
Radinka is a princess on the run.

You all know the story, happy pacifest kingdom, evil nearby empires that may or may not have monsters and dark lords hanging around, it's not time for the chosen hero to kick ass yet so people who can't defend themselves well like a princess with only basic magic kinda have to run for thier lives.

Princess Radinka Anđeović picked a really bad time to make a speech at a border town to ease the people's anxieties. While she was giving her speech the enemy nation launched an attack, with soldiers chaging the gates and mages throwing out fireballs indiscriminately. This left the town a smoldering ruin, and while her guards fought hard enough to get the princess out safely it was at the cost of their lives. She also didn't exactly get out unscathed, losing a lot of her clothing in the process.

Of course, there's a pretty high chance poor Radinka won't make it home alive. It wouldn't do to have her able to warn the kingdom now would it? That's why there's an army hot on her tail. And of course, she has to make it through the thick woods and dark caves without falling into a monster's clutches, lest she become the meal of a lifetime for them. It's not like she can fight much off when she can't cast many spells worth note in a day.

Vulnerable runaway princess.

An Oven_Loven alt.
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