Meet Papuru. before you ask, yes she is a soldier. And no she's not your average run of the mill soldier...but neither is she a Spartan...
Once an ordinary little orphan girl, She was adopted by a woman who she would later call bth mother...and Director. A woman with long black hair that flowed down to her knees, the Director had one thing and one thing only in mind for her daughter, toturn her into the best soldier her project had ever produced. And what was this project? Project Arrowhead.
Meant to rival the Spartans, and even the Freelancers of Project Freelancer, Project Arrowhead was less focused on producing legions of super soldiers, and more focused on producing a single perfect soldier. Because of this, even though they were place din tams at first, Individual success was always prioritized above team success among the soldiers of Project Arrowhead. Each memebr who took part in this project also adopted a, or used their own, child for the project. This was meant to ensure that each soldier was driven, and that every member of the project had incentive to make their soldier better than all the others.
At first, life for Papuru was good. She had friends, even though she was competing with them. She had a nice life, and all the skills she would ever need in the outside world. day the final test of the project arrived. Every member of the scientific teams had worked hard to build a perfect AI, an AI that could only go to one member of Project Arrowhead. And how did they decide who would get this slumbering AI? A the bitter death. At first, no one wanted to fight...but then, as a few of the greedier soldiers began taking up arms, the rest were forced to do battle. The end of this fight finally came, as Papuru looked around, the last one standing. Not only had she survived, but she hadn't gotten hit by a single shot or knife. She was completely least physically...
As soon as the government found out about this brutal act, they shut the project down and sent every member to prison..thatis, except for Papuru. She was orphaned once more, essentially, but she still had her prize. Her AI. The government saw her, and decided she was too valuable to lock up, and that she had already suffered enough. And so, they officially enlisted her in the Military, where she could once again make friends, have comrades, and put her skills to good use. And life was good again~! Her AI had awoken, and named herself Charos, and even though she was a bit...uppity, Papuru liked her. She had new soldier friends, and things were looking up for her again...if only it could have stayed that way...
That's when the Flood struck. Papuru was horrified as she was forced to watch her fallen comrades get back up as her enemies! At first, she tried to plead with them to stop atacking her! She tried to reach her friends within those monsters...but finally she was forced to destroy them. Once again alone, save for her AI, she hijacked a ship and made it to a planet, crash landing here in the Nexus. She has no idea what she's going to do now. She wants to make friends once more, but se's not sure if she's able ot anymore. She doesn't know who she can trust, and doesn't know where she can stay. The only thing she truely trusts these days are her bullets and her AI.
Time spent as an Agent of Arrowhead:
She used to be known as Agent Moon. In addition to her AI, her suit was granted modifications and upgrades, eventually finalizing on the Endurance and Strength enhancements. These allow the Suit, which she calls the Mach Nine, to preform superhuman feats of strength without harming the wearer.
Papuru was trained in these modifications, and eventually they became second nature to her. However, with the introduction of an AI came a new possobility for her Suit. She could ask Charos to manually overclock the suit, sending its superhuman feats even further. However, the Overclocked state DOES damage Papuru's body, and as such she can only use it for three minutes before she HAS to stop, or risk permenant damage.
Papuru used these modifications on every mission she was given, proving to be a powerhouse as well as a skilled fighter, making her not just a threat to ehr enemies, but also, when the time came, her friends. This is why she was targeted the most during the final days of Project Arrowhead, but also why she survived without a physical scratch.

((Papuru without her armor))

((Papuru's AI, Charos))
((WIP but ready for play))