"So what if I'm not a real princess, at least I look cute like one!
Race: Firefly Youkai
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 80 lb
Bust: Uh....well...about that. Maybe A something?
Abiliity: Manipulation of Insects
Rumia (Friend)
Cirno (Friend)
Mystia Lorelei (Friend/Maybe more?)
Kazami Yuuka ("Friend")
Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes
Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect
Wriggle Nightbug is a youkai firefly with the ability to control other insects around her. She likes using her ability to direct concerted performances for her own amusement. She also likes using it to attack humans who underestimate her significance or the importance of insects in general; she seems to take it personally when someone offends insects.
Generally, she is seen as a tomboyish type youkai who goes out and has fun with some of her closest friends, or can be seen helping 'insects in need' amidst one of Touhou's many forests. This, of course, also means many people know Wriggle, albeit only in passing, as she does not have a specific place she foes these things.
Often times, people tend to do one of two things. Being as she is an insect, they tend to write her off as not being powerful in the least. Those people tend to get mobbed with locusts or whatever is on hand to make sure that they dont insult the 'Noble house of the insect.'
The other thing is...well...They often cannot tell what gender she is. The flat chest and affinity to shorts does not help her situation, but the worst part is that many people still spread the rumor that she is a boy who just happens to like cross dressing from time to time.
...Yes, Wriggle is a -girl-, despite these rumors.
And she -hates- it when people refer to her as a little boy. Almost as much as she hates it when someone smushes her bugs. About the only person who she lets get away with it...sometimes....is Yuuka, though even yuuka is not given much leeway in this regard.
Manipulation of Insects: As stated above, she can sway insects to do her bidding. This, of course, got her the title of 'Princess Wriggle of the Insects' or 'Empress of Fireflies.' She doesn't mind these names, and gets a bit of a puffed up when she hears them.
Flight: All Gensokyans can fly. Wriggle's pretty darn quick as well.
Wriggle kick (Martial arts): Though she has no formal training, she has quite the skill in defending herself and other people, taking it upon herself to protect anyone unable to do so for themselves.
Spell cards
Firefly sign [Comet on earth]
Lamp Sign [Firefly Phenominon]
Wriggle sign [Nightbug Tornado]
Hidden bug [Hermit of an endless night]
[Unseasonal Butterfly Storm]
Other Images
"Sometimes I grow my hair out, it looks more feminine that way."

"My Favorite outfit. Dresses are nice, but shorts are way comfier!"

"Mystia-chan and Yuuka-sama say glasses are appealing"

"I don't care what people say, Yuuka-sama is nice"

"S...Sometimes i like to dress up too, you know!" >/////<

"Mystia and I are best friends, yep, friends!"

"H..hey! Dont look at that, i mean..that was one time!"