Name: Raven Nightmare
Height: Five feet two inches.
Weight: Variable according to whim.
Eyes: Purple.
Hair: Sky blue.
Nicknames: Downy Fluff, Fluff-chan, Fluffy(variable suffixes), Pillows and Blankets, Pillows.
In an infinite universe, everything exists somewhere. Infinity, by definition, encompasses everything. So, it should be no surprise that there IS a place where all our dreams are real, ne? And Raven exists to prove it!
Raven Nightmare, to use her full name, is a Muma, an inhabitant of the world of dreams. A member of the Nightmare family, her last name is a little bit misleading. She's not particularly horrifying, or nasty, or anything of the sort. It's just a name, not a description! Well, the Nightmare bit, anyway. The Raven bit is accurate enough.
Really, Raven's no one terribly special. She's competent beyond the norm, perhaps, but there's quite a few extremes in the world of dreams. The only truly extraordinary feature about her there is her ability to take hits. She's somehow more solid than most, a peculiar trait shared by most of her family.
Here, on the other hand, is a different story. Raven's one of the very few mumas who can actually find their way here on their own! She doesn't /need/ a vessel to show up here, as she can actually come here in her own body! Which.... might be some cause for concern, for some people.
Physically, she's not terribly impressive, overall. She's only a bit over five feet tall, with blue hair coming down to just under her shoulders, and purple eyes with plus-shaped pupils. Her mouth features a pair of fangs, visible as she talks, and grins, and her ears are slightly pointy. ON her head, she wears a cabby hat, and most of her other clothing is often obscured by a heavy trenchcoat, the sleeves of which are too long for her, and hide her hands from view. Underneath, though, she wears a tank top that shows off a trim, flat tummy, a pair of short shorts, stripey blue and black stockings, and sneakers. You're not likely to see underneath often, though, as her coat is a bit of a security blanket for her. It is clear, though, even without it open, that she's fairly well-endowed, lending itself to two of her nicknames.
As far as her personality goes, she's cheerful and friendly, most of the time. Almost always upbeat, and fairly energetic(when she's not being incredibly sleepy and lazy, that is), she's got a fondness for children that is evident in her visits to their dreams. If she visits the real world, it's often to play with the kids she meets, or to get some sweet treats. She's a bit of a food junkie, but never seems to gain weight. Of course, her other dietary habits may explain that.... or what she is might be the reason. Regardless, if you meet her, just know you're in for an interesting ride!
Alt by The Tower. Click picture, receive altlist.