"What? i have to marry a Prince? Screw that, i want a real girl not another princess".
Name: Rina Phoenix
Age: 19
Rank: Queen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Girls
Hair color: Black
Hair Style: Long and straight
Eye color: blue
Likes: Drinking, Partying, fighting, swords, Girls
Dislikes: Frilly Dresses, royal balls, Manors, arranged weddings, guys.
Personality: Playful, Cheeky, adventurous, flirty, silly, hardheaded.
Powers: Phoenix Flames, Reformation, Regeneration
Family: Mother (Deceased)
Father (Deceased)
"Ugh these guards piss me off, they can't even do their job right i mean, people get mugged, raped, kidnapped, Even them legends of bandits kidnapping princess, they come in my room they are getting my clay more through their throat".
This is her attitude to the royal guards of the Castle of Phoenix, they are slack and useless, even the city guards are just as word, the good suffer and the wicked get away with anything so at a young age, she picked up a sword or two, put on some armor and went around saving whoever she could and as the Princess, who was gonna stop her or arrest her but cause of what she does, every woman who has been saved loves the Princess of Justice and will listen to all her stories, she even goes out to kill monsters and bandits on the outside, alone or with others but normally it's the occasional large spider or large snake, bears things like that.
"Last time dad, I'm not marrying some royal or Nobel jackass cause you told me to".
Her Duty as a Princess gets on her nerve, if she could she would disown the royal name but she was the sole child of the royal family, her mother died during her birth and was pretty much raised by the maids, dressing her up, making sure she ate,getting her bathed and put to bed, she lived a sheltered life and when she was 8 she would have to get lessons to become a queen one day but she would tell her dad when she was 12 she was getting another lesson, sword fighting, he did want a son for he's first born but a sword fighting daughter was just as good.
eventually after rejecting 10 noblemen from he's village and 6 other kingdoms for their son's to meet and marry her daughter, lets just say the King game up and apologized to keep peace, he had to tell them he's daughter was a raging Lesbian and it wasn't wrong.
"The Daughter of the Kingdom of the Phoenix will always fly high and burn brighter and hotter then the sun with their legend living forever, I will never die... unless you know old age".
"After My Father showed some selfish acts to a group of Princesses and Queens just to make a Point, I snapped, i took my clay more and drove it through he's fat throat and Killed him on the spot and then as he's blood pooled around the throne, I just became queen".
"So far I have a nice selection Of people under my rule, well, their more like my friends then followers.
Mom_and_Girl_Slave - the queen of Laboovians and her daughters were Invaded and Arrested by her father and would be set to be publicly executed however, a certain Black haired Princess with Fire and Pride drove her large Claymore through he's fat throat and killed him without a second thought to save them but that made her the queen of her land.
Currently these are the roles her Daughters has been assigned to.
Catalina - She has been made into the Military's tactician.
Debora - She is the Queens personal adviser to make decisions on the land.
Cadence - Is going to be joining the cities Police force to help protect the people
Chloe_Ninja - At a New Years ball, Chloe would approach the princess and would speak and dance with her however the Ninja had other plans, proving she could join her elite group she was creating while showing the Princess up infront of the guest however using her Phoenix flames and her claymore, it would turn to Rina's Favor but she did Gain herself a sexy Ninja she has given the title of "Elite Knight Chloe"
Siggy_Nun - A lovely and Beautiful Nun who about 3 weeks before the killing of her father would pray for her to become that hero and slaughter the foul beast of a man and now under Rina's Rule, the Nun had been promoted to Grand Priestess and will take on the responsibilities of all the Churches and work at the Grand church in the center of town
Helopan - A young Amazoness who was found in her lands by guards, being battled and caught by the numbers, Rina would meet the woman down in the dungeons, making the bet that if Helopan could defeat the young Queen, she would be able to escape no questions asked, but in defeat her life belonged to Rina who decided to let the woman go due to the fact the guards listened to the orders her father drilled into them, her orders were that she could be free for the fact the land didn't belong to her, however Helopan would give her life back to Rina in Joining her Ranks as a knight in her Army.
Well this is what I've learned so far
Factor 1. My Mother was the ruler of the Land, Not Dad
Factor 2. Dad Poisoned Mum after my birth to steal the throne
Factor 3. Father tried to burn tons of Moms photo only for there to be a big stash under the throne
Factor 4. the queen of Laboovians and My mother were friends
Factor 5. I really did look like My mom
Factor 6. I've learned that A Phoenix clan member is weak after childbirth to the point they can be killed
Factor 7. I've learned you can't gain Phoenix clan magic through marriage, or be taught it, it has to be through birth.

A Pic Of the former Queen and Rina's mother

the Castle of the Phoenix Clan