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Weight:121 lb
Bust Size: 34 C
Occupation: Pokemon Gym leader
The Nature-Loving Princess
Erika is the Gym Leader of Celadon City's Gym, known officially as the Celadon Gym. She hands out the Rainbow Badge to Trainers who defeat her. She is a serene young woman who specializes in Grass-type Pokémon. She sometimes dresses in elegant kimonos and seems to represent traditional Japanese beauty, and perhaps geisha culture.
She is definitely lady-like, and a teacher of flower-arranging, Tea ceremony, and various other activities becoming of a Geisha. She is a quiet girl, but she's well-known in Celadon City. Erika only collects Pokémon if she considers them attractive, though her definition of attractive seems to include varieties only a botanist could love. She also tends to doze off quite a bit, suffering from mild narcolepsy , but will become inspired after a good match.
Erika as a pokemon trainer is well known for her love of grass pokemon, enjoying their serene scents and ability to inflict many statuses on her enemies, especially sleep and poison.
Gym leaders, including Erika, are seen as teachers for up and coming pokemon trainers, they learning the way to battle through obtaining badges from the many cities in each region. As such, Erika has two sets of pokemon, one that is 'League Sanctioned' for fighting during gym challenge matches, the second set is her own personal pokemon, and the ones she used to show she had the capability to become a Gym leader.
Defeating her in a league sanctioned match will earn you the Rainbow badge, along with her favortie TM containing Giga Drain.
League sanctioned pokemon:
Tangela ♀ Lv.24
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
PoisonPowder: Poison: Causes the foe pokemon to become poisoned.
Synthesis: Grass: Uses the sun's rays to regain health.
Ingrain: Grass: Digs roots deep in the ground to gradually regain health.
Giga Drain: Grass: Powerfully saps health from the foe pokemon.
Vileplume ♀ Lv.29
Type: Grass/Poison
Held item: None
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
Sleep Powder : Grass: Causes foe pokemon to fall asleep.
Acid: Poison :Deals damage with a caustic acid.
PoisonPowder: Poison: Causes the foe pokemon to become poisoned.
Giga Drain: Grass: Powerfully saps health from the foe pokemon.
Victreebel ♀ Lv.29
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
Stun Spore: Grass: Causes the foe pokemon to become paralyzed.
Acid: Poison :Deals damage with a caustic acid.
PoisonPowder:Poison: Causes the foe pokemon to become poisoned.
Giga Drain: Grass: Powerfully saps health from the foe pokemon.
Actual Pokemon:
Shiftry ♀ Lv.54 Grass/Dark
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
Leaf Storm: Grass :A storm of sharp leaves is whipped up.
Sucker Punch: Dark: A dark punch that will strike first in battle.
Sunny Day: Fire : Causes the sun to become bright for 5 turns.
Explosion: Normal: Pokemon Sacrifices itself to cause massive damage.
Jumpluff ♀ Lv.53 Grass Flying
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
U-turn: Bug: Pokemon attacks then spins back into its ball, releasing another ally pokemon.
Memento:Dark: Pokemon sacrifices itself to give its foe a dark gift, reducing their defences heavily.
Sleep Powder: Grass: Whips up sleep-inducing spores to affect foe.
Giga Drain: Grass: Powerfully saps health from the foe pokemon.
Victreebel ♀ Lv.56 Grass /Poison
Held item:
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
Natural Gift:Normal: Its power/effect is based on the surrounding area.
Sludge Bomb: Poison: A highly toxic ball of sludge is shot at the enemy. Causes poison.
Leaf Storm: Grass :A storm of sharp leaves is whipped up.
Leaf Blade: Grass: Strikes foe with a blade-like leaf slash.
Bellossom ♀ Lv.56 Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
Sunny Day: Fire : Causes the sun to become bright for 5 turns.
SolarBeam: Grass: Releases a high-powered beam of light, takes one turn to charge, unless sunny day is in effect.
Giga Drain: Grass: Powerfully saps health from the foe pokemon.
Attract: Normal: Pokemon of the opposite sex become highly attracted to bellosom.
Tangrowth ♀ Lv.60 Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll: The speed stat of Pokémon with this ability doubles. This effect lasts until the Pokémon is switched out or until the sunny weather ends.
Swords Dance: Normal: Does a special dance that increases its attack heavily.
Power Whip: Grass: Whips foe with its tentacles, causes massive damage.
Rock Slide: Rock: Unleashes a rock slide onto the opponent.
Earthquake: Ground: Slams ground to create a massive earthquake.
Roserade ♀ Lv.55 Grass/Poison
Ability: Natural Cure: When Roserade is switched in and out of battle, any statuses it had will be cured.
Weather Ball: Normal: Power/Type based on weather.
Energy Ball: Grass: A ball of chloroiphic energy is released, can lower foes defenses.
Sludge Bomb: Poison:A highly toxic ball of sludge is shot at the enemy. Causes poison.
Stun Spore: Grass: Pokemon whips up a cloud of paralasys-inducing spores.
OOC Notes:
The player of this character prefers sexual/story based RP, please keep this in mind.
Most sliders do not exist because one should learn a persons preferences through RP.
Character may be OOC at times, because i'm not perfect XD.
And one more picture, because i think its cute in a pervy way.