Quick Notes:
Nightlife Enjoyer
Lover of a Good Fight
Odd Job Enthusiast: Currently in the Courier Business. Former "masseuse", waitress and stylist.
Reluctant Prey/Indulgent Pred
Sneakerhead (Will add yours to her collection)
Rin is just your everyday struggling young adult, only one who happens to be a magnet for the average local predator near her. The half rabbit known as Rin is as self-indulgent as they come, relishing in daily delights, instant gratification, not because they're right or wrong to be that way of course, but simply because they feel good. Whether it's the amazing feel of her body care lotions across her heavenly skin or the cute local delivery girl sliding down her throat, as long as she thinks it'll have some manner of enjoyment she'll do it.
Being born a prey-breed she knows what fate awaits her and frankly welcomes it with open arms... if someone earns to right to take her. Despite her distaste for the natural role, she is an avid believer of natural selection, or more commonly known as survival of the fittest. Everything to her is fair game if you can take it, leading her to even embracing her own predatory instincts a little, partaking in those just as in time she herself will be partaken in as well. When it happens it happens and everyday it doesn't is another day she gets to raise a single finger into the sky and give nature the bird.
- Species: Demi-Hare + ???
- Gender: Female
- Age: Early to Late 20's
- Height: 184cm (6'2")
- Weight: Me + You
- Vore Alignment: Predatory Switch
- Occupation: Former Delinquent, Professional Gambler (blah blah lucky rabbit's feet)
- Scent: Strawberries
- Hobbies: Nightlife, Gambling, Morning jogs, Working out, Obsessing over bodycare, Growing her sneaker collection
- Likes: Thrill of danger, Getting into fights, Being pushed to her limits, Indulging in little pleasures, Reptiles (big weakness for snakes), Casual sex, Feet
- Dislikes: Carrots, Cocky predators (will still RP ofc), Getting dirty, Gaining weight, Insects, Motherhood (terrified of kids in general, no idea how to handle the thought)

Growing up a teenage runaway, Rin had to learn how to quickly fend for herself out on the streets. Developing quite a knack for self-reliance throughout the years, mostly through careful consideration when it came to taking risks but never afraid to step up if threatened as even in the most minor of encounters would put her life on the line. A bi-product of this was that most of life became just a game to her, another threat another challenge, growing stronger and smarter with each one almost even welcoming the danger.
As her body developed, she honed in on her natural leg strength and used it to her advantage both in a fight and to flee one, often on the wrong side of the law with a fat bag of corner store cash strung across her shoulder. Putting yourself in ones shoes so to speak had Rin curious if she could eat others just like so many had tried to do to her, trying it one night coming from from the club and ending with a cute pair of twitching feet resting along her lower dripping jaw. A newfound hunger burning in her chest, Rin found herself on a new side of the game, crossing into dangerous territory she may never return from. Over the next few years those long powerful legs would get her out of all sorts of trouble, both being her greatest asset, able to outrun or dropkick her problems with ease, and her absolute weakness as she found she was kind of developing something of a sexual fixation to the last bits of her defeated meals...

"...umm... a bit of privacy please?"
"...what do you mean this is some kind of fixation? Just keep scrolling or this will be YOU!"
Quick Vore Facts
A Tightly Packed Stomach (Semi-Hammerspace):
While her form is sleek and slender her physique is near peak perfection, notably her core and her legs. She can fit in prey her size or slightly larger thanks to a strong set of abdominal muscle, scrunching in her meals nice and tightly into her gut protected by such powerful interior lining around it. As a result, her stomach is usually hidden deep under such strong muscle and rather than having her meal stretch out like rubber, her insides with accomodate all that size tucked inside her making a large prey seem deceptively smaller packed away encased in a smooth, compact, dome-like belly despite it being much more roomier inside.
Predatory Genes:
Rin is by all appearances a rabbit-demi, less obvious being classified as a hare, the more feral and physically developed of their kin. However even less obvious is the trickle of a predatory gene taken from her mother, one she never discloses as she doesn't like associating with it even though it explains her powerful physique, beautiful carnivorous fangs and ability to enjoy the taste of meat.
Natural Selection:
Even if Rin herself is a very unwilling/reluctant meal, if someone manages to get her past the point of no return, usually by the restaining of her legs, she will respect the outcome and quickly submit. She believes in the grace of the hunt and as long as you can prove to her your right to her, your ability to overpower her she will let you have her. Even if you're not a fan of pure unwilling but still want a shot at her I do encourage you to try as somewhere deep down she does want this too.
Relishing Trophy Hunter:
Rin is something of a sentimental and an indulgent. She loves to live for the experience, wanting to savor each moment of the act. While most of her meals are taken through overpowering force, she at least tries to slow down once her catch is safely secured and take a moment to enjoy their taste and scents, fully appreciate them till the end of the experience. She will likely take something to renmember the occasion, in most cases walking off with her meal's shoes hanging from her fingers to add to her growing collection while leaving behind a puddle of saliva where a person once stood.

"Ahh... that feels nice..."
"...what? Beating you guys is hard work~""
Roleplay Hooks
Comes in various types of bun flavor.
Maid Rin
Flexible in both modern and fantasy settings, everything from a personal servant to the cold tsundere maid type
at your local cafe. Rin has been known to take work as a professional maid servant for members of high status.
She has a bit of an attitude and penchant for taking long breaks but she will always step up to fulfill her contractual
Usually in her later twenties as an effort to get off the streets and gain some semblance of stability. Even on the street
she has always been kind of a germaphobe and takes her own personal hygiene very seriouesly, often leaving behind a sugary
sweet trail of strawberries in her wake. Regarding her work, Rin has more than enough capability to perform her duties
and keep their guests safe. Trained with conceiled firearms and close quarters combat, Rin would make an excellent addition
to any household provided they treat her fairly and keep her on the straight and narrow. The last thing you want is a former
huntress of the street eyeing you up in your sleep.
She is often mistaken for carrying herself with grace and elegance due to her looks and stature when in truth she is just
taking it easy. Her senses are very keen from sight, to sound and even smell. Even when it seems like she's not paying
attention she will likely always have one sense tracked onto any visitor good or ill intent the same. She might
be on the colder side but deep down is a nurturing soul no matter how much she hides the fact. Just never point it out and if you
happen to see her buying snacks for the local orphanage to simply pretend it didn't happen.
Flexible in both modern and fantasy settings, everything from a personal servant to the cold tsundere maid type at your local cafe. Rin has been known to take work as a professional maid servant for members of high status. She has a bit of an attitude and penchant for taking long breaks but she will always step up to fulfill her contractual obligations.
Usually in her later twenties as an effort to get off the streets and gain some semblance of stability. Even on the street she has always been kind of a germaphobe and takes her own personal hygiene very seriouesly, often leaving behind a sugary sweet trail of strawberries in her wake. Regarding her work, Rin has more than enough capability to perform her duties and keep their guests safe. Trained with conceiled firearms and close quarters combat, Rin would make an excellent addition to any household provided they treat her fairly and keep her on the straight and narrow. The last thing you want is a former huntress of the street eyeing you up in your sleep.
She is often mistaken for carrying herself with grace and elegance due to her looks and stature when in truth she is just taking it easy. Her senses are very keen from sight, to sound and even smell. Even when it seems like she's not paying attention she will likely always have one sense tracked onto any visitor good or ill intent the same. She might be on the colder side but deep down is a nurturing soul no matter how much she hides the fact. Just never point it out and if you happen to see her buying snacks for the local orphanage to simply pretend it didn't happen.

Rin's favorite way to pass the time and the most likely way for somebody to bump into her. Of all the trouble she gets in during the day it's only when it's night that she truly feels alive, exploring various means of entertainment and opportunity ranging from nightclubs to bars and most notably high stakes casino's. She lives for the thrill, the danger, almost always on her guard as she goes about the streets. Whether being on the hunt for prey or that unmistakable chill once someone picks you as their mark she lives for the sheer and utter thrill of it, seeing how far you can go, how close you can get before falling off the edge.
She's usually cold, sarcastic and challenging, always taunting, always teasing. She lives purely for the moment and loves to get into entanglements if it'll lead to something exciting. That's not to say she'll put up with anyone, often resorting to violence if someone is annoying her if her silence doesn't give off the right message. Even if you're being nice she could take it the wrong way leaving it up to you to prove your sincerity with no strings attached. If you want to use her for something she prefer you at least be upfront with it. Rin has her softer parts but she is not, nor meant to be a good person.
In her earlier twenties, Rin is often found at the bar or leaning against a wall somewhere just observing the nightlife. Rin is a solitary creature with trust issues who knows her role in life. She also knows life is ever changing and will one day wade her way out of the swamp. For now though, she's coasting by freely for as long as she can before that one invevitable close call that lets her know the game is finally over. She still has friends of course, usually bumming it out with them or messing with one or another. Occassionally she holds down the odd job but these things are usually temporary and few and far between. Still, not impossible.

Another flexible settings that I love as there is so much you can do with it. Not exclusive to highschool though still open to it as long as those involved are matured. More leaning towards college campus, boarding school, private academy type setting but I do appreciate those with some manner of structure. I love taking it to the next level even, having a school train people to fight some existing threat to the world whether it be monsters, horrors or something on the fantasy side of things like magic. Again, a ton of fun things you can do with it and I love pretty much all of it.
In most settings, Rin retains much of what makes the future street gal her, but shaped in a much different environment. Rin is still cold and often unapproachable at times, but she still involves herself in many of the school's activities such as track or volleyball, photography, the local dorm party and of course the side drug hustles that the more delinquent students take advantage of.
Rin tends to be more on the bullying side, being a taller and more athletic girl most don't stand in her way when she wants to fulfil one of her indulgences. Sometimes she'll simply use an increminating photo to make someone do things and pit groups against each other sheerly for her own amusement and sometimes a hot scoop. She minds her own most of the time but there are rumors that go around about her love life. Everyone that seems to get close to her mysteriously vanishes a few weeks later.
Rin would adhere to a school uniform as she doesn't really much like standing out, which sounds like a contradiction for someone who tends to go against comforming with rules. It's a balancing act and in truth it's not a hill she would to die on. She can blend in, look super friggen cute and hunt all that much easier without being easy to discern thanks to the uniformity. If it has benefits for her she'll roll with it. Rin is still out for herself yet in her own way has amassed an odd circle of friends in that all of them were her past targets or even meals. End of the day, she's just looking for fulfilment and a future that doesn't involve her going back on the streets or moving back in with her parents.

Arguably my least developed but very welcome style of play as my love for medieval fantasy is just as strong as my love for modern settings. Rin plays the self-serviant type but more on the neutral good scale. Whether it's running in a merecenary company, hunting creatures of the night or simply looking out for herself, Rin is almost always in it for profit alone, much less riskier than her modern counterpart. She needs to believe she is doing the right thing however, thanks to a tiny shred of moral compass embedded in her chest otherwise she quickly loses interest for the job. She has a more roguish personality, often times taken as a prisoner being on the wrong side of the law, relying on her own skills to escape or barter some kind of deal with the local magistrate for her services. Another route can take her down a standard adventuring career, her fighitng style balancing between strength and agility, leaving magic to others while embracing the phisiological advantages of her demi-human makeup.
Naturally quick but lacking in raw strength leads Rin to focus on technique and full utilization of her weapons to strike critical spots on her foes. She is most proficient with bladed weaponry, yet favors the spear in most situations as it compliments her strength and agility perfectly, becoming a fluid river of death across the field. In more personal or close quarters situations she prefers using a sword and shield to both protect her or her allies where mobility is limited.
Character is also FFXIV friendly and open to play within the Eorzean setting... as you can see.

The Leithanien cautus would go by her codename, Winter. Her arts focus on electricity, storing and directing its flow within her own body rather than controlling the element around her outright. Her unique physiology can conduct electricity without effort, letting it move freely around her body and keep a charge for lengthy periods. Extended usage passed designated thresholds will endanger others around her. As a result, Winter uses her arts sparingly, lest she draw more unwanted attention to herself. Winter has a cold and introverted personality. She tends to do things alone and not involve herself in anything more than what is asked of her, mostly just going through the motions until it’s time for a break. While she seems calm and easygoing, she has a temper and is usually always on guard, making it difficult to break the ice and get to know her on a personal level as she seems more interested in pushing people away. Take care when trying to approach her, she didn't pick her codename based on her arts after all.
Workwise, her official duties are still on contract with Penguin Logistics, working the warehouse and acting as a backup courier when the need arises. She may end up at Rhodes Island, choosing to offer her services in exchange for treatment and a fair wage, much like many of the other lone mercenary types. She won't know many people personally, but will take jobs relentlessly to pass the time, getting around the various circles and proving her worth purely through work and building more professional relationships. Regardless, she will still be contracted with Penguin Logistics, even just as a liaison or extra channel of communication while the main squad is off having their own fun. She doesn't know any of the girls personally, but that doesn't mean she won't bump into them here and there with their symbol strewn proudly on the left arm of her coat.
More at https://www.f-list.net/c/Winter%20Courier with actual backstory and stuffs if curious. In short any and all kind of interactions are welcome, personally my favorite setting at the moment.

Bit of a Pred and Prey herself, varries on mood.

UPDATE: Big L on discord's part for the art, will fix one day but for now here's a link to my aryion if desired. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Rinnicans

Let me go!

She probably took on a dozen of them before one got lucky. At least she gets to rest for a bit before using another life.

Don't worry, she has the beast occupied, you all go on ahead.

...yep she has it right where she wants it, not to worry at all.
I try to keep it simple, 100 for absolute favorite, 50 for enjoyed but situational.
Position Preference
Acting as Predator
Acting as Prey
Male Partners
Female Partner
Human Partner
Demi Partner
Fur Partner
Scaly Partner
Feathered Partner
Feral Partner
Non-sentient Partner
Underage Partner
Size Differences
Same Size
Vore Types
Oral Vore
Anal Vore
Breast Vore
Cock Vore
Tail Vore
Additional Kinks
Soft Vore
Hard Vore
Rough Treatment
Gentle Treatment
Sneakers / Sneaker worship
Socks, Shoes and Feet
Clothed Sex/Vore
Headfirst Consumption
Parts Left Out
Roleplay Components
Verbose Posts
Evolving Charaters
Breaking the 4th Wall
Staying In Character
Grab n' Gulp
Group Roleplay
Vore Game/Fight Sequences
Public Roleplay
Private Roleplay