
In a world where Cock Vore has become common, escaping a pair of nuts has become a professional sport. Of course, when the cost of losing is becoming a sticky load, you tend to go through a lot of athletes in a short amount of time.
On that note, here's this years newest rising/melting stars:
As of 11/8/2022, the growing popularity of the sport has led to fans requesting to try the sport themselves, on the prey end. To accommodate this growing part of the fandom, we are now proud to present our first ever Professional Predator League:
Perma Game
(( Under Construction ))
The aim of the game is to digest a diver before she can wriggle her way out of her predator. Each round is split up into 3 phases:
Squirm Phase:
• First, the diver rolls a d20 in an attempt to escape her pred.
• Her opponent rolls a second d20 to keep her down.
• If the diver rolls the higher number, her roll is added to her Squirm Score. If the pred wins the roll, the diver earns nothing
• If the diver's Squirm Score reaches 100 or higher, she successfully escapes her pred and the game is over
Lust Phase:
• The diver rolls a d10, and her roll is added to her lust score
• For every 30 points of lust she gains, she takes a -1 to all her Squirm rolls
• The diver must pay 5 Squirm Points and miss a turn to reduce her lust
• If the diver's Lust reaches 100 or higher, she cannot roll to Struggle until she gets it back under 100.
Melt Phase:
•At the end of the round, the pred rolls a d10, deducting the result from the diver's HP
• When the diver's HP reaches 50% or less, the pred can now use a d15 for their Melt roll
• If the diver's HP reaches 0, they lose the game and are permanently digested (Permavore is optional, but highly enjoyed).
Variant Rules
Crit Bonuses
•Squirm: If the prey rolls a Nat 20 on their Squirm roll, they can a permanent +2 to future rolls. If they roll a Nat 1, they lose 10 points from their overall score.
•Resistance: A Nat 20 cancels the Divers Squirm this round, and adds a permanent +2 to Resistance. A Nat 1 doubles the Diver's Squirm this round.
•Lust: A Nat 10 lowers the Diver's tolerance. Lust now affects her Squirm on multiples of 20. A Nat 1 increases the Diver's tolerance, affecting her Squirm rolls on multiples of 40.
•Melt: A Nat 10/15 gives the pred a permanent +2/+3 to their melt rolls. A Nat 1 allows the Diver to recover 10 HP.
Foiled Escape
If a Cock Diver's Squirm Score reaches 100 or more, but their last roll is less than 10 points over the pred's resistance, the pred can roll a d10, and add it to their resistance. If their new result exceeds the Diver's Squirm roll, the Diver is swallowed back down at the last minute.
Double Or Nothing
The pred can attempt to churn two Divers at once. The game plays out as normal, with three key differences:
•Every time the Divers' Squirm roll exceeds the preds resistance, the results are doubled
•Lust affect the Divers' Squirm rolls twice as much.
•The Divers health is split between them, using the higher health bar. When their shared HP reaches 50% or lower, one of the Divers is melted, and the Squirm roll functions as normal.
Illegal Match
The Cock Diver takes place in an unsanctioned match, where normal rules do not apply. For every 25 Squirm points the Diver gains, the pred can:
•Don a piece of clothing to restrict movement (Diver must now score 110 Squirm points to escape)
•Use an object in the environment to aid in digestion - e.g. Smooshing their balls against a bench (Melt rolls use a d15. Upgraded rolls use a d20)
•Swallow a large object/substance to pin the Diver in place (Diver takes -1d3 to Squirm rolls)
•Give their balls a sensual massage (Diver now rolls a d15 for Lust)
Melted In Action

Rachel's first Diving match was a two-on-one with her friend Kyoko. Futa_Girl_myra dragged them into the very depths of her balls, determined to make them into a sticky mess. Kyoko barely escaped in one piece. As for Rachel... Well, one out of two isn't bad.
Unlike most of her fellow Divers, Aki had always feared the thought of being churned up inside a stranger's testicles. That was until she met Qiaung. A chance encounter with her ended with Aki tucked inside the Chinese masseuse, slowly churned away in the most wonderful massage Aki had ever felt. To think, this used to scare her...
Cassy + Kyoko

Cassy and Kyoko were good friends of Milf_Hinata. They knew their friend had been feeling hard up recently, so they decided to help her out, giving the woman her first cockmeal in weeks. Unfortunately, the dearly underestimated her, as her balls ground them down, reducing the two girls to a nice, creamy pool of love.
Once a shy, innocent young lady, everything changed for Ana, when she encountered the succubus, Spire_Erenta. Deep in her demonic sack, she discovered a side of herself she'd never imagined could exist: horny, devious, and almost mindless. Instead of being melted, she was bound to the demon's sack, pledging to carry her brood, for the rest of eternity.
Tammy was a proud girl, thoroughly convinced that she had a bright future as a Cock Diver. Selene, one of ThreeKinkyFoxes, gave her a lesson in reality, trapping the girl in her nut and showing her a future that was more sticky than bright.
Misa was a masochist in life, becoming a Diver not for fame, or money, but for the joy of being trapped in a merciless pair of nuts. And so, Jade_the_Marra granted her wish, teasing the girl all the while, as she ground her into a thick mess, to be shot down the drain.