
Hello there! I'm Ophelia, an angel who's keen on doing whatever I can to help the people!
I offer some special services making use of my body and angelic powers, and, since I wanna help everyone, it's all free of charge! I just wanna see you smile <3
  •  My most basic offer is letting you drink my holy milk straight from the source.. my nipple! It's creamy and sweet, keeps you full for a while, and helps aid any digestive problems you're having! Plus, it's good for when you're cold since it spreads a pleasant warmth through your body.
  •  Another offer I have is a full-body massage and body healing session.. in my stomach! I'll swallow you, let the soft, slimy walls knead and massage your skin while you get healed, before letting you out whenever you please~ It's completely safe, and you get the added benefit of having any sins cleansed from your system to leave you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed! The cleansed sins also get repurposed as they are converted by my body into my breastmilk~ However, a slight disclaimer is that people composed of many sins - naturally demons and succubi - may get digested and 'cleansed' fully. My body will absorb you like a regular meal, and.. umm... d-dispose of you like a regular meal too >///<
  •  My final offer, for those looking for a fresh start in life, is a stay in my womb! You'll get regressed back into my baby, and I'll keep you well-cared for until you're ready to be born. While the other offers are free for anyone at any time, this one may require a little waiting. The maximum number of babies I usually can carry is 2 or 3, and it may take a year or two to finally give birth, so you might have to wait around for a bit for when my womb isn't quite as.. umm... 'booked' full!
Don't be afraid to ask for anything though! It's my job to help people~

Name: Ophelia
Height: 178cm
Weight: 81kg
Likes: Helping people, seeing smiles
Dislikes: Uncleanliness

Part of V_Alts (which is now a part of RosiePlayer's characters!)

I breastfed Kayna_Rain before making her into a cute little daughter! She's happily growing in my womb now~
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Check player profile for more detailed sliders!
Soft Vore Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Pregnancy Always/Love
Tattooification Always/Love