~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part of:
Age: 22 ( Player is of age. )
Birthday: 4/03/90
Gender: Female
Favorite Color: Dark Purple
Favorite Food: Ramen
Favorite Animal: Cats
Favorite book: Venomous
Favorite game: Resident evil 0
Favorite Place: In any ally way
Favorite word: Perish
Favorite Weapon: Her machine gun.
Favorite Bug: Preying mantis.
Favorite flower: Venus fly trap
Prized Object: Her necklace and her gun.
Rasca is a badass, but is very loyal. She hides behind a tough exterior, and never shows what she feels. She will show you her feels tho if you get to know her enough for her to trust you enough, but that takes quite a bit of effort to achieve.
She has very short red hair and her eyes are green like emeralds, she is very skinny having lived on the road with her little sister Talia, for a very long time, they didn't get much food, as shown, she is very pale and has dark spots under her eyes that she usually hides with her shades.
Rasca was born in a small village, they never had very much food and people didn't live very long there because of the diseases that were always going around and infecting people, Rasca's mom died when she was born, meaning she never had any woman to look up to in her life, her father treated her as well as he could meaning she had a pretty nice life for living in the village, her father died when she was around the age of 16, leaving her and her half sister alone, to fend for themselves, they stood on the roads asking people for money or food, what ever they could get there hands on, when money came there way Rasca wasted it on cigarettes and beer to get her self more relaxed, they didn't get much food because of this. It was one of those days that the rain was pouring so hard, you couldn't see in front of you, the lighting crashing down and making her ears ring, she was a little pissed off that day that she couldn't find any dry area to smoke in, so she just began snorting cocaine for the day, leaving her seriously high, it was that day that her and her sister were walking around looking for food, when her sister stepped in the road, now it was raining so hard that her sister couldn't even see the car that was coming right in front of her, and apparently neither could the car driver see the little, 11 year old girl, walking in the road in front of him, it was that day, her sister, Talia, was hit and killed by that car. To bad that Rasca was to high to give a shit, she looked at her sister and shrugged a bit, before turning on her heel and continued walking the other way, she didn't want the cops involving her. When Rasca sobered up, she could barely remember what happened, but she did remember her sister being hit, it was faint but she remembered it, she jerked up from where ever she had finally passed out and sat there starring at a building wall, tears quickly rolling down her cheek as she sobbed, what the hell had she done, and what was she going to do? She decided to run away, she ran and ran until she couldn't run any more, she fell there, in the park and never left.
Name at birth: Rasca Lee Liger
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Ras
Preferred name: Rasca
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Straight
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5'8
Weight: 90
Build: Pretty skinny, gentle and fairly strong..
Eyes: Green
Hair: Short, Red
Clothes Style: Usually what's in her profile pic.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: A tattoo on her side
Languages spoken: French and English
Weapons (if any): She has quite a few guns.
Special Abilities/Skills: Very flexible.
Hobbies: Drinking, Smoking, Drawing and Writing.
Interests: Same as Hobbies.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Smoking and Drinking.
Place of Birth: She does not remember the name.
Now lives: Nexus Park
Lives with: Herself...in a...tree.
Current Relationship Status: Single
Relationship History: Single
Family: . . .None anymore.