An alt list, showing just who i am so you all can find who your looking for. each alt has at least tweo of my thought processes or emotions, and i play them like those are the forfront of my mind.
shy and teasing,
PkmnLanaharsh and lewd,
Ryuuko__Matoicunning and sadistic,
Arc_V_Soradull and calm,
Morgiannashy and unassuming, unless you threaten whats his.
Alibaba_Salujagluttonous and lusty,
RWBY_Emeraldunsatiable in sex and in eating,
Asui__Tsuyurage and hunger,
Velvet__Croweprotectiveness and self intrest,
Chariskmy first group alt,
Girls_of_AoTthe calculating doctor,
Tae_TakemiBoisterous and driven,
Korra_Avatarmy short temper and dominating personality,
Louise_the_zeromy hungry trio who work together, but are hungry all by themselves, the
Eva_Triomy second grtoup alt!
Puella__Magisomthing i made up with insparation from a con
Skull_Grunt_Rubysurvival is her only goal, no matter who she steps on to get it.
Tanya_The_Evilall is for her lord... or her pleasure...
LH_Akatsukias brainy as she is versatile,
Pidge_HoltThe last member of the Trio finally arrives!
Alladin_Magifeel free to PUB any of my girls and i'll try to get back to you!