Age: 32
Weight: 420 pounds
Pregnancy: 9 months with twins
A former mob hitwoman specializing in vore, Cynthia decided
to give up on physical discipline and pursue her ultimate goal of
becoming the fattest woman in human history once she became
pregnant. With the meddling of
Dr_Hoshiko_Sato of the
Pregnant_Sluts, her pregnancy became permanent a few days
after her due date - giving her all the time she needs to grow.
Would love to be three times as big as
SSBBW_Jessie some day.
Pregnant_Kim, her owner who keeps stuffing and
fattening her.
Current pic:

A struggling meal is in her belly, ready to feed her babies.
(Pic was at 400. I need a new one.)
Cynthia back at 250 pounds.
Note: I will update her pic as she grows.
This is a strictly predatory character.
Once you are eaten, your name will be added below as a testament
to Cynthia's power and gluttony as well as how much you made
her gain.
Sarah_forge +20 pounds
Big_Bellied_Buffet Several pregnant women, +150 pounds
An entire maternity ward with
Pregnant_Kim +100 pounds
Blake_Jones +20 pounds