Pandryairal... the gilded land of mythical dragons, a prosperous, fantastic isle hidden from the reaches of Earth...
Kept as best a secret from the rest of the world as can be possible, the country of Pandryairal is surrounded on all sides by water, and even a multitude of mountain ranges. Far out in the ocean, the legendary island was rarely chanced upon by merchants, and those who did find it were awestruck by buildings lined with gold and jewels, Pandryairal's underground filled with priceless treasures... treasures ironically commonplace within its society.
Once the rest of the world opened up in the new ages of travel, Pandryairal continued to remain fiercely closed off, only trading its valuable resources to other worlds in exchange for scientific secrets. Transport out of country was largely cut off, the region unavailable for vacation. The most common travelers are for exchange schooling, or less commonly, scientific research.
The people of Pandryairal, noted in history as "Majestic dragons", evolved to be a very peaceful people, with strong internal bonds of friends and family, strong values in ancient tradition... the genetic variance of Pandry's people mystical in ways, every dragon born with some kind of otherworldly skill or power, said to have been blessed from the great skies of the mountains.
And the Pandryairish legend of their sacred skies is well-founded... their greatest tradition lies in the Week of Night, when once a year the ocean clouds collect about the mountains and black out the sun, freezing the island's transit and leaving the inhabitants to stay inside with their friends and loved ones until the week ends.
/// Notable Inhabitants ///