
Vivian_James Is the altmaker.
Gawky, geeky and absolutely a target Paige is the head of the schools Drama club, an avid swimteam member, and is, as usual for high school scenarios, absolutely despised for her nerdyness. Bullies Mercilessly as a 'bitch geek', she constantly has notes scrabbled upon her locker, deriding her. She is mainly disliked due to her 'by the rules' nature..nobody can read her homework, she reports any student's she sees smoking, and is the biggest tattletale in the student body 'goody two-shoes' they call her, she is so pure, innocent, and demure people would think she is some kind of cherub having fallen from heaven... of course, she is never seen without a pair of converse sneakers, people even report her having them on during a school sleepover.. Goody Twoshoes, two shoes, people joke, the girl getting nervous if people so much as scuff one of her many sets of shoes...some people think this is the relatively tomboyish, fit girl showing a stereotypical facet of femininity but....
Nobody asks what happens to Goody Twoshoes without her two shoes....

...This is still Paige... perhaps, While the geeky girl is a submissive prey, this girl is a busty predator. Nobody knows the details of the ancient curse that was carved in runes into the bones of her Knightly ancestors. Whenever a maiden of this particular line is not wearing footwear, they become some sort of wolf beast,their figure filling out, an ears and tail making themselves known...a new mind emerging.. one of cunning and sly mischief, possessed with a hunger for people.. Of course, this Paige has not digested anyone in recent memory, simply keeping them within her stomach until she decides to unleash them...she has an appetite for cute girls, this Paige_ seemingly curious about the human form...squeezing it, groping it, dressing it up in many clothes, even knocking them unconscious and seeing what happens then,a kind of curious scientist, but it loves nothing more than eating people up. Not out of any sort of 'hunger' hunger, more of a prevailing emptiness that enjoys having 'fair maidens' within it. Of course, it will 'recollect' the shoes after it has consumed a girl..and any other footwear they may have on them... it's fascination with footwear most likely driven by the sneaker based nature of the curse.... It will roam the night until someone manages to slip a pair of sneakers on the beast (easier said than done, with its supernatural strength) which will return Paige to normal... of course, she may have a few people who have decided to consider and name themselves 'food' following her around.
Paige knows full well about her curse, and does whatever she can to hide it, and keep herself from waking up a few nights later with a 20 year old woman dressed in a schoolgirl uniform sleeping happily in her belly...another trying to crawl into her mouth.