Oheň Zafír
Herm (Can be Female / Futa if asked)
8 foot 4 (Anthro Form) & 13 foot 8 inches (height) 45 feet (length) (Dragon Form)
*Blushes* "It's rude to ask that"
Gold with red fade
Body Type:
Sexual Preference:
Breast Size:
42D (Which for her size is small)
Firefighter (Modern setting) or Bounty Hunter (Fantasy Setting)
Previous Job:
Fav Food:
Fire, chocolate, ice-cream, human, spaghetti, curry, fire, gems and etc.
Food, people, warm to hot places, massages, baths, flying, racing, treasure, crafting gem scuplters/figures/etc, shinny stuff, sleeping / napping and etc
Pizza, Rude people, bad people, whinny spoiled brats, spiders, insects, knights, losing, people taking her prosthetic leg, water (hasnt learned how to swim), modes of transport (extreme motion sickness), people insulting her, swords, spears, and etc.
Is alt of Agent_Lurking
Čierna Búrka
Diamantová Červená
Siblings / Cousins:
Jemný Príliv, this is Ohen's one and only little cousin, Jemný Príliv. Who is a water dragon and is at the young age of 77 or in human years 7 and a half.
Samantha_Demisnack (Daughter - Unbirth)
Other Info:
Is alt of Agent_Lurking
Solstice is a city made of Ice Crystals and stone, though one can be forgiven if they think its made of snow with it being covered in the stuff.
Is alt of Agent_Lurking
Super Strength:
Strong enough to lift a bus with ease, even crush it with bare hands.
Can rengenerate or heal almost any wound/injury if eats enough fire
Has such a big life span may seem endless but is around 10,000 years. This could be down to how much mana dragons have, could be down to them having 2 hearts or down to them evolving to have long lives, who knows.
Night vision:
Dragon's are able to see just as well in the dark. With their eyes appear to glow in the dark, Ohen being no excpetion. The colour of the glow is same as the dragon's eye colour.
Fire Resistance:
Fire attacks, fire in general even lava has no effect on oheň zafír, other than it being like a nice bath or something.
Super Durability:
Dragon scales are incredibly tough
Fire Breath:
Has ability to shoot fire from her mouth, red being her normal fire. Green being her Dragon Fire to send stuf to others. White fire is the hotest fire she can use, but stronger dragons can use blue fire which is the hotest fire out there.
Green Fire: 25 °C (77 °F)
Red Fire: 300 °C- 950 °C (570 °F - 1,700 °F)
Orange Fire: 1,000 °C- 1,200 °C (1,800 °F - 2,200 °F)
White Fire: 1,300 °C- 2,000 °C (2,400 °F - 3,600 °F)
Blue Fire: 2,600 °C- 3,000 °C (4,700 °F - 5,400 °F)
Has the ability to fly, only in her feral form as her humanoid form doesn't have wings yet. Normally dragons born without wings in their humanoid form grow their wings at the age of around 2,500. Give or take a century. During the wings growth event, they will get an incredible high temperature to point one may think they have a serious illness. They'd also have illustrations, trouble sleeping, sourness, skin and scales go pale and get harder and harder. To point where dragon can't move or be moved, without risk of injury. After a week to 2 weeks of this, the dragon would look like a statue, and that wouldn't be far from it. As they will have to break out of dead skin, scales and etc, as its a shredding process. One they only go through once, least on this scale. Once they leave old shredding body, they come out with wings, and brand new shiny scales. Scars can be fixed in this process, just not loss of a limb for example.
Dragon Fire:
Can send anything to anyone using her dragon fire, or green flame she breathes out. If sent to another dragon they burp the item out, if not the fire comes and stops in front of them. And the item falls out of the fire onto the ground in font of them.
Glowing Insides:
Ohen's along with her kind, insides tend to glow a low level of light. Not viewable from outside, but where ever her prey ends, they will e able to see inside thansk to her personal glowing red tint in her insides. Be it her stomach, womb, balls, breasts, ass, throat or tail.
Long Tongue:
Dragons, and Ohen's tongue are long, like giraffe long, maybe longer. Either way Ohen can extended her tongue at most 15 feet from out her mouth. Her tongue being mostly like humans in shape but just a bit thinner and split at the end. Sense of taste is same as a humans, dragons evolved with long tongue to clean their young easier. And to hold things when in feral form but the tongue istelf isn't sticky, hence the length to get good grip but wrapping around the thing the want to hold.
Immune System:
Dragons have one of if not the strongest immune system on the planet. However its not what one may think, as it can easily be a double edged sword. While some rather serious diseases, flu's or etc to other life forms can be no more problem than a problem than a common cold. The fatal or worse ones can leave the dragon in pain for a long time. For example a fatal disease could leave a dragon bedridden for years, as they suffer through it. Most time it wont kill them but sometimes it can if dragon has given up mentally. However there is one disease that can and will overpower this system, and not one dragon can fight it.
Unique Anatomy:
Dragons have a unique anatomy, they have to in order to breathe fire for example. They have to have insides that are protected form combustion and all that entails. As well as their bodies containing a gland that houses and produces flammable noxious gases ready for when the dragon wants to breathe out fire. But to protect the dragon from burning themselves or the gases their inner organs are shielding inside and out by pyrite and vivianite. Which is the reason why dragon's blood is blue rather than red, because it contains those elements. So the blood won't catch fire, can stand high temputures and isn't affected by the gases either.
Two Stomachs:
Ohen has two stomaches, one she inherited from her mom which is a never ending pit. The other is a healing / storage stomach she got from her dad.
Tail Maw:
Ohen and other dragons tail's can open up to reveal a toothless mouth that can eat things whole. However Ohen doesn't have great control of this appendage, and it leaves her sensitive to the touch and horny boring anything this way.
Ohen's Dragon Form:-
Ohen's natural form, she can change into it or from it and into her anthro form any time she wishes but can't change anything about them. But when does so her whole body catches fire and becomes fire temp.
Her underbelly, I.E her tummy and underside of tail are much softer and weaker than the rest of her body. While still somewhat tough to other beings, to her with scales and such its the main point knights go for as it's easier to cut into her hide there.
Motion Sickness:
Ohen and all dragons in general, have bad motion sickness once they reach a certain power level i their development, roughly around the 100 year mark or 8-10 ish if they they had human life span. It's so bad they can't ride ANY mode of transport without getting sick to the point they can barely do anything. And can be overpowered easily, even by a hman child. As such most tend to avoid modes of transports at all costs, and would much rather fly on their own power. Even walk. And no manner of spells, medicine or etc can cure, stop or halt the motion sickness. Only getting off said mode of transport can stop it.
Dragon's Appetite:
Ohen inherited her mothers stomach, at least her digestion one. In that its never full, she will never be or feel full. Both a power and a curse.
Being cold blooded means cold is a problem for Ohen, seeing as she is a fire dragon. However she has a way to deal with the cold, namely use her inner fire to keep her warm. Of course if she is in a weakened state and not got enough energy to keep herself warm, she is in just as if not more so, danger of freezing than even a human.
Tail Tip:
Her tail tip along with all female dragons have an extra weakness when compared to male counterparts. Thier tail tips are soft and weaker than their underbellies, even the scales on this part are just as soft. As such while an attack to this pat of them doesn't render them useless, it affect them in a certain way. In a sexual and dominance way, if say a human was to grab this part of Ohen, they would most likely make her moan, blush and become weak in the knees. It's part of dragon evolution thanks to nature giving a way for the male dragons to have a way to dominate and make a female dragon their mate. This weakness of course includes Ohen herself, however all dragons but more so female dragons keep this secret to themselves. As males don't want other speices to take their mates, and female dragons don't want to be basically property to every race.
Bodies of water:
Ohen being able to fly, and not needing to, has never learned how to swim. As such if her wings are clipped, chances are she could drown if dropped in the sea for example.
Other Info:
Ohen's inside have a glow to them with her being a fire dragon. So anyone who goes inside her, would be able to see said insides as well as themselves. But with a faint red tint, though this goes for anywhere in her be it either of her two stomachs. Her womb, her butt, her boobs nd balls (if she is a herm).
Is alt of Agent_Lurking
Enterance To Ohen's Cave:-
Enterance to Ohen's home or rather cave, the font having human skulls and bones along with burnt armour, shields and weapons. She keeps these things thee to keep knights, dagon hunters and etc away.
Inside Ohen's Cave:-
Part of the cave, mainly the first part one enters. It is bare of any furniture, treasure or the like. It has some human bones here and there and sorch marks, this is to make the cave look empty and nothing of value is inside. But as one enters there is a very sharp bend that comes back on the left, that goes down and the tunnel is much thinner and smaller in height but it leads down into a big open space. This is where Ohen's treasure is and where she sleeps and etc.
Ohen's Treasure Cave:-
However, it would seem some humans used to live in this cave or at least store something here as the left turn leads to an open space yes, but into part oft he cave that has steps, pillars and the like carved into the cave. Making it look nice, while there is no kitchen, toilets or anything, its muched welcomed by Ohen.
Ohen's Cave House:-
What the house looks like from what would be the back enterance of the cave but looks like front of the house.
Living Area:-
Simple but nice looking living are with comfy seats, tv and etc.
Dinning Area / Bar:-
The dinning area / bar from ground and above, nothing special but to high standard.
A simple, smallish but nice looking kitchen
The hallway leading off from the living area to the other rooms and of course the 'back' enterace of the house to the cave
Guest Bedrooms:-
What most of the 6 guest bedrooms look like, simple and spacious rooms. That have a nice and extemely comfy beds.
Master Bedroom:-
Doesn't look like much but its the same size as the other bedrooms but they have been scaled down for the average human. With her beroom scaled up to her size, it even having its own bathroom
Master Bathroom:-
Bathroom that is only connected to the master bedroom.
Streamer Set up:-
What Ohen streamer room looks like, with rest being open space but with a sofa in back to relax on. Room is also big enough for her to do her vore or porno's.
Is alt of Agent_Lurking
Dračí Ostróv:-
The Average Stone Hut:-
The average home of the average dragon who hasn't got a cave to live in. Most tend to be simple inside, bedroom which the whole family lives in. Living / kitchen area and a bathroom which is just a deep hole as a toilet. The hole having a lid where they can breath fire in to get of the waste, without worrying about smell coming back at them or anything.
Dragon Lord:-
Unique Creatures:-
The BugBear is a creature that is made of a bear and a wasp, it has 2 sets of powerful arms with claws, a stinger tail and a set of insect looking wings. It also being roughly the same size of a brown bear. The wings allowing it to fly, while it can't fly too high, it can at least reach 200 feet or so into the air without strainning itself too much. The Bugbear namely feeds on woodland critter as it lives in the forrest area of the mainland. But it's numbers are slowly declining that to Dragons having enough of them attacking thier young, so are keeping their numbers low. BugBears also tend to have couple of cubs at most per birth, with the cubs being dotile till they ae older.
Phantom Panther:
The Phantom Panther is a feline with a rather unique fure pattern. These felines come in 2 colours, grey with blue skulls and black with red skulls. The grey and blue being the most numberous of the two and are roughly same size as a regular panther. But the black and red is a little bigger, and overall is more powerful. But either way, the skull pattern fur isn't the only thing that seperates this feline to other felines. As it looks like a normal panther with weird fur pattern dureing the day, but during the night it becomes another animal. As after all, this is when it hunts. While it hunts woodloand creatures, fish and the like, it has also been known to feed on either young, injured or disabled dragons when it can. It being much harder to keep it's numbers low thanks to is special ability. As when it turns to night, it can and does turn into black smoke, almost disppering into the dark of the night. Making it hard to see but its also hard to fight back against a smoke. But wheter its smoke or solid, the one thing that makes it a little easier to see, is it's eyes. Are they always be glowing a soft but dark purple. However it also has the same speed, the same agility, the same sense and the like as a regular panther. Making it a rather powerful and dangerous predator. It like the BugBear would be at top of food chain anywhere else in the world below
The Volcaine is simply a different type of canine not found anywhere else other than in or near volcanoes. As much like fire dragons it doesn't do that well in colder areas. But this canine would be one of three of the only friendly/doctile unquie creatures found on any of the Islands. The Volcanine has a rather strange appearance, aside from it strange looking black and orange fur that lets it go into lava itself. No the strangest part of this dog is tht it has no eyes, and it's mouth is big and in center of it's head. Which may unerve some people but this dog 'sees' with its very powerful nose, probably the most powerful nose in existance. Said nose being flat and blending in with it's fur, giving it's head a round flat head. With its long floppy ears that is almost as long as it's tall, with these eas being as pwerful as normal canine ears. Speaking of tall, it would be the same size as an adult human male, so around 6 feet tall. But apart from it's strange appearance it would act just like a normal dog, or at least most do. Happy, loving, playful creatures, but is rather protective of it's pack. As for it's source of food, it can eat anything, gems, meat, plants. Though it's favourite would be that of either bones or steak from Honcows.
The CrimsonBat is the stuff of nightmare fuel, as while almost like a normal bat, it would be four the size of a normal fuit bat. The first thing people would notice other than it's size, is its glowing red eyes. These eyes allow it to see in the dak unlike other blind type bats. Though it can also use sonar to see as well, but what also makes this bat different apart from it's size and eyes, is it's diet. As this bat feeds on blood as is most likely the original soruce of vampires. But is known to feed on fruits when blood is in sort supply though it wouldn't get much from said fruits. These bats can be found in mountain caves or underground caves and the like.
The Tentihale is the doctile creature on this list, and is easily the biggest. Simply put it's a mixtue of a blue whale and a gaint squid. It has a long and slender body than a blue whale, with tenticles and a long blue whale like mouth. Along it's front it has a total of 3 eyes on each side of it's head, and has somewhere around 16-20 fins to help it swim along. This gaint beast would mostly feed on Krill, shrimp and the like. But it does from time to time accidetnally swallow a shark, much smaller whales and other sea creature. But there has been stories where it's kind has even eaten a dragon or two who went swimming and never came back up.
Scorpeetle is a mixture of a scorpian and a beetle, but grearly sized up. As an adult Scorpeetle can grow to as big as an Elephant. It's exoskeleton thick and harder enough to deflect bullets from a stabdard pistol with ease. And its razor sharp stinger is able to pierce even most metals. It loves to dig and to ambush any would be prey by popping out of the grounce its prey is within striking distance. Its duet consists of only meat, from any living meat baised creature. Including thier own injuried, dead or children if hungry enough. Its pincers and teeth sharp enough to bite into gems, and tear open even dragon scales. It's posion which comes out of its stinger tail, is one of most potent. Any unlucky creature to get some of this poison in them. In for a rough couple hours of extreme pain before they die. The posion disovling the most critical organs in the body and any other organs stop working. It fears nothing, even dragons, making it a rather dangerous creature. Not to mention is breeds more than rabbits so it also has numbers.
Soar Wolf:
Soar wolf is basically just a wolf with wings. Granted its the size of an human adult male. And its fur is mostly black with blue patterns and blue feathers. It would act just like a wild wolf. Hunt in packs, alpha ruling and so on. It can be found in moutains or artic island.
Homosapiens cousin in the evolution chain. They are smaller than homosapien roughly 5'6 for males at most or 5'4 for females at most. But are wider with more muscles and heavier muscle mass. While not as strong as apes, they are in between apes and humans. But unlike homesapiens they never really advanced with their knowledge and have been stagnated in the caveman area. They have wooden spears and axes, mud huts and the like, but they dont talk. Just grunt and other such noises.
Other Creatures:
There are also other unique creatures, such as; Cowbee, Kovové turtle which is a metal turtle that has Kovové metal growing on top of it's shell. As or the more normal animals there would be a rang eof things from normal cows, chickens, birds, woodland critters, snakes.
Is alt of Agent_Lurking
Necrotizing Fasciitis:-
Necrotizing Fasciitis or Nekrotizujúca fasciitída is THE most dangerous disease on the planet, and while it mostly targets dragons with their high body temps it can and does affect other living life forms first in order to get to the dragons. It's a disease that can't be spread via bodily fluids or the like. Instead it grows within rotten food, be it meat or otherwise, which are only found on Dračí Ostróv. It can infect dragons straight away if they eat something infected with it, but normally it infects rats first. After it infects the first living creature it begins with the skin, fur or scales turning black, and the veins under the skin start to show with them turning purple. This process in normal life forms takes couple minutes at most, seconds at best. You'd want it to be seconds as this disease causes huge amount of pain as it eats away at it's nerves, stomach, bowels, even part of the brain. Once enough has been taken from the host it takes over the host's body with the host themselves having to watch what it's body does. The takeover is complete when the host's eyes turn black with the pupils glowing purple. As the disease make the body attack anything on sight, anything. Be it its own offspring, mates, allies, anything.
How does it spread from creature to creature? Spores that emit from the body which either lands on the target or the target’s shadow. Yes this disease can infect shadows but only shadows from living creatures, thankfully. However like said previous the host is still alive while it's own body attacks, the host only truly dies when the brain rots away which could take months or years depending on what the host is. Either way the disease makes it way up the food chain till it eventually infects a dragon. And this is what happens to said dragon when it's infected.
Is alt of Agent_Lurking
Status | Meaning |
LFRP | You can approach me or I'll approach you for an RP |
Open | Come and poke me if you want a Rp, I dnt bite, much ;) |
In Character | In character or whoever I'm on so will act like them |
Online | Lurking, deciding if can or want to rp |
Distacted | In rp |
Busy | Editing profile, prefences, in rp or busy irl |
Away | Away from keyboard |
Ohen's Personality:
Ohen is a nice girl who tries to be nice to everyone, she comes across as somewhat playful and flirty and tries to be calm in some situations. She is also competitive. However one thing to note that she is very clumsy. Though is cold to anyone who wears knight gear and the like.
Ohen's Prosthetic Leg:-
Ohen's prosthetic leg that comes to just above where the knee would be on her right leg (anthro form) or right back leg (feral form). This crafted by her father but had her mother's touch when came to appearance. It grew with her as she grew up, but also changed when she goes in between forms. The leg looks like this in shape but the top part where it connects to the nub, the calf and the foot are painted to look like covered in red scales.
Ohen's Extra Equipment:
Ohen's cock and balls would have a human shape to them rather than say lizard, but they would have some scales on them. The shaft would be 14 inches when errect or 7 when flaccid and would have a somewhat fat girth. However that's in human form, in her dragon form it grows with her size, to a monsterous 6 feet or 72 inches but retracts into her body when not aroused. Making it roughly the same size and width of a adult human.
Winter Clothing:-
Ohen's winter outfit
Summer Wear:-
Ohen's summer outfit
Formal Wear:-
Ohen's Formal wear but also has some sun glasses to cover her eyes.
Casual Wear:-
Ohen's casual clothes
Casual Wear (2):-
Ohen's casual clothes she can wear when she's not afraid or trying to hide who ro what she really is.
Ohen's dress but also with some glasses to again cover her eyes.
Jogging Clothes:-
Ohen's workout clothes
Work Outfit:-
Ohen's work gear and outfit she wears when on the job.
Dragon Life Cycle:-
After the obvious meeting of sperm meeting egg, dragons have both same but different experience when comes to reproducing when comes to other like forms. As they carry their young yes, but also lay eggs. Normally rate per pregnancy being 2, at most 5. This stage is roughly between 9-11 months, and would see the egg being formed rather than the baby itself. As dragons live on a dangerous island where new-borns can and will be eaten very easily, or eggs be to soft to even stand a chance against some predators sharp teeth. So, dragons evolved to have 2 types, the first being the egg. Where said egg grow with time, and gets harder within the mother. For most of this time, with last 2 months or so being where the baby itself starts to come forth in liquid form. At the biggest each egg is the size of a ruby ball or football for you Americans before it leaves the mother.
Once the egg is laid into a nest, it must be kept warm at all times. Unless it’s a ice dragon egg. Speaking of, each type of dragon has its own special egg. As these eggs come with random, and unique patterns. To point where you will never see two alike, not even with identical twins. Fire dragon eggs uses reds, oranges and yellows and blacks its in patterns that cover the whole egg. Lightning dragon eggs use white and blues, earth dragon eggs use browns, oranges, yellows and green. Ice dragon eggs use white and light blues, and air dragons eggs use white, slivers and sometimes blues or yellows. But the rarest of all dragons, magic dragon eggs, use purples but then also any their colour in any amount of number of colours. But magic dragons are so rare that one is roughly born every half million years if that. Either way, the egg is far from being done when its laid, as its still got time to grow with the embryo inside, not to mention get even harder. But for the first month the embryo hasn't formed into anything remotely like a embryo and is still a liquid.
During the first month that is probably best time to snatch up an egg as its the softest it will be. Unless someone cuts open a pregnant female dragon. Plus it’s also the time when it’s at its smallest and lightest as that will change with time. Dragon eggs are said to be by far the tastiest egg on the planet hands down, not to mention the most healthy with all its protein and etc inside. It is otherwise known as dream eggs, they are that tasty. But of course, you have get past the parents to get one, and before that you have to even to the Island first. But let’s say you get past those 2 things, you’ll have to somehow managed to move the egg. At its lightest once outside the mother, it would weight around the same size of an adult female, at the most before it hatch it would weight the same as a horse. Then there’s the size as it goes from ruby/football size to size of a large dog or human child. Anyway, after the first month, the embryo forms and grows into a baby within the egg which grows with it. Examples of each element of dragon is below.
Newborn / Baby:
A baby dragon hatches from the egg and is the size of human child around 5 years old or same size as a medium sized dog, and weights as much as a horse. This is thanks to what dragons are made off, though the air dragons are by far lightest, and earth dragons of course being heaviest. So weight of a horse is mostly for fire, lightning, ice, water or magic dragon babies. Anyway, the new-born has no control of their respect element nor the control over transform between feral and humanoid / anthro form. And can and will change at random for no given reason, with the feral form normally being around the size of a large dog. The dragon will stay in this stage or a good 20 years or there abouts, with not much changing mentally or physically during tht time.
Small Child:
This is when the dragon is around 20-60 years old, human years anyway. During this period the dragon will go though element surges, i.e. a lightning dragon will charge up and shoot lightning everywhere. Seemingly without a drain on their energy. It’s also when they will grow their teeth, learn how to speak basic language, gain basic control on their element and basic control on flight in their feral forms. And of course, some control on the transformations. At this stage they are not much bigger than a baby dragon but would be same size as a large dog, and weight as much as polar bear in feral form anyway. It’s at this point they won’t get that much heavier in anthro / humanoid form, at around 2-3 times heavier than average human male. This is also the time the dragon will go to school, however dragon schools aren't that advance. So 'school' tends to teach the dragon how to speak, write, read, fly, control over element and transformations. The parents teach it how to walk before school.
60-120 is the age a dragon is considered a child dragon, where they should have much better control over element and transformations. Though not mastery, that comes later, normally in the next stage. At this point the dragon is roughly same size as an adult human and weights as much as an elephant, in feral form. While they may be as old or older than most humans live at this point, they are still physically and mentally that of a child. Even dragon child like to play, and do what kids like to do in any race, species or etc. Not much else will happen in this stage, as its mostly about gaining control of themselves, playing, learning and so on.
At 120-350 years, Now comes the troubled teens, as humans say. Yes, dragons go through the rebel phase, some more than others. A certain Ohen went through the goth phase during her teenage years. But thats nor here nor there. It’s during this period that dragons probably go though the most changes, inside anyway. As at this point, they should have mastery over their element, flight and transformation. At roughly 7-9 feet for females or 9-13 feet for males, Ohen is of short side of things in humanoid form. In feral form females are around 20-25 feet high and 50-55 feet long. Males being around 30-35 feet high to 55-65 feet long. Males being bigger, stronger and better at long distant flying. Females tend to be more agile, faster and have stronger connection to their element. With a female feral dragon weighting as much as a whale and male feral dragons as much as 2 whales, they tending to be double weight of females. Which helps them being stronger and easier to force dominance for example.
Of course, the biggest change is hormones and all that. With males going through the standard wanting to shag every female or male depending on preference, and females going through heat cycles rather than what human females go through. So yeah, it’s also time where dragon should be attracted to others, Ohen was one of exceptions to this but thats nor here nor there. At this stage teenage dragons are allowed to enter The Dragon Lord War, which is not as bad as it sounds. Its mostly just a contest between the contestants to race to get the Dragon Lord Staff in which the winner is crowned Dragon lord. But they can fight each other, cheat, and so on but not kill.
Young Adult:
350-2,500 is what a dragon considers adulthood but would still be a young adult. This is where they stop growing physically and virtually mentally too. This is what humans call the 20's, with the aging process coming to a stop or rather so slow it might as well stopped. Its not till the end of the period that the dragon goes through a change into proper adulthood.
2,500 to 5,000 is the adult period of a dragons life. But it starts of with them going through a change not seen since the egg period of their lives. As the dragon goes through what an outside would think as a very serious and life-threatening fever. But will in fact not kill the dragon, the opposite really. As they gain a temperature so hot that water can be boiled on them, food be cooked and so on. Well, if anything other than ice dragon anyway. They also have cold sweats, hallucinations, sleep a lot, mumbled speech, vomiting, itching, the lot. But what is actually happening is the dragon is going through the first and only shredding they will go through, whilst also gaining extra limbs for their humanoid / anthro form. And of course, their tail grows from short and fat to foot or so longer than their humanoid body and thinner too. Once it’s over, their scales will also feel and look brand new, not to mention shinier, and any minor injury, scare or etc will be fixed. But nothing major like a missing limb or something.
5,000 - 7,000 is what humans would say is the 30's, some would say this is where dragon is near the end of their prime of power, physical power and so on. But are no way done, as dragon in this age group can and will give dragons in their prime a run for their money. But much like when humans turn 30, it’s the slow start of it going downhill. As the aging process starts to kick in but not that noticeable. This is also the period where dragons horns, and tails start to grow (in anthro / humanoid form) and with each century do they get bigger, little by little. To a certain point anyway. Though at roughly 5,600 their horns and tails should be at their longest, in humanoid form that it will ever be. Most having their tails as long as their bodies and horns a good foot or so long. This being what Ohen looks like when her horns and tail hae grown out fully
7,000 - 8,500 is the 40's This is where a dragon may find a grey hair here, have some random aches in their body, and will normally lose a yard of speed, or lift of strength. While they can and will be beaten by younger dragons in terms of power, their experience can bridge that gap, for now.
8,500 - 9,000 is the 50's This is where grey hairs become more noticeable, and their scales begin to lose a bit of colour, and their immune system starts to weaken. At this point not even experience should gap the between young adult dragon to this age group of dragon when come stop power, speed and the lot. But there can be a few exceptions, to this for example a veteran guard, some very skilled weapon master, or could be some dragon who’s looked after themselves extremely well . But make no mistake, even at this age, a dragon very dangerous to any life form out there.
9,500 - 9,700 is the 60's. At this point the dragon will lose all colour in their hair and more colour in their scales. This is the point where dragons tend to think they haven't got much time left and will get things in place for when they pass. Where their brain may look to the past rather than the future, where they often be caught napping, day dreaming, thinking.
9,700 - 10,000 is the 70's - 100's This is where most dragons are on their last legs, so to speak. Any colour in their hair, scales and in some cases if the dragon is blind, even their eyes lose colour. With them being more fragile than a baby dragon is terms of power, speed, endurance, the lot. Most dragons going blind and/or deaf at this point. Some gain dementia, or die of some illness from ever weakening immune system. But even at this age some dragons find meaning, meaning in being the village elder or great great great (and so on) grandparent. But most dragons at this point will ask their closest family to end them. If they are not passing naturally. So they can at least pass with their family around, it’s probably the saddest part of a dragons life. But hopefully most tend to life a nice long life.
However, the longest living dragon ever recorded or known, was the previous Dragon Lord, who lived up to a ripe old age of 11,469 years old. Who didn't look a day older 9,500. This is thanks to the title, power and benefits of being a Dragon Lord. As the staff gives the owner extra power, extra life force and extra growth. To point where a Dragon Lord can be as big as a Mountain, powerful enough to wipe the floor of hundred dragons, and live that extra amount and not age more from a certain point. This making them king or Queen of all dragons. However there is one type of dragon that can match or even surpass the Dragon lord, that being Magic Dragons. As the last magic dragon who wanted to destroy the world, it took the Dragon Lord and an army of dragons to beat it. But at the cost of the dragon Lord himself, who's body was burned to a crisp as there was no other option with his size. Thankfully the next Dragon Lord made sure her subjects would never go through that and put things in place so if another is born, its heavily monitored and shown the right path. And if need be, end it before it comes a problem.
Even in death the dragon still has some use, while the dragon may have died of old age, and lose colour in hair, scales, and maybe eyes and so on. Most dragons in death kept their eye colour, which even then is bold and some hunters or the like want dragon eyes. Be it for potions, collection items, valuable or etc. However it’s the scales and bones that are most sort out after, even with old age scales and bones never lose their strength or endurance not for at least couple hundred to thousand years after death. As such they are mostly wanted for weapons, shields, even potions. In fact, you can say you'll find someone who wants some part of the dragon, no matter what part. However the dragons on this Island protect their dead by either burying them deep underground or set them ablaze, even if someone somehow managed to get to their island. And thats if the dragon's body isn't adsorbed into the world's mana field. They have a fight on their hands to take the body parts away.
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Ohen is pred by nature but would willing feed herself to ones who could even fit her in. |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Hard Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | No |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Thanks to her scales and tough hide, Ohen is incredibly hard to digest. |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Think I prefer this over Reform or endo, as to end scene. |
Reforming | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | But open to this |
Endo | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | And this. |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Is a bottomless pit that never gets full and ALWAYS wants more. |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not done this so open to it ^^ |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | fav as prey or pred ❤️❤️❤️ |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | 2nd fav ❤️❤️ hey just an extra way to fill her stomach |
Tail Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not done this vore before so willing to try ^^ and is a third way to fill her stomach at same time. |
Breast Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Sure I guess? Open to it |
Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not a vampire but ok with being prey to one <3 |
Soul Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Something about keeping souls within body is hot.... |
Unconventional Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Stretchy | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Some stretchy is involved for vore and well love bulges <3 |
Realistic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | but also love clear outlines of prey inside |
Food Related | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Prefer getting it rough ❤️ |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Gives it gently |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Character & player are cock sucker whores ❤️ |
Pain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Depends |
Transformation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | depends on what type |
Scat | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not too much, or playing / eating it. For after digestion only. |
Disposal | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Cum, milk, bones, clothes and etc :) |
Watersports | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | No |
Bondage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Is a sub at heart <3 |
Magic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Has no magic but others can use it. |
Willing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Leaning more to being willing prey and pred |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | But open to unwilling pred / prey / pred & prey |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Loves bulges |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | <3 |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Herm Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ but this fav <3 either playing with one or as one |
Human Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Demi Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Fur Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Scaly Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Feathered Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Plants | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Animal / Non-morphic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Non-Sentient Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All partners welcome ^^ |
Underage Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All welcome |
Verbose Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A must, 2-3 minimum. Any less and think you don't care enough to try. |
Quick Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Evolving Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Staying In Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Surprise Me | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Keeping what type of vore, prey's fate a secret and stuff is loved. |
Multi-Session | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Life happen |
Grab and Gulp | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Group Roleplay | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Had some kinda bad ones with this but still open to it I guess |
Private | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Greatly preferred. |
Being Dominated | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ❤️ |
Submissive | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Stuffing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
inanimate object vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Multiple Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Genital play while being vored | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | <3 |
Casual Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Pet play/Slave play | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Is either loving mistress, but preferred being the pet <3 |
Cock Transformation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Ass transformation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Tentacles | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | dont have them but.. ❤️ |
Pregnancy | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | If Ohen becomes pregnant she carries her eggs for 9 months like normal pregnancy but then pushes them out where they carry to grow outside of her for a further 9-12 months. Her eggs being the size of a normal baby, and are mostly red with yellow and white patters. |
Anal Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Butts ❤️ |
Humiliation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Being humiliated for being pred or prey ❤️ |
Accidental Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Story Driven RP | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not a must but will never say no to it. |
Snakes and Nagas | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Detailed Bulges | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
child pred | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Isn't a child but... |
Breast Feeding | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Glowing Insides | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Ohen has glowing inside thanks to being fire dragon. Said glow has soft red tint, and is in any part of her. Be it stomachs, womb, boobs, balls and etc. |
Full Tour | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Relationship vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Hyper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Not into over the top assests. We all love big melons or bubble butts, but when they become bigger than the person or etc. Yeah... no thanks. Only okay if its because prey inside. |
Groping and Fondling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Sex Toys | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
School scenes | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Twins | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Spanking | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ❤️ |
Permavore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Isn't up for perma but is okay with perma others. |
Long Tongue | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Ohen has an extendable 25 foot long tongue, do what you will with that info ;) |
BDSM Play | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ❤️❤️❤️ |
Relationship Building | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Sister pred | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Weight Gain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Oral Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ❤️ loves giving |
Eggs and Oviposition | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Will you take in my eggs so my children are safe? >//< |
Headfirst | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | fav way when comes to vore ❤️ |
Regurgitation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Pred to full and almost throws up prey, just to swallow back down ❤️ or to tease. |
Tight Fit | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Where prey is too busty in chest or plump in ass and pred struggles get them in ❤️ |
Learner Pred | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Where pred doesn't know they can vore. |
Cock Sucking | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A good way to get my attention is to offer something to suck be it pred or prey ❤️ |
Cock warmer | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Mouth, ass, pussy are good holes to keep your characters cock nice and warm for the night. ❤️ |
Cum Play | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Want give me a meal or cover me in it? ❤️ |
Cum Filled Balls | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Prey going into balls already filled with cum from previous prey ❤️❤️ |
Balls Stuff | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Sucking off pred, being fucked by pred or jerking off pred whilst in their balls ❤️ |
Inside handjob | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | normally doesn't have one to receive but.... |
Cum Addiction | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | is a cum slut >///< ❤️❤️ |
Docking | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | where cock goes into cock |
Load Swapping | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
butt storage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | you wanna put what up my butt?! >///< ..... o-okay.... *shows butt* ❤️❤️ |
Unwilling Pred | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Vacuum Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Butt Stuffing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Ass first / last | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | second fav way for prey to go in |
Cell Phones | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | where pred's last meal had a phone and it's in them. And maybe starts to ring around the next prey |
Tattooification | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Where prey after they are digested, turned into cum, fat or etc. Leaves a tattoo of them on the pred where they where digested or end up. If fatal then perm tattoo if reform temp tattoo |
Alternate Fatal Options | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Instead of default fatal prey is turned into say fat on pred with or without them knowing, forever. ❤️ |
Bulge Ripping Clothes | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ❤️ |
Cum Meal | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | swap out say breakfast for a load of cum for said meal ❤️ |
*asterisks for actions* | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Self Blowjob | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Ohen is flexible enough to do this |
Milking | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Self Oral Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
balls storage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | This ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ please feel free to use my character's as storage |
Perma-Erection | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Name Teasing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Love being called ass snack, cock food, food, dessert, slut, cumslut and so on. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Feel free to call me as such in or out of rp's ❤️❤️ |
Bone Disposal/Play | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Growing to like this |
Masochists | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Player and character are bit of a Masochists, so feel free to use that to your advantage ❤️❤️ |
Slut play | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Character and player are sluts, be it to cock, vore, sex or etc. So maybe treat ohen as such <3 |
Entrapment | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Looking for someone to call Ohen's body their new home (maybe perma) or other way round |
Satisfied / (not) predator | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Tug Of Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Messy stomachs | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Healing Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Ohen has two stomaches, one for digesting. One for Healing / Storage |
Living Cum | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | More than willing to churn you up into your foreseeable form |
Hammerspace | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |