Name: Ashley
Location: The Park
Species: Human
Age: Child form: 9 Adult form: 18
Height: Child form: 3'6" Adult form: 5'7"
Weight: Child form: *runs off crying* Adult form: *gulps*
{One half of the Phoenix Twins and this is the girl half.
The boy half is played by my amazingly wonderful and brilliant boyfriend <3 <3 <3}
Chat Text Color: Child Form: Yellow Adult Form: White
Father: Daniel Wandering_Soul
Mother: Claire Lightning_String
Brother/Twin: Phoenix_Twins (Tamas)
Aunts: Dark_Wander, Lightning_Storm
(As a child): Her Father & Mother
(As an Adult): None
[Child Form]
The Phoenix twins are the fraternal twins of Wandering_Soul and Lightning_Strike. Ashley and Tamas were born with the power to create fire in there hands, conjure fire out of no where and control fire, a power they got from there father and mother. There mother got her powers when she married their father, when the two's souls became joined together, Claire gained the same powers Daniel had except her's were at the basic level then and needed much training. Even after nine years because they are still young there control is very limited and most of there powers have not surfaced yet. Both of there parents are great with swords, their mother is a Master Sword Mistress and there father a Swordsman. The more the twins train with there mother and father the better their control of there fire powers will get and the more they will learn about other things as well. Daniel wanted both his children to learn the ways of the sword but Claire thought it be better if Ashley learned how to use a different weapon. So as Tamas was taught the movements of how to use a sword and practice with a wood sword. Ashley was taught how to move and dodge a weapon and then fire an arrow right afterwards. She practiced with wood arrows, never the real thing. The twins have a very curious nature, something they got from there father. Both of them are constantly wandering off and getting themselves into trouble, sometimes one or both of there parents has to get them out of that trouble. Since they are still so young they travel with there parents but they often go off on there own adventures away from there parents and are gone for days. The twins at this age like to say together but they still wander off from each other. No matter how far or what kind of trouble they get in they always find each other eventually. Eventually they wander back to there parents, Daniel and Claire do worry about the twins but they know whey will be safe.
Just like there father neither Ashley or Tamas can't actually die, they can be killed, digested, or absorbed but will just come back like Daniel and Claire do, so there parents do not worry about them too much. There parents still worry about them like good parents should but they know the twins have each other. Just their parents can use each other swords if they have to, both Ashley and Tamas can use there either of their parents sword, but they are far to young to handle a real sword. The twins are more powerful when they are together but still have power when they are apart from each other. The twins still have much to learn and will train with there parents when they can. They train with each parent however Tamas prefers to train with his father and Ashley prefers to train with her mother. There parents try to give them equal training though. Tamas has the more aggressive nature and rushes into things which tends to get him into trouble often. He can though stay calm and think things through. Ashley has the more gentle nature and tends to think things through which keeps her out of trouble. She does sometimes rush into things without thinking though. Tamas and Ashley do have one thing about them though, they both can be made mad easy. They don't have long tempers and calm down easy, but they just sometimes have a short fuse. There Daniel and Claire think it has to do with that they got fire powers from both parents.
[Adult Form]
After hitting eighteen the twins had gained most of there powers by this age and have almost complete control over them. Ashley and Tamas figured that in order to get the rest of there powers and get control of them they would need to venture out into the world on there own. Ashley and Tamas said goodbye to there parents and headed off together. At this age the twins can be seen apart much more often. No matter how far they get apart the Ashley and Tamas always make a point to see each other. After traveling through many places Ashley and Tamas finally came upon the park. Both of them decided that the park would the ideal place to finish up what they need to learn and train. So after saying goodbye to each other they headed off in opposite directions of the park. No matter how much time Ashley and Tamas spend apart they make it a point see each other ever so often. They are not as close as they once were as children but they are still twins.
Tamas mellowed out some as he grew up and learned to not be so aggressive. Tamas though has a temper and likes to let his powers do the talking. He still rushes in most of the time without thinking things through and that can put him in danger or trouble sometimes. Sometimes he will think before he acts as he is learning to do that. Ashley became more aggressive as she grew up but still kept her gentle nature. It is rare for her to rush into something without thinking it through, she prefers to think something through rather than let her powers do the talking. Ashley is not afraid to use her powers she just thinks unlike her brother that if you don't have to use them don't. Tamas thinks brute strength will win most of the time, he is learning that he has to think as well. Both twins are quite smart and good with there combat skills, they just have different ways of approaching things.
Even though their parents tried to give them equal training. Ashley got more training from her mother and Tamas got more training from his father. Ashley and Tamas where both taught hand to hand combat by there father and mother. Both parents even taught them the warriors code, it was not the most exciting thing to learn but they needed to learn it. Some of the things they were taught about the code were: never do anything to get an unfair advantage, never go looking for a fight, only fight if you have to and only kill someone if you have no other choice or it is to protect an innocent person. Something there parents also tried to teach them was never use your powers unless you have to. It is something Tamas seemed to forget quite often and Ashley was always trying to tell him that as they were growing up. Even still Tamas uses his powers when he doesn't have to but even Ashley is guilty of doing it every so often. Its just when the twins get fired up in battle or made mad they tend to forget others do not have the powers they do and use then even when they do not have to. The twins make it a point to see each other every once and a while to see how the other one is doing and catch up with one another. The rarely see there parents anymore. Just before the twins left there parents both Tamas and Ashley were given a gift by there parents.
Ashley was given a bow and some arrows from her parents as a gift. Before she left them her parents to go with her brother her parents showed her how to make arrows but she would have to learn how to use her bow on her own. Just like her father and brother she can combine her powers with her weapon. Unknown to her father and brother her mother shows up every so often and gives Ashley some lessons on how to use the bow.
While exploring a cave with her brother Tamas that there father had told Tamas about, the bow that Ashely's parents had given her broke while fighting a dragon. However thanks to some help from her brother she created a new bow from the dragon they had slayed. While exploring the cave with Tamas, Ashley found two sets of a pair of daggers. One with fire properties and the other with ice properties.
Also while exploring the cave Tamas revealed to Ashely that he had feelings for her beyond just those of a sibling. Ashley was shocked, not because that he had them but that she had them as well but was afraid to tell him. The two decided to start dating.
The Bow that Ashely made from the slayed dragon, with some help from her brother.
Ashley's pair of fire daggers

Ashley's pair of ice daggers

Part of Alts_Of_Alexses