"Peace? Peace is something people try to sell you; but they know it's broken before you buy, so they just change the description."
Name: Nyrrix Lynch
Age: 29
Race: Human
Accent: Louisiana
Occupation: Gunslinger for hire, assassin, investigator, admiral
Specification: Crafts specific bullets in order to take down supernatural or superhuman beings.
Weapons of Choice: Two modified Colt Navy Revolvers, Krag-Jørgensen bolt action rifle, syringes, flasks, explosives.
Good or Evil: Nasty and mean but ultimately a good person.
Basic Rundown: Nyrrix is an insanely paranormally fast human; focusing primarily on her perception, reflexes, and aim. She is able to notice a construction worker on an oil rig drop a pin while driving by the oil rig on a highway and accurate enough to hit that pin immediately afterward. She's extremely resilient to attacks on her willpower, though she's got a weakness for kinkyness and hypnosis. Her bullets are specially crafted with her targets in mind; so if she was tasked with eliminating a superhero for example: she would have bullets soaked in a chemical that reacts violently to the abnormality separating the super from humans. When the bullet hits; it would send their powers into shock, temporarily removing them, so she could finish them with a second round in a lethal spot. Beyond that? She's an alchemist who makes potions, tonics, and poisons which she stores in flasks and syringes. She also makes her own moonshine.
Obvious Bullet Types:
-Bullets that create an electric charge
-Bullets designed to eliminate superheroes
-Incendiary Rounds
-Explosive Rounds
-Cryo Rounds
-Toxic/Poisonous bullets (though she personally detests the use of the poison bullets)
-Anti-Vampire Bullets (Silver from a cross melted down, ground up stake bits, containing a vampire fang and soaked in holy water and garlic)
-Anti-Dragon Rounds (Depends upon which type of dragon but details available)
Though she will create a new type of round if she encounters a new creature, is able to get a sample, and survives the encounter.
-Goo Bullet: Becomes a big orb of sticky goo upon contact, expanding quickly and weighing down the target to immobalize them. (If you've seen the seen where Mr. Incredible gets captured in Incredibles: basically that.)
-Shrinking rounds: Soaked in her sinking tonic, shrinks the victim after they are hit.
-Aphrodisiac Rounds: Upon hitting a surface; shatters completely, releasing a thick burst of vapors that cause the one who breathes them to become insanely, tomrnetingly aroused.
-Panty Rounds: Despite having virtually no benefit in combat; they shatter upon hitting a surface and compressed panties spring out about the target.
-Golden Bullets: It's just cool.
-The "One with your name on it": A bullet specifically designed to incapacitate your character. If there is one particular thing you'd want done to render them helpless to her; Nyrrix can have studied you from a distance enough to craft "The One with your name on it". It's effects would be determined by you but it would have your character's name etched in the round.
-The Nyrrix Bullet: A bullet to defeat Nyrrix.
-People to talk to
-Killing things that are supposed to be unkillable
-Entitled people
-Big Crowds
-Her parents

If Nyrrix has respect for her target; she'll offer to let them duel. She will offer one of her revolvers to the other, loaded with one bullet that bursts against skin and covers the target in sticky nearly inescapable latex.
The Duel is decided by a simple contested d6, with Nyrrix having a +1 from her experience in dueling specifically. This can be curtailed if needed or, should you wish it or you think your character would be very out of their element using a firearm quickly; she can gain an even higher advantage (up to +4).
Nyrrix is very good at what she does. She's dangerous in a spontanious meeting but horrifically so if she has time to prepare. Best bet to win is to exploit her weaknesses; those being hypnosis, her drinking habit, and most importantly: seduction; playing on the fact that in her heart she's a switch and somewhere deep down the thought of surrender is making her legs twitch secretly.
She is not available for permavore... yet.
She is both pred and prey; a switch hitter!~
Nyrrix can exist anywhere from Medieval times as someone who artifaced her ballistic weaponry to the far future.
In the end of Nyrrix's original story; she becomes the Goddess of Bullets. She can be played that way as well by request. A picture of her as the Goddess of Bullets will be added as soon as I have the money to commission it Y_Y
The primary picture at the top was a commission I made and paid for specifically for this character; I love their work and would be happy to point people in their direction if you're looking to commission some work!~ That being said; please do not steal it.
Very whisper friendly; feel free to talk to me!
Updates will be added as they occur.
She fits in almost all settings.
If she has access to her ship; it's called the Lynchberg.
Her favorite moonshine is apple flavored.
She is very protective of her hat.
While she is a cruel and nasty person; she's ultimately good.

Medieval Nyrrix

More Medieval Nyrrix

"The fuck are you looking at?"

"This never leaves this room."

"Well.. hi there.