Onyx Arahorn wasn't always the mortal cat person you see before you. Once upon a time, he was actually a god, or, half of one that is. His brother and him together were once Yin Yang, though as time went on, people began seeing them more and more as symbols than people. Before long, everyone had all but forgotten about them, causing them to lose everything they once had.
As time went on with them lost to it, they steadily every power they ever once had, leaving them to be just husks of their former selves, cursed with immortality so they could see how well the world got along without them. One day as Onyx was walking through his normal forest home, he stumbled across a demoness named Aislynne, who actually claimed to be able to help ease his suffering. Umbra didn't truly believe her, and the two brothers would sadly seperate, though without his knowing so, Aislynne had hunted down his brother and consumed his soul, leaving him lost forever.
Onyx would actually live happily with the demoness for a few years before he began noticing that she was siphoning his soul throughout their months together, though he could do nothing about it... Eventually one young girl would actually save him from this slow torture and took him to her home in the city, though Aislynne soon figured out about the woman, whom Onyx found to be named Arya.
Onyx and Arya would live peacefully for a few years before Arya revealed she was actually working on something to give him his old powers back, though without his brother they wouldn't be nearly as powerful. It would only take a couple more weeks, but before long he was back to using his old powers, though not without side effects. sometimes it was something small, like a change in eye color, other times it was shifting his form, and sometimes even manipulating his own soul in the process.
It didnt take him very long before he tried out one of his more powerful abilities, but instead of shifting his skin to stone, it created a small vortex, pulling him and Arya into it and dropping them in the nexus. While they struggled on trying to go back home, they made themselves a small camp, and despite being as careful as possible, he lost Arya that night to a pack of wolves, leaving him struggling to survive with limited resources and malfunctioning powers.
((what I'm looking for is an rp that is multiple sessions, preferrably long term, and something that i can add to my background. For this, vore could be rare and even fatal, temporarily or permenantly I do not care. size shifting, and most other hijinks you can think of are welcome if we are going long term. Constantly in character, or small breaks OOC would be your choice. multiple people welcome.))
(( Second note, all of this is going to be a WIP as I try touching up a very old character.))
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Pretty open to just about anything right now, just mention it. |
Story_Based scenes |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |