((the art is mine so don't steal ))
Main info:
Height: varies, can be between 6 to 12 feet tall.
specie: unkindled
Weight: 80 pounds (that's with the armor).
Age: unknown.
Personality: serious and bit irascible but kind hearted, always wanting to help whonever is in need but not wanting to look weak.
Likes: a good talk/fight, hot tea, sleeping.
dislikes: selfish/really horny/disrespectful people or those that take adventage of the weak.
great level of skill with hexes and pyromancies, making him able to perform them not using catalysts. he even created his own sort of hexes/pyromancies.
huge strength and sharp dexterity, making him a master at almost any weapon that he wields.
inmortal due to being cursed, he will come back like new and won't be able to have his soul stolen.
In a different timeline than the one everyone knows, Raime, after spending an indefinite amount of time in the brume tower he realized that he would not accomplish a thing by being there hiding like a coward and keeping that hatred inside of him, so he dicided to leave. he wondered through the world like a lonely shadow, which, caused him to catch the curse of the undead.some time later he dicided to search for the first flame to link it, which he tried to but didn't succed because he wasn't powerful enough, turnining him to ashes. some centuries later he was reborn as a unkindled in a new and strange world that was for him an opportunity to do things better. after sometime of travelling he ended in a kingdom that was reigned by a tyrant who had no interest in the well-being of his people. Raime overthrew the tyrant and took his kingdom, afterwards renaming it as "New Drangleic". later after the happening of those events, under the reign of Raime the reborned kingdom passed through a extensive number of changes that archieved the well being of it's people, which made the new ruler win their heart. Raime was pretty confident in himself after all the success that he obtained thanks to his actions, but never forgot how the the downfall of the original Drangleic, so he (with some help) forged a crown that would nullify all kinds of things that could bend his mind or control him. now, he is in search of important people to help him to make stronger his growing nation.
allies formed/people who joined his side: