Rhea Moore is that sassy friend you've always wanted. She isn't afraid to tell people like it is and to express herself or defend herself to
people. The one thing you never mess with is her family and friends as she will give a verbal backlash. Due to her strong and charismatic
personality she has found success in her workplace, nothing glamorous just a data entry job, but the office sure seems love her. She's had a
few lovers, men, women, human and non-human. She's a loyal lover, even when she knows its not working out she'll always assure its never
there fault, and that she'll always remember the good times. Less of course they were a dick/bitch then good riddance!
But as of late she may have found a soul mate someone who at any moment may decide to never want to part from Rhea. It is a risk with who she
is dating, but its a mutual feeling between them, and Rhea feels she'll be ready when the time comes.
After a year of waiting her girlfriend finally got Rhea all to herself as she promised that she
would. Rhea is now and forever Saerena's unborn daughter.
