Prefs and stuff be here, yo, read 'em or else. Please. :3
If I appear as "OOC", it means approach me by all means, and we can talk about what I'll do to you, but I'm afraid I won't stay long enough to start anything.
Her Majesty, Raiser of the Sun, Ruler of Equestria... Queen Celestia.
The queen doesn't sound familiar? Of course it doesn't. In public she is known as a princess, but to Celestia's machiavellian mind she is Queen and Goddess both. The kind and tender monarch her subjects see is little more than a front. Celestia is a ruthless tyrant, and one who has ruled so long and so successfully because she understands what other tyrants don't: whether you care about them or not, the people are important. Make them unhappy and they will revolt against your oppressve rule. Make them happy and they will stay in their place like good little slaves. Make their world so full of joy that friendship itself is considered a form of magic and they will revere you as their rightful and beloved princess.
Hence, Celestia's job as ruler has two sides: her public persona and workings, and the array of secrets and lies which ensure she can systematically identify any and all threats to her absolute authority. When she is not in public, the secret Queen will be working her other job, annihilating any and all threats to her authority... or simply indulging her darker instincts.
Celestia is an egomaniac, and she adores power over others. Not merely politically, but personally. Anypony who is either an annoyance or just expendable will be taken by the Queen to her private quarters... and they will rarely return.
What happens behind the locked doors? Celestia decides. She is fully capable and very, very willing to swallow another being alive and whole, and she doesn't even need to use her mouth. She can generate hypnotic and mind-altering fields and scents - particularly from her tail: the rainbow surface, when wrapped firmly around another's body, exudes a curious effect which can simply drain the life-energy from another, leaving them helpless and exhausted. Celestia's abilities are really not very limited. After all, a being capable of telekinetically moving an entire star every single day finds simple acts like altering another's mind or snapping bones or digesting souls to be easy. The same with altering her own body: Celestia can and has become a white griffon, a great dragon, an anthropomorphised version of herself and almost anything else imaginable.
The truth is that for a thousand years not a single thing has truly threatened her. Twilight Sparkle's adversaries? Each and every one could be gulped down in a matter of seconds, and would have been if Celestia didn't think it necessary to put out a front of needing help. Thus, the enemies she is convinced are watching her believe her to be merely extremely powerful, rather than the star-destroying goddess of fire and wrath she truly is.
There is no bounds to Celestia's rage, paranoia, and desire. Even her own sister was not safe. Luna spent her thousand years trapped in her sister's body, mind-wiped at the end to forget everything she'd gone through.
Only a very small number of ponies know about this darker side to the Queen, and they have all had their minds utterly broken to her will. Celestia is a genius of manipulation and charm, capable of keeping track of dozens of schemes simultaneously and masterminding their effects to the full extent. It's good to be the queen.
Looking for...
- Genius intellect: Celestia's greatest ability is her fantastic intelligence and memory. She knows the names and natures of nearly every member of her empire, and is a master at every discipline of magic, scholarship, science and art.
- Magic: Do you know how powerful the sun actually is? That's Celestia, on this little planet. She can annihilate continents without exerting herself, or twist entire armies to follow her will. There is effectively no limit to what she can do.
- Strength: THIS MONSTER MOVES A BALL OF FLAMING GAS WHICH WEIGHS 198,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 TONNES (no, really). EVERY DAY.
- Speed: Fast as light if necessary. Nuff said.
- Digestive capabilities: That trim form can reduce entire populations to so much soft pudge on her majesty's flank. Every orifice of the queen's is capable of engulfing prey and digesting them. When the mood takes her, she forms herself a stallionhood which would suit a dragon, and uses this as well to take her pleasure and her prey.
"Come now. Join your friends. Can't you feel how soft they've made me?"