It's tough, living longer than everyone else!
Many races do, of course. Or, rather, many races live longer than other races by quite a bit. Elves, of course, live a lot longer than humans, and dwarves tend to as well. Still, compared to some fantasy variants of these, Manakete live... oh, just as much longer, relatively, as they live longer than humans. Still, that's no great surprise, considering the nature of Manakete. After all, they're Dragonkin.
Not that you'd ever be able to tell by looking at THIS one. Paavi looks... well, almost like any other girl. Sure, her ears are pointy, and not the typical elven shape, but aside from that, she looks damned near human. Or elven, for that matter! But, while she may look to be in her early teens, she puts her actual age at something like a thousand years old! Of course, part of that time has been spent sleeping, occasionally for decades, but that, too, is in their nature.
But, see, now Paavi's awake. None of her friends are around, and it's been an AWFULLY long time since she saw any of them. It's even hard to tell where she is, because there's no one around, and there were lots of people when she went to sleep there. So, naturally, she's going to try and find out what's going on, and maybe make new friends!
She doesn't look like much, usually. As mentioned, she seems to be in her young teens, standing a mere four feet and ten inches tall, with pointy, almost-elven ears, a pair of little fangs(one of which almost always seems to be showing), and long, pale pink hair. Her skin is fair, her eyes are a lovely shade of sapphire, and her figure, needless to say, is rather slender and petite. On her forehead she wears a simple circlet made of silver, set with a blue stone, and her body is clad in attire consisting of long boots and a light blue dress that shows her upper back, upon which, jutting from her shoulders, she sports a pair of dainty, fluffy, pale pink wings.
As for her disposition, she's cheerful, chipper, friendly, and helpful, as much as she can be! She tries to be fairly mature, when needed, but... well, sometimes she just can't see the need, so she'll skive off and play with any kids she happens to meet, never letting on just how old she is. Honestly, she IS still a child at heart.
Of course, she's also a Manakete, which means that she's a rather special child, in her way. Given access to a Dragonstone, a rare and potent magical stone, she can transform her body, making it more fit for battle! Where most Manakete simply turn entirely into dragons, though, she prefers a less... dramatic change. Instead, she does her best to tamp down all that power, condensing it into a more mobile form. Put simply, she changes herself into something in-between, her body growing taller, more muscular, and, well, curvier, with her wings growing to a suitable size for flying! Her arms sheathe themselves in emerald scales, as do her legs, while she grows a tail to assist with balance! Curiously, her clothes change as well, said boots forming into a pair of snug pants, while her shirt hugs to her figure more tightly, revealing a trim, toned gut. Of course, she can turn all the way into a dragon, too, as needed, but she finds that tiring.
Still, most of the time, she simply looks like a child. A cheerful, friendly child! The only problem with this image is, well, how easily broken it is if she makes a good friend. Good friends... tend to wind up inside. Ah, well... what can you do?
Alt by The_Tower, link below.