
Name: Mary Piers.
Age: Sixteen.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: "Privacy, sorry."
Ethnicity: Galarian.
Body Shape: Slender hourglass.
Occupation: Trainer and future Gym Leader.
Hobbies: Perfecting her image, competition, fashion, pushing her limitations.
She is a stoic, but well-mannered girl who wants to become Champion to support her hometown, Spikemuth. Her first Pokémon is her Morpeko, who can be seen following her around outside of battle, that was given to her by her older brother. Mary does her best to stay cool-headed and focused but she's a very competitive young woman that seeks to surpass the very same brother that she respects so highly. As such she is harder on herself than anyone else, which isn't that difficult considering that Mary is something of a hometown hero with many of the citizens doing their best to cheer her on when they can.
Which puts a fair bit of pressure on a teenager, lets be honest. Mary's held up well, all things considered, but remember how she's harder on herself than most other people? Well..she's adventured around the world with a few self-imposed vows that she's taken in the hopes of firming up her resolve. The most important of which is her 'to the victor goes the spoils' vow, that is a bit more involved than simply paying the winner of a pokemon battle. Mary only battles if a favor is on the line, banking on the possible embarrassment/humiliation to act as a motivator to do her best. A bit short-sighted considering how committed she is to the idea, even if it could easily go beyond just simple pranks if she loses a battle.
A SugarySweetAlts production