This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Otto Kruger Satanic Executor ![]() "Maybe I'm not a man of poems To other duties I was created I wished to rhyme this introduction... ... so it's more dramatic, but... ... Oh, for fuck sake, I'm gonna kill somebody! Alright... I'm gonna try again Though I may need a rhyming tutour More then fine lyrics, I preffer blade I'm not a Poet! I'm Executor!" |
![]() Name: Otto Kruger Rank: Satanic Executor - a member of elite soldiers recon in The Abyss as finest vampire combatants, who at war lead special task forces and during time of peace are a kind of mobile judges, who judge and fight those who brake rules of Sangui'Mortan society - their duty is also to execute orders against high vampiric aristocracy and those who govern people. You can say they are some kind of semi-underground political police of The Abyss, also they are only one priviliged to 'execute' vampires of higher cast if they are sentenced to death... In his mortal life he was an SS Stuhrmbaumfuhrer, leading one of death camps during World War. For that he was punished and send to Abyss to live as a vampire. Those who knows him, knows also about his horrible past - about thousands he tormented for his own amusement, jewish women raped and brutaly beaten to death. Otto's supervisors in Abyss liked his recomendations a lot. Age: Born in 1909, he was murdered in Argentina, tracked by Mossad, when he was at age of 81. In 'time-less' Abyss he spent more than two thousand years - what made him grow 'younger' so in this wicked ubnormal realisty his age is about late 30's by his look. Race, Origin: A true vampire, very corupted, immoral... His character is pure evil and malevolence - absolutely nothing good about him, he earned his rank as no one else would. Unlike his fanatic friend Heinrich_Doppelhertz - he knows no other motivation, than simple lust and need to spread evil. You know this kind of villains, who become evil because they were harmed in past? The average type from novels, books and movies where authors try to justify and explain the reasons for one's immoral behaviour. Well... Otto is nothing like those. He is just evil, and he likes that! NO... HE LOVES that! He is a type who does things oposite and brakes rules exactly because people, and society, wants him to do something compleetly different. He will brake law, just for satisfaction of going against someone's will and ideals. It's pretty much his idea of fun. Abbilities: With great apetite he uses all kind of foul black magic, potions, relics and artifacts. People with at least tiniest bits of conscious left in them wouldn't be allowed to use those - artifacts of such elemental evil would simply kill him - though, cause of such a corruption, he is extreemly susceptible to any holy powers. A vampire who really should be affraid of holy water.
Look: A tall and well built man - 8 feet tall, muscular, with a scar running through his cheek, eye and forehead. Pale skin, white short hair, long fangs and tatoos... - he's a vampire, what you expect? Emo? As an executor he wears a terifying battle-armor, fit for... well: battle. It's very elastic and resistant to deadly chemicals and high temperatures - Abyss is not a pleasant place, mostly full of horror, shit and, you know... death... Actualy there is more things that cause death, pain and suffering then safe stuff, even rocks can bite your hand off if you piss them off. Armament:
![]() History: As mentioned earlier, he was a Nazzi soldier, who whith infamous Doctor Mengele, worked in Death Camps during World War II, known for his sadistic talents he was said to be best man for the job. No one organised such a precise machine of execution on almost industrial scale, as this man. His psychotic character caused other SS representatives to be literary scared of him! The way he punished some of prisoners were horrible and he always made others watch. For example: some were burried in ground with only their heads sticking out above the surface. Than he ordered to release hungry attack dogs and forcing other prisoners watch how hounds eat faces of their relatives, tearing skin of their faces. ![]() After war he managed to escape to Argentina on board of one of U-Bots which passed through american blockade. He lived there training local special groups what he once learned in Gestapo and SS boot-camps. He kept himself hidden for looong years, till he became old and reckless. Eventualy tracked by Mossad agents, he managed to kill some of them, though one managed to pierce his skill with army-knife - hence scar on his face. After death he was sent to Abyss for long milenias of punishment, transformed into a vampire, codnemned with blodthirster's curse. He spent long years in service of count Vladislavus - ruler of Sangui'Mortan, earning rank of executor. To be executor all you got to really do is - 'survive'. You know, when you live for milenias, thousands of years in time-less Abyss you will sooner or later have an agenda of Wars. And in two thousand years Otto went through so many wars he can't keep a number anymore... he doesn't care to be honest. Anyway, that means a lot of knights die during so many campaigns, but those who managed to survive so much of them already proved they have exeptional skill, they can fight and are smart enaugh not to die. No need to make silly trials - a review of Curiculum Vitae in general is enaugh to know if one fits rank of Executor or not. ![]() After he gained his high position in the Fleet, he had some time to chill out, to enjoy all the luxury of higher class. A time when his fantasies came true and when once more he could enjoy what he likes most - women, taking them as if they were rag-dolls. Otto bought himself a noble title, a small mannor with a lot of servants... and a little destillery of Black Opium. Life had a taste. |
![]() OOC Notes: For everyone, this is a pure vicious and brutal bastard who treats word 'scrupuls', like a hippie treats a soap - they hate eachothers. A predator that has takes what he wants, how he wants and where he wants. He respects only power, power, power and more power, sees people like objects and more they scream, more they cry the better. Don't say "No" in his pressence, cause just to annoy you, he will go against you. He takes people as object of interest, use them and thorw out, and he does adore women, different kinds, sometimes he's eager to violate an innocent angle, sometimes he longs to corrupt a majestic noble lady. Blood - he drinks it - No Ecceptions! - you got some? Be ready to have his fangs in your neck. He is corrupted, thus he loves what vile and repulsive, he would rape most hideous mutants of The Abyss, just because everyone thinks it's too much and no one would cross this line. ... Well, fuck 'Others'! He likes to suck his victims dry, leaving empty shells, bathing in their blood. If you desire a true vampire, be sure you like danger - as there is no going back after you get aboard Satanic ship. Few things are mine restrictions in RP - I only RP with people who can write, and I mean - write well, no silly one or two sentences, I want descriptive roleplay, full of juicy details. Also I play with people who actualy have well developed characters. It takes some more than one picture and three sentences in your profile. ![]() |
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