"Love is blind to all faults, I've attempted to do the same~." ~Purity Epi'Silon
"Was part of a crew that broke into one of those forgotten vault things once. They ain't half grumpy when they first wake up, then from what I've seen that pretty much seems to be their default outlook on life. Thing is though that we had an ori'nek in the crew. Nah, not for what you might think, that girl could swing a pick axe with the the best of them even though she was quite the comely lass. When we got into the vault...well, before the whole running and screaming anyway, but she didn't half go white all the way down to the tip of her tentacles looking at some of the symbols we could just about make out in the torch light arounds the walls.
I'd have loved to have asked her what that was about, but I never got the chance. Real shame that she wasn't quite fast enough to keep up with the rest of us and after what I heard echoing down the tunnel after us, I ain't in any kind of hurry to go back into that hell to ask her what that was all about, assuming she'd still be in the state to be able to tell me..." - Montarion, Miner on breaking into an android creche without warning.
Androids were created for a purpose long forgotten and well before the days of the human empire. It is thought that they were human themselves once, but they were taken and put through such a crucible that all that had once been human about them has long been purged away in molten fire and steel. Now they sleep deep below until one of their creches are distrubed by the quaking of the earth, the movements of the freakish denizens that have never gazed upon the light, or by some unfortunate miner or adventurer breaking through the wrong tunnel wall.
An android, upon waking and discovering that they no longer serve the purpose they were built for, find few obstacles from choosing whatever they wish to do or indeed to whom...They are truly terrifying beings of metal unnaturally bonded with living flesh and are very difficult to stop through force of arms or magic which for the most part seems to just flow straight off of them.
All of this tends to paint a pretty bleak picture about Purity that certainly doesn't seem to match the reality that she is, but this is a deliberate effort on her part. Most aspects of her looks are fashioned to put others at ease from the bright, friendly colors to a blindfold that does absolutely nothing to actually hamper her vision. Her non-conductive clothing does a lot to hamper the accidental discharges when she gets too excited and over all she affects a lovely image that she tries to back up personality-wise. Problem is, the process used to create an android does a lot to purge mortal fraility out of the resulting android and its difficult for Purity to understand those around her emotionally. Does her best though and she certainly does better than many similar beings to herself.<