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HEIGHT: 5'10" (178 cm)
WEIGHT: 155 lbs (70 kg)
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Deep Blue
Rayo is a survivalist who prides himself on trying to be one or two steps ahead of predators and decievers. Though the beginning of his life was mundane, a freak course of events, that led to preceptorial creatures inhabiting his world, forced him to embrace the notion of "survival of the fittest". He takes himself too seriously at times, and is also known for being lazy. He keeps a logbook of helpful tidbits that he himself writes to help him on his journeys through dangerous territory. He’s a bit socially inept, sexually inexperienced, and a great deal paranoid but he does his best to work with what he's got.
QUIRKS: Is an incessant fidgeter
LIKES: intellectuals, helping others, chocolate (likes the taste)
DISLIKES: spiders, predators, chocolate (it makes him drunk)
Rayo is a survivalist. A survivalist that relies heavily on wits and intellect rather than brawn and force. Rayo Turncross is your average nineteen-year-old male with an above average intelligence, and even from a young age, was very intuitive and observant. However, he is unenthusiastic and unmotivated in his studies at school—deeming them to be “bothersome”. In fact, that is something he commonly labels most things and activities. Rather he would like to spend his time daydreaming and reflecting upon miscellaneous abstract thoughts. However, despite his confidence in his intellectual prowess he is rather paranoid. He is slow to trust strangers and is even more wary around those taller than him. When alone he is constantly thinking that someone is watching him, and even when walking anywhere he glances over his shoulder periodically. Though nothing makes him more nervous and uneasy than women. Probably because of his mother’s tyrannical personality. Nevertheless, Rayo is generally courteous to women and tries to avoid conflict with them. Though for reasons that are his own, he has yet to go on a date and is a virgin. Which he has no shame in admitting.
skills (can be omitted upon request)
Rayo keeps a notebook in hand to input his observations and basic guidelines on dealing with predators. There are well over 100 tips and tricks in his book, and Rayo tries his best to abide by all of them.

{ Logbook }
  • Rule #1: Being in a group is advised. There are exceptions though (see Rule 452)
  • Rule #12: Your mind is your greatest weapon.
  • Rule #15: If you find yourself outnumbered and unarmed try to cause conflict among the group leading to a fight. When they are distracted make your escape.
  • Rule #17:Female predators will most likely use sex appeal and seduction to lower your guard. Prepare yourself accordingly.
  • Rule #18: If pheromones are in play, run. Just run! (still working on a way to counter such things.)
  • Rule #22: Put out all lights and fires at night. Otherwise you may as well be holding up a neon sign saying 'Please eat me'.
  • Rule #30: Looks can be deceiving. Just because it looks harmless doesn't mean it isn't.
  • Rule #54: If breath is still in your lungs don't waste it with moans and groans. Most predators see you only as food and few will sympathize with you.
  • Rule #58: Playing dead is ill advised. Chuck learned that the hard way.
  • Rule #59: Saying that your poisonous is ill advised. Chuck's girlfriend learned that the hard way. (Apparently some preds will take risks.)
  • Rule #75: Keep moving. If forced to take shelter in the wilderness, don't make it a habit of staying there more than once.
  • Rule #90: Be wary. Just because a predator looks full and claims to be full, doesn't mean they are.
  • Rule #172: Whether you're alone or in a group makes little difference. So pick your poison. Unless of course your faster than your friends.
  • Rule #202: Bring PLENTY of food before the journey. I don't even trust the water here.
  • Rule #278: Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone.
  • Rule #349: Camouflage is your friend, but it's also the friend of predators.
  • Rule #473: "Befriend" predators at your own risk.
  • Rule #578: Don't bother using a map, compass, or even the stars themselves. You WILL get lost.
  • Rule #600: Be wary of traps. Whether physical or mental. Some predators have an abundance of patience.
  • Rule #957: Don't eat unfamiliar food that you find or is given to you. Lest you reap the consequences.
  • Rule #1000: Showing common courtesy and respect go far, and may sway a pred to see you as a friend than a meal.