Great whites, horrific beasts of the ocean! razor sharp teeth, soul-less eyes and big enough to take a fatal chomp out of someone!
Ravine is pretty much the same except shes a quite a bit bigger, by roughly 19 feet or so then the biggest a female can get. Shes roughly thirty-five feet or so, and she lacks a muzzle/snout, she instead has a human-ish face which turns rather terrifying if she opens her mouth to expose all of those razor sharp teeth that resemble a meat grinder.
Her body is long and slender, except for her tail, that has a bit of muscle and a bit of fat on it to help her survive when pickings are tough. Her eyes are yellow and seem to have a 'curious' look about them, or that 'curious' look could just be ravenous hunger... Her skin color is grey and white, white is the primary color while grey is the secondary color, the grey parts are on her sides and in a diamond shape along her back, there's a big fin on her back and her gills are on her sides. And she also has two white lines coming down from her eyes that separate the different colors on her face, and long 'ears' that seem to double as fins that come from the sides of her head. And finally her hair, its silver white and seems to shimmer when wet...overall, shed probably look like a mermaid if not for her backfin and her coloration-but most don't get to piece two and two together when they get so close to her..
Now, personality wise? If someone can manage to not become fish-food shes a rather curious thing, shes lived in the ocean all her life and things tend to get rather boring down there so shes a touch curious how things work-when shes not trying to fill the black hole that is her gut, and keep the scent blood as far away from her as possible or things might turn..for the worst. She has no manners, poking and prodding someone without a care, or even tugging them into the water to better examine them if the case arises shes not hungry. Shes also slightly shark-brained, meaning if someone offers her something to eat she will most likely eat it without thinking twice-this could lead to hell on her digestive system and make her extremely uncomfortable later and maybe be a bit angry at said person for feeding her something that isn't very digestible, and she has a tendency to gnaw on things.
She also can survive on land, if for a little bit..the max she can be on land in direct sunlight is three hours, outside of direct sunlight is roughly five..on a beach, she wouldn't be able to survive for very long because the sand would absorb the moisture from her skin and make her body become severely irritated and shed eventually suffocate. She has no legs so she has to drag herself places if she ever finds herself on land and that may not be a good idea..depending on whats on the ground.
Also when she eats junk, like she usually does, her digestive system suffers for it and her stomachs acids get significantly weaker to take time to digest whatever inside of her gut that doesn't seem to be digesting, this gets to the point that it'll take around three days or so for her to pass/and or digest anything thats inside.
Ravine likes:
Big fish
Chew-proof humans
Chew-proof mermaids/ other Sentient fish that won't die if she gnaws on them
Warm water
Feeding to her hearts content
Snuggling, shen shes not starving.
The scent of blood. (even though it ticks the wrong way in her brain and makes her bite)
Ravine Dislikes:
Rotten fish
un-digestible things
being dragged on land
Being gnawed upon
Sharp things in general
Ravine's Body:
Age: 24
Personality: Gluttonous, care-free, curious, bloodthirsty, Naive
Skin color: Gray and white
Hair: Shimmering Silver-white
Eyes: Yellow/gold
Height Human Half: 15 Feet
Weight: You try weighing this shark.
Bust: C
Hair Length: Down to her backfin, and a curve going around one eye.
Mer-half: 20 feet
Attire: None
Noticeable attributes: Fin ears, glowey eyes, razor sharp serrated teeth, backfin, long tongue.
No IC approaches, This char is usually meant for HV, but I can be flexible and she can do SV, UB is not a very likely case with her unless someone somehow manages to force their way into her, Shes rather sharkbrained however so if she finds a suitable mate she might..take advantage of them. That being said she can also be played shemale and the possibility of CV, AV is pretty much out of the question unless you can find where her anus could be, and tailvore is not applicable at all..and I do not like breastvore-However, I am flexible, throw an idea at me, and we'll see what can happen. I reserve the right to refuse though, <3.
And a Reference picture I fell in love with to make her is here, The artist seems to be popular so I didn't use it as a main picture. (resizing it)