Age: 20's
Orientation: Lesbian
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 135 lbs
Rank: Sergeant
ZergAlts, laziness, launch!
[Pre-Emptive Notes]
- A military woman whose experience comes from not falling into the pitfalls of being overly stoic or emotional. She knows when to speak out and when to zip it, often waiting until the best possible moment for maximum effect, but like all sentient beings, she isn't completely infallible.
- Used to have her own unit stationed at a military base in her own hometown. This changed when something akin to a black hole bomb went off, wiping the entire area off the map and leaving her as the sole survivor. While this hasn't made her close off her heart to other people, she frequently has trouble sleeping due to her supposed inability to save anyone on that day other than herself.
- Her mech has both ranged and melee capabilities, but is limited in weaponry. Henceforth, she's more of a pilot to mix it up with what she's got rather than busting out a new weapon every so often, but this is more due to a stubborn streak that refuses to just give up and succumb to "stereotypical weapon ass-pulls". Despite this mindset of hers, she does secretly wish for a chainsaw for her mech for reasons beyond me.
- The machine in the picture directly to the left is an experimental upgrade to the pilot suit that improves control. This means that the pilot can control the mech like they would their own body if they focus hard enough, but this has a nasty tendency to put mental strain on the pilot due to the fact that it has to disperse their small brain over a much larger body, so to speak. You may be asking yourself, "Don't animals have no trouble with a similar concept?" Well, there's the issue that humans tend to be far more clever than, say, an ostrich, so the knowledge/body mass ratio gets a little weird thanks to anime science. In the lore of her backstory, there's an experimental race of cephalopod people in the works to help combat problems like that.
- The pictured gun is a self-charging laser SMG. Great for long(er) stints of being stranded, but expensive as a bitch to create due to the technology used. She has one of three currently in existence.
- Quinn is part of a race of genetically altered humans, like the Gundam series' Newtypes and Innovades. Unlike those examples, Quinn has no psychic abilities of any sort. Rather, Nymans were actually engineered to be... well, a prostitute race to help combat underpopulation in newly established colonies once they officially get settled, and exclusively female. This means enhanced endurance, flexibility, and metabolism for those itching to read about differences. Strangely enough, a DNA quirk makes the youngest child of the family gay by default, among a few other odd notes. Nyman reproduction in multi-child families tends to result in two humans to every one nyman, with the chance of a legitimate crossbreed being very small and usually a dangerous prospect that very few survive beyond four years. Human-nyman hybrids who do manage to hold out actually do have some degree of powers, but they're fairly weak at best.
- She has a slight fetish for being vored by women larger than her, whether it be by a full foot or up to the size of the average mobile weapon. Even better is if she's given a full-tour...
- On a random note, Quinnen has something of a Jersey accent, although it's usually quite faint. To get an idea, look up YouTube videos under the search fields of "Rage Quit Rooster Teeth" or "Angry Video Game Nerd" to get a feel for her subdued "Joisey" accent.
Her machine: