This is the
PaP-Magazine (Preds and Preys).
It's a company which created a Magazine called "Preds and Preys on the World".
In this magazine are lots of informations about vore.
Like "How to eat someone" or "How to protect yourself" or "Which creatures are where" and much more...
It's a big company but with a little Pred-section for pictures.
At the moment are in this section only four photographers.
>>> Mainphotographer:
Ranu Jolder (Prey)
She's the leader of the group and very good in her job. She's fast and quick. So she takes mostly the dangerous jobs like preds who are bigger than normal people ore very strong.
>>> 2.Photographer:
Malek Tunder (Prey)
He takes mostly the female preds (or preys). Especialy the monstergirls .... and very especialy the girls.... with big breast. ;)
>>> 3.Photographer:
Tjna Yummer (Pred/Prey)
She takes mostly the job with the longest way becouse she will meet lots of preys on the way. She's lesbian and loves to make pets.
++NMC++>>> Assistant of Tjna:
zartras (Pred/Prey)
She's a gentle predator who loves her work and do speacials reports of the digestion procees of her preds.
>>> 4.Photographer:
Kutane Nahasaki (Pred/Prey))
She's got her own will and take the jobs which are dangerous enough for her. She's the creator of the part "Catch me if you can" in the magazine and she's got a dark secret.
Their job is to make pictures of the preds (or preys) or to photographe a situation where a pred is eating a prey. They risc their live for the perfect picture.
They researche for informations about preds or they look for rumors of missing preys. After that they (alone or together) to the place and search the pred. If they found them they try to make a picture as close as possible. And what happen then is diffrent to all members.
Nioda (Pictures: <1> From the side, She was on the shore and was looking up to the air; <2> From the air, She was eating the whole ship with one gulp;)
zartras (Pictures: <1> Front, She was eating another girl; <2> From all sides; She agreed for a photo section; <3> Inside Tjna, Tjna eated her in her office;)
Tjna (Pictures: <1> Front, She was sleeping in the straw; <2> Inside her, Her stomach inner wall;)
Kelamari (Pictures: <1> Front, She was standing in the frontdoor of her home; <2> From the side, Bewhile an interview; <3> From the side, Bewhile Malek had sex with her; )
- ...
Preds who eat preys
- pred: ... >> prey: ...
MikoSilkpaw and
Mirage_Starlight (Pictures: <1> From all sides; They agreed for a photo section; <2> Inside Tjna, Tjna with a giant belly on a sofa;)
I'm open for lot's of things and i didn't already do everything. So i also be open to try something out. So please wisper me and ask.
You are interested "meet" one or more of the members .... tell me that ;).
BUT!!! If we are in a RP and you have to go... PLEASE write a short notice... so that i know that you're away.
* ++NMC++* => not my character