Penny Pitchal is a simply enormous mountain of a woman, standing above the treeline at a clean 16,4 a truly imposing figure any whom would catch her eye would think themselves doomed to ending up as the Titan's next meal! But they'd soon learn that Penny has no real interest in chasing anyone! Let alone someone sprinting from her rapidly, Penny's thick frame would make one think she gluts on whatever she finds and whilst not completely incorrect if you were looking for Penny you'd be better following the trail of uprooted fauna, Penny being much more interested in dining on flora and fauna then any hapless passerby, that said she is rather dim and has been known to swallow the occasional unwilling party when gorging herself on her surroundings, or even to devour people on request as rare an occurrence as that may be, to her food is food and anything that can fill her gut (that doesn't irritate her) Is fine by her.
Due to her (Somewhat) Vegetarian ways, Penny is a lifelong friend if you have the courage to approach her! The epitome of gentle giant, She's happy to offer her friends hugs, rides anything they may desire! Within reason of course, akin to a giant mom she cares for people whom are nice and protects them even if they claim they're fine! Penny knows best what's right of course! And if saving someone requires, temporary ingestion of a sort then she's not opposed to action to protect her small friends!
- Penny -
Lv. 80
No. 3 | Venusaur

Ability: Thick Fat
Docile nature. Takes plenty of Siestas.
• Growth
• Sleep Powder
• Solar Beam
• Vine Whip
An alt of SnickSnackSnake