Walking down a lonely forest road, you might think you're all alone, that there's no one around, and no one to see anything you do. In most places, this is probably true... but it's NOT true in the deep woods of Lor Mirghan. NOt usually. Not that most people know it, until they pass by a fellow traveler, someone they didn't expect to see...
The Mirghani are a reclusive folk, though. Most people never see them, even in the deep woods. Most people have no idea they exist...
Which makes Niln rather interesting, being a Mirghani who LEFT the woods, and her tribe, to wander in the areas beyond. A traveler, and nothing more, save, perhaps, to those who can learn the real meaning of her name. Of course, most travelers aren't carrying a big old sword, though many are armed in SOME way or another.
Standing a mere five feet and three inches tall, Niln doesn't look terribly impressive. She's not super-tall, and she's clearly not super-strong. Her body is simply healthily-toned, as one would expect on someone who travels for a living, and fights as well. Her hair is long, though most of it is hidden most of the time, and is a lovely auburn shade. Her skin is fair, verging on pale, though most of whats visible is that on her face, whilst her eyes are a lovely, icy blue color. Her ears, however, are not normal, being slender and pointed, though she's obviously not an elf.
Typically, she's clad in a simple garb, consisting of a simple, straightforward tunic, the cloth of which is sky blue, and a pair of simple pants. She's got practical, sturdy boots for footwear, and a simple, hooded cloak for when there's weather. Her sword is usually worn on her back, as it'd drag the ground if worn on her hip. She doesn't wear a bit of armor, though, or none that's obvious, instead wearing a pair of comfortable gloves that provide full movement of her fingers.
When she speaks, her voice is light, and lilting, thanks to her accent, again making her seem somewhat more elvish than she is. Her mannerisms are cautious, but not overly so, often checking over her shoulder, and looking about her surroundings, as she travels. Should one see her fighting, she moves strangely, a mixture of a dancer's grace as she dodges, then a powerful smash as she brings her blade down on her foe. Should she be hit, she never seems to be hurt badly, though it's obvious she does take SOME damage. And, well... if things get dicey, she shows just how different she is, hurling a ball of fire into her foe's face!
More than that? Well, there IS more. SHe's meant for story and adventure, though, so ask for a scene! Or for more information, if you'd rather.
This alt by The Tower. Click picture, receive alt-list!