Hailing from the frozen Norwegian tundra, Countess Ragnhild of House Sleetwing is a young dragon descended from a long line of draconic nobility. Her family's lands are vast and it's wealth considerable. But while the frozen north has many reindeer, it has few schools, therefor the young heiress has been sent off as a foreign exhcange student to
As a dragon, the young Countess holds herself as being better then the mewling humans that she finds herself surrounded by. While she will accept them as servants, it remains to be seen if she is capable of seeing any of them as friends. Like most dragons, she is vain and prideful, possessed of a love of treasure (silver is her personal preference over gold), and is obsessed with beauty in it's physical and audial forms. Her hobbies include sculpting and jewelry making (working with ice, primarily, though occasionally with metal), listening to music, looking down her nose at peasants, and sampling as wide a variety of foods as can be managed. She is something of a gastronome and is not just proud of it, she's smug about it. She is very fashionable and is extremely fastideous about her appearence; she hates the Beaucroft uniform and frequently modifies her own.
The young dragon often travels the halls in a human-like form, so as not to over-awe the peasants with whom she shares her classes, and so as to not damage the doors she attempts to travel through. As a dragon, she is a little bigger then a fully grown horse. It is generally held that she's only dangerous (as a predator) when she's in her draconic form, though this remains to be seen if it is really true or not. As a white dragon, she is immune to the cold (and in fact quite prefers it), has extremely accute visual and olfactory perception, and is capable of great patience when stalking prey. She prefers to be an ambush predatory, as is normal for white dragons, but is getting used to simply throwing her weight around with her smaller, weaker classmates. As she is vain, it has been known that prey can survive an attack by her with skillful flattery, or by appeasing her with bribes. However, poor bribes or empty compliments frequently incite her to rage, so this is a survival tactic best employed with caution.