mothkin are capable of speaking to each other in this natural language, and often times you can learn a -lot- more about a mothkin's feelings based on their body pose, eyes, facial expression and antennae, especially if they seem to refuse to speak.
Her mouth is only interesting in the fact that it's quite human, and her diet itself. Funny enough, her diet mostly consists of...Tea. Tea flower nectar, Tea leaves, tea as a whole, especially with sugar in it. Her digestive system is -terrible- when it comes to anything other than that plant and its nectar, though sugar as a whole is her main form of subsistence, to the point that she doesn't really have teeth. She does have a tongue -similar- to a proboscis though, capable of suckling fluids into it, though she cannot ingest with it, having to draw it back into her mouth and release the fluids inside.
...its a neat trick for her to sneak it into someone's soda and slurp some up with it, drawing it back in before they notice. One might joke about her when she's eating candy, drinking sugar tea or even soda about how she'll gain weight, but in truth, its purely because of her sugar based diet and inability to eat anything else.
Her scent, curiously enough is based mostly on her diet and her love of flowers and specifically tea. She smells like tea. Sweetened, warm tea. The scent flows around her always, especially if she flaps her wings, and is incredibly pleasant, especially if she ends up becoming sweaty, or does not bathe for a few days. Granted, to moths and other insect kin, this scent is not at all a pleasant thing, and if she is smelling heavily of tea, she tends to be even -more- bashful, as its seen as being 'dirty' and 'grimy to her kind, even though its such a pleasant thing to humans. Ironically, almost all her bodily fluids have a sugary/tea-like scent and flavor to them as well.
It isn't uncommon for her to prepare food and accidentally add some of that 'flavor' to her desserts. It proves to be insanely embarrassing to her, but she is often complemented for it.
Finally, we move on to her skin...and her 'body' as a whole, for that matter. Her hair is silky soft and often is covering her face like that, though her skin has the most curious feeling to it. Warm to the touch, it actually has this odd, velvety, fluffed feeling to it, like petting a rabbit or running your hand along...well..velvet. It even has the texture of the fabric, though running your hands along her skin tends to bring out a big ass blush and may cause you to get whapped by a wing on accident, via the girl hiding herself and shying up.
It is rather lovely to touch and kiss though, if you can keep her calm.
Other things
*As mentioned above, she loves to cook. She knows dishes of many kinds, and though she is incapable of eating them, she learned to cook mostly to help find a coping mechanism to allow her to be more friendly and approachable.
*Asking her to look into someone's eyes causes her to instantly shy up. Even if she understands the need for humans to make eye contact, it is actually a very -intimate- gesture for her kind. Most conversations are made with eyes looking at the body or completely to the ground, and eye contact in a conversation implies an intimate connection.
*Despite her aversion to people, eye contact and bodily contact, she actually enjoy dressing up and going to theater shows. Musicals, plays, opera, even orchestral events and symphonies.
*She has no 'instinctual' fear of Lamia or most predatory monster-kin. Friendship with Driders, Lamia and even Dragons has broken any sense of predatory instinct within her, though that -does- get her in trouble sometimes. That doesn't make her any less shy toward people, though.
*She is a bit of a hikkomori. Often times when she isn't at work, she is either at her hotel room if she is out of town, or in her apartment. She does have a love of video games, Especially minecraft, Terraria, as well as other open world games. Often times she gets so engrossed in them, she can lose days or weeks at a time.
*Her current favorite game: Fallout 4, DUH!
*Her favorite clothing is sweaters. Long sleeved shirts also come in a close second. As well, she often wears loose jeans or khaki pants that are baggy, as the feeling of overly tight cloth tends to make her skin feel...itchy, to say the least, due to the velvety texture it has.
*Winter is her favorite time of year. She loves any excuse to wear sweaters, after all, as well all the wonderful winter candies are made, and she isn't insulted for her food choices as much.
*Her favorite beverage is actually earl grey chai. She likes the spiced notes that it adds to it, and its often served sweet. She can't, however, drink it as a 'latte' because the milk makes her sick. Any sweetened hot tea is beloved by her, though, and you'll make her day if you get her a mug.
*As for her favorite 'food', its root beer barrel hard candy...Well, any old fashioned 'hard' candy really. She loves to suckle on them as the day goes on, as they have a lot of -sugar- in a small space, and it helps her get energy throughout it.
May add more info as time goes on!
OOC notes
Not sure what she's for yet! Story and sexual RP are always welcome, though Vorish stuff is very much a 'maybe' situation.
All RP that is not silly, fluffy things in the vore room should be discussed OOC before going IC.
Don't be shy!
Player tends to prefer female/hermaphrodite interaction to males when it comes to SEXUAL situations. This doesn't mean a male cannot interact with her, just don't expect to get under her sweater.