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Opening datapacket.001
Opening datapacket.002
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Age: 4
Appeared age:20
Hologram: any size
Actual: 9'9"
Hologram: weightless
Actual: 900lb
Bust Both: Equivelent to 36D on a 5'4" Human female.
AI class: No proper AI class, first of its kind to use both crystalline and bio mechanical processors. Said to be 200x smarter then most Intelligent humanoid lifeforms.
Primary function
To assist the user in properly managing all project AI data within the USIS Anthology and to maintain full control of the ship's diagnostics, allowing both crew and scientists to be given ease of use within the ship itself, and to prevent any project AI from possibly becoming rogue and attempting a take-over of the ship.
Ancillary functions
Opening Image002.Jpg

Though MAIA is primarily a navigation and life-support AI, she also is able to be accessed for information by any scientist needing it. MAIA is fully capable of projecting a version of herself, as seen in the above image, within holograms and on any terminal screen to any who desire it, though be forewarned that many of our male scientists have learned that MAIA has a very twisted sense of humor when it comes to lewd comments. Female scientists seem to not have this issue, though.
MAIA's other functions include conversation, companionship, council, correction, creativity and choice. they are broken down further as follows.
Conversation: MAIA has more then enough capabilities to have a full conversation with someone, able to comprehend and converse as any humanoid is able. Though she is young, she has the equivalent of a PHD in almost any subject, and will even be able to formulate arguments, thesis and even opinions and debate if desired.
Let it also be known that she does not know of swear words yet...and anyone caught teaching her them will be placed in the brig for up to 3 months.
Council: As with conversation, she is perfectly capable toward giving advice and being used as an impartial medium for an argument....once again, let it be known that MAIA has a very twisted sense of humor.
Correction: Due to the very nature of AI programming and scientific pursuit, MAIA can and will correct any scientist attempting an experiment that may cause direct harm to the Anthology. Be warned that she will do all in her power, including termination, to prevent such an experiment, depending on the severity of the harm and the belligerence of the scientist or crew member.
Creativity: MAIA has the capabilities beyond even a Class 19 AI system, because of this, she is extremely intelligent and even has been known to show signs of creativity. Ask her to sing you a song, and should you not specify, she may even make one of her own. Ask her to paint you a picture, and she will make one of her own design. If you ask her to play a game, and do not specify, she will choose.
Choice: This leads to our final ancillary function. MAIA is the very first AI without inhibition programming. Hense why she is refereed to as 'Project MAIA'. She can make decisions, choices and even can refuse an action on a whim. She can say no, she does not need to listen to a specific person, and will generally do as she likes. As this is an obvious liability to the ship and her crew, we ask that all scientists and crew have intense patience with MAIA and do NOT yell or threaten her.
Protocol Override
Due to MAIA's necessity to perform duties without guidelines and often within seconds to prevent disaster, MAIA has been given only ONE Protocol override, which is used to simply shut MAIA off from the main system. This Override will only be used in EXTREME CASES OF EMERGENCY, due to MAIA's direct correlation within the life support and navigation systems. But, with this also in mind, as she is a 'free mind to choose as she desires' All crew members must know how to activate the Protocol Override.
To activate the Protocol Override, access any terminal and ty@#!$!@#$%!@#%)_@$_%()
...You really think i would let this information stay? Silly human...thats cheating
OOC notes
This profile is intended to either be run as an Science fiction RP with someone bonding with MAIA on a less then professional level...
....or as a very...very twisted RP that involves MAIA taking control of the ship and killing every single person on board...except for one recruit...you.
be forewarned...I, like Maia, have a very...very twisted sense of humor and creativity.
Player does not especially enjoy vore, but ESPECIALLY loves romance and plot-based RP.