Rogue Vilkas is a 25-year-old predation recovery counselor whose life is dominated by her overclocked instincts to hunt.
She is Anthromorph who defines herself as bisexual. She started studying the Lotka–Volterra equation in college after she herself experienced a rather traumatic event as a young pup where she lost control of her instincts and mauled a friend in school.
Physically, Rogue is in pretty good shape. She is tall at 7ft with olive skin under a silky ash fur coat, a cream belly, dark hair with red highlights, and fierce red eyes.
She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. Having never really known her parents as she was an orphan, she was raised in a series of foster homes in a predominantly prey area. As such she never had the proper training to control her instincts and as a result has harmed several people throughout the years. Hence her constantly being moved from home to home. It wasn't until she was 14 she had a proper trainer teach her how to control herself. A prey no less and one of her natural preys. A rabbit.
As such, she has dedicated her time to helping preys in need who were traumatized from predation events.
Rogue has exceptional control now, but every now and then she needs an outlet, and once every now amd them, she lets her wild side be free when there are those around who want her to be wild.