Pon Pon is an elf that lives of the land eating foliage,fruits and berries. She has on a short top that was torn after she was nearly killed by a predator, a small bikini like loan cloth and leather fashioners around her thighs and arms. She is young and still naive. having to learn with time. she has very little and makes do. some people may think that a person who is born into this kind of life, would have no concept that there are better ways to live out there than this and would be happy. but they would be wrong in fact she is miserable, she almost always hungry, cold and scared a pred would kill her. she wishes there was someone one that could keep her safe and love her, A place out of the cold and rain. every night she cries because she is so cold, wet, or hungry.
looking to role-play with mothers or perverted mother types. herms a plus.
anything but males go and dont be shy.