


Ren Zhihao








5 foot 9 (Her real size but it can change into two set heights of 9'7 or 9 Inches))


*Blushes but is a bit pugdy but techincally nothing seeing as she's a ghost*




Light Purple


Glowing light Blue

Body Type:

Little Pudgy Hourglass

Sexual Preference:

Bisexual ( whilst Ren has attracted men she doesn't know or realize she's attracted to females too, not having any sexual experience with females)


Traveling Salewoman (Main) & Dream Psychologist (Sometimes)

Previous Job:


Fav Food:



New Places, Nature, money, pranks and some other stuff


Rude people, bad people, whinny spoiled brats, spiders, insects, exorcists, salt traps.


Xiang Zhihao (Deceased)


Liu Tierdan (Deceased)










N/A (Open)


N/A (Is a loving kind of Mistress, if thats okay with you, I'd love to have you sweetie :3 )

Other Info:


The year is 1749, December 25th early in the morning, With Ren Zhihao being born into a wealthy family. Her mother sadly passing away after giving birth to her only child, having suffered internal bleeding. The child itself being a bit different from normal babies as unlike the child's parents, at birth the child 30 inches a good 10 inches bigger than a normal human newborn. Needless to say Ren's father Xiang wasn't happy that the 'love' of his life had died but also didn't bare a son to inherit the family buisness and wealth.

Needless to say Xiang wasn't happy at all, handing over the child as he refused to admit Ren was his daughter, the servants would be the ones to raise Ren. Growing up all Ren wanted was to make Father happy or so she thought, Xiang often completely ignoring Ren but when he did pay her attention it wasn't the good kind. Didn't help Ren that becuase of her size she need extra food, and extra food cost her father money or a servant or two over the years. As is often in old times, Xiang would use Ren for sexual relief and a punching bag to get out all his stress.

Ren herself didn't know any better and thought it was normal at the time, she being only 11 at the time too with Ren also being 5'8 at this point. Which in China in that time period, would make Ren as big as the adults. This would go on for a few years before she would catch the eye of a man named Gin Long, who was part of a much wealthier family. Xiang upon hearing this would use Ren to further his wealth and connections and would for the first time 'act' as if he cared for Ren. Something that upset Ren to her surprise, and things would speed along quicker than she would have liked.

By Age of 14 and height of 6'6, whilst her father and Gin planned her future her education was pressed on with other things being piled on. But with her entering her first two years of what would be her teenage years, her appetite would only grow. And from 13-15 Ren would go through her rebel stage, in which she is ashame to admit it but in that time period she ate, fucked, anyone and everyone she wanted. With a good number of the village ending up somewhere in her, and even more to her shame were never seen again. As she was a right brat who didn't care about others, thankfuly she grow out of the stage quickly, something her growing waist, butt, breasts, thighs and so on, appreciated.

By the age of 16 and height of 7 foot 1, her life was already planned out, with seeming no way out as she was going to marry Gin, bare his children and probably die in the process. However Ren was scared, and panicked, running away from her Father and future husband, she managed to flee and hide until she was 18 and her final height of 9 foot 7 inches, to which she was spotted by Gin. Terrfied as he still wanted her, she ran some more, then some more and even some more after that.

She didn't even know that she managed to cross the sea and land on a new country called Australia. However it was here her life would come to an end and not in being captured by Gin, no. After getting her feet and traveling the new land selling what she could, often having to steal in order to sell which she did hate doing. One night as she was bathing in a river after a very tiring day, she would cross paths with a big Australian Green Tree Frog, which normally is around 4 inches. This frog however was 4 feet and 6 inches.

And unluckily for Ren it was hungry, real hungry. Launching out it's tongue, it would connect with Ren's butt scaring her, but her fate was decided. As the frog would pull her in, and swallow her whole and alive, kicking and screaming. Her death was painful with Ren being conciouss in the frong's belly for 2 maybe 3 weeks, before she passes out and dies. It took the frog a good month and a bit to digest it's pugdy human meal, with Ren being's it's first taste of human flesh and the frog liked it. As it would go on to eat many more humans in it's time.

However what surprised Ren is that she woke up after her death, but even more unluckily in the waste that the frog pushed out. Ren cried for days seeing her digestion body turned into frog waste, along with her skull and few bones. But after running out of tears and being exhausted she would leave her body's resting place. She would however go on to find that people couldn't see or hear her, scaring her more and making her super lonely. It wouldn't be until by accident she manage to possess someone did she get the much need interactions with living beings she needed. But the event also let her gain the ability to turn invisible or not but to also get the ability of Intangibility.

Over the next decade Ren would hone her ghostly powers, eventually running into the very same frog that ate her, as it was currently eating two children with one already in it's gut. Ren managed to save the two but not the third, and would eat the frog but that also meant it's meal too. After so many years Ren would get her revenage but she thought she would have go onto the next stage of death but she was still stuck in the land of the living.

Nothing much else would happen in the next hundred or so years, nothing to note worthy anyway, other than Ren getting a Caravan of someong trying to steal from her. Which leads her to the present day, and begs the question what will the ghost girl do now?


Flight is the ability to hover and move in the air at will.


Intangibility is the ability to pass through solid objects, but Zen can use this to either go threw everything or be able to touch stuff.


Invisibility is the power to render one's body undetectable to the naked eye.


Miniaturization is the ability to change one's size, Ren can change her height into two set sizes. The first being one almost half her size of 5'3, with the second being 9 inches. Inches being ankle size of her real height, however to use this ability it gradually costs energy to keep it up. But with the 9 inches being the complete use of the power, it is the easier of the two to change into, so Ren can actually be 9 inches for anywhere up to a few days straight, max. But 5'3 with it being in the middle and harder to maintain means Ren can only be this height for a max of a day but normally around the 15 hour mark. However Ren stays the same proportions, just changes her height and anothing more.

Ghost Ray:

The ghost ray is the power to attack by releasing ecto-energy.


Overshadowing, also called possession, is the power to possess a human, animal, or object and control its actions.


Telekinesis is the power to move objects without being in physical contact with them.

Dream Manipulation:

Ren is able to enter anyone's dream, yes anyone's, be it if they are intelligent or not, as long as they are dreaming she can enter and manipulate the dream. Of course she could also use this ability to help the dreamer with thier dreams, as life problems often appear in dreams in strange ways, or simply nightmares. Of course Ren would get some dream energy in the process that helps to charge her powers so to speak. And while the other powers can recharge via sleep and rest, dream energy charges them much quicker and plus it gives Ren a nice feeling as she aborbs it into herself.


Cryokinesis is the ability to control ice and cold energy.

Spectral Body Manipulation:

Spectral Body Manipulation is the power to manipulate the size and shape of one's body, but Ren will always revent back to normal once unconciouss or etc. This could be used to say make of of her hair or other parts of her into tentacles. Or other stuff, but she can't fully change her spieces she needs more practice in that department.

Spectral Colour:

Spectral colour of herself will change depending on her current emtional state. Red means anger, Pink means embarassed, blue means calm and happy, orange mean cautious, purple means sad, green means disgust and etc.

Body Share:

Body share, something she's learned recently, its like Overshadowing but the owner of the original body can see, feel, hear and so on and can even take control if Ren lets it. But it also makes everything more senstive, so could be used to make sex more intense.


1) Salt - Ghosts can be repelled by salt and a salt-line will create a barrier. Some hunters use rock salt rounds to dissipate ghosts by blasting them with it. Salt is also useful whenever a ghost is possessing a human. Feeding salt in the mouth of the person a ghost is possessing will cause the ghost great pain and force the ghost out and free the human from the ghost's control.

Iron - Like salt, iron keeps spirits at bay. Some hunters use an iron crowbar or fire poker. Contact with it will dissipate a ghost for a couple of minutes.

Magic - Like all creatures in the universe, Ghosts are susceptible to the powers of magic and witchcraft, which can be used to banish them or get them to move on.

Destroying the Haunted Object - Destroy the thing Ren is connected and depedning on how many things or thing she is connect to, will either weaken her to a lower stage or destroy her.


A old caravan Ren got from some person who tried to steal her money, but ended up as a nice meal and Ren also got a home out of it.


The horse that is or was Ren's family horse, still servivng her in death.

Idea No.1 :

You come across a strange caravan that not only has what appears to be a ghost horse harnessed to it, but to the side of the caravan would be a stall with many items that are apparently for sale. But much like the horse, the seller is of the ghost kind.

Idea No.2 :

Ren has been trapped either somewhere surrounded by salt, or trapped in an object by magic/runes and who trapped her forgot about her. Will you save Ren or leave her being trapped?

Idea No.3 :

Your character has been having nightmare for sometime and no one is able to help, that is until Ren helps. Could either find the dream or help or you search for help and find Ren.

Idea No.4 :

Ren has been marooned on an island that is too far for her to carry her caravan, and if she tries will either end with her and her caravan in the sea or she exhuasted to the point she collapses and would be vulnerable. Question is will she find help or become homeless again and have to start over again?

Idea No.5 :

Ren has been pranking your character, for a bit but its taken as haunting, so in an attempt to get last warning across before a exorcist arrives, a ouija board is used to talk to her at first and go from there

Idea No.6 :

Your character is playing with themselves, Ren accidnetally finds them and decides to have fun too by joinning it. This idea could be set up kinky stuff like tentacle and other stuff.

Idea No.7 :

Ren is super hungry but it seems normal food isn't working so moves to be out looking for living prey, where she finds your character. Could either have before hand with her prey or just goes straight to eat or stuffing prey up her behind or other voes that lead prey being stuffed into stomach (With exception of belly button)

Idea No.8 :

Your character finds Ren's items she is bounded to and could use that against her to make her do anything you wish Or if all of they are vored, it would start to pull her towards where you stuffed them, be it in yourself or someone or somthing else. Where she would join the objects inside and unable to get out.

Idea No.9 :

Ren is out at the pub drinking, but it seems someone has spiked her drinking, knowing full what she is, and what will effect her. Needless to say Ren for first time in her life gets drunk, but question what will drunk Ren do? And is anyone safe?

Ren's Personality:

Zen is a nice girl for the most part, who likes to prank people, have fun and make money. But steal her money, or try steal her stuff she is connected to, well it won't be a good time for you. And while alcohol doesn't effect her, if something special is added, Ren can get drunk like everyone else, however Ren has never been drunk so she doesn't know that she is a flirty but mean drunk.

Bound Objects:

The objects/items in which are bounded to Ren and what keep her attached to this world. If they are all vored into same place, Ren would be pulled wether she wants it or not, into the same place, and would be stuck in there unless she gets help in getting out.

Current Time:
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Switch but if you can fit her, go ahead ;3
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends how far it goes, I'm not one for blood and gore.
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike It's a given for some types of vores.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Is already dead so....
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can't come back to life but others are free to
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not my favourite but enjoyable.
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Tied with oral
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Isn't a guy or herm but fav vore
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same as CV
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure why not.
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Doesn't have blood to give but player like this.
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not done it before
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends on what type. But can change body a little to have other stuff like tentacles.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike It doesnt seem right otherwise.
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Vore isnt realistic.... So yeah
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike I really love being dominated and it rough ;)
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike I dont like hurting others but I not against getting the gentle treatment.
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends, if its part of dominating me then yeah go for it :)
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can transform somewhat, turn solid or not, invisible or not and so on.
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ren is unable to use a toilet as being a ghost means she doesn't produce waste of any kind. A meal is either turned into fat or energy.
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Cum and milk <3
Watersports Always/Love
Never/Dislike No
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike I would love bondage as prey or pred ;)
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure but I'm not entirely sure about this one.
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike All Welcome.
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Joint 1st as my favourite!
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Joint 1st as my favourite!
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as not spider or insect I'm all good!
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as not spider or insect I'm all good!
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as not spider or insect I'm all good!
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as not spider or insect I'm all good!
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as not spider or insect I'm all good!
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as not spider or insect I'm all good!
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike As long as not spider or insect I'm all good!
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Im okay being eaten or vored like this ;)
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike A must, but surely 3 lines, for the most part, is easily doable, anyone says otherwise clearly isn't trying.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Has to be at least 3 lines or sentences, for the most part, any less and just think you're not trying or care.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yep ^^
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Hmmm I dont know, Oh hey Dave nice to see you again" ^^
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike What's the point in RP if not in character?
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends on what you want to do.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yes, love these ^^
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sometimes you've got to eat fast food ....... :P ((pun intended))
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure but no toooooo many people otherwise its hard to follow or keep up.
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not played this so don't know, i'm open to trying it though.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure okay with it
Public Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure okay with it
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sure okay with it
Being Dominated Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yes yes and yes! Wether Im the prey or predator do what you want with me :D
Submissive Always/Love
Stuffing Always/Love
inanimate object vore Always/Love
Multiple Prey Always/Love
Genital play while being vored Always/Love
Never/Dislike <3
Casual Vore Always/Love
Pet play/Slave play Always/Love
Never/Dislike Is a loving mistress or a sub pet.
Cock Transformation Always/Love
Ass transformation Always/Love
Tentacles Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can have them if you like ;)
Pregnancy Always/Love
Never/Dislike o///o can a ghost get prego?
Anal Sex Always/Love
Humiliation Always/Love
Never/Dislike I do sometimes need to be put in place <3
Accidental Vore Always/Love
Story Driven RP Always/Love
Snakes and Nagas Always/Love
Detailed Bulges Always/Love
Never/Dislike loved, preferred over hammerspace or hardly any
child pred Always/Love
Breast Feeding Always/Love
Glowing Insides Always/Love
Full Tour Always/Love
Relationship vore Always/Love
Hyper Always/Love
Never/Dislike nothing too big
Impregnation, pregnancy, birth Always/Love
Groping and Fondling Always/Love
Small Dom/Big Sub Always/Love
Never/Dislike doesn't matter if your big or small, more likely can dom me as kinda pushover
Sex Toys Always/Love
School scenes Always/Love
Twins Always/Love
Spanking Always/Love
Permavore Always/Love
Never/Dislike not up for perma but can perma others
Long Tongue Always/Love
Never/Dislike So and so
BDSM Play Always/Love
Never/Dislike ohh kinky <3 way more affective to put me in rightful place
Relationship Building Always/Love
Sister pred Always/Love
First Person RPs Always/Love
Never/Dislike You're free to play whichever character you want but this is default setting for me.
Weight Gain Always/Love