
Defeated and digested by Jenna_the_mare on 20-08-2013:
The organisation responsible for creating Jenna had hired an assassin to take her out, feeling she had become a danger to the public. Thanks to her special nature, the ninjas poison she used in an ambush had not the desired effect on her though, and Nika was forced to a close combat. The skilled fighter gave the mare a hard time, but thanks to her strength, toughness and speed, Jenna overpowered the girl who had gotten more than she bargained for. The horse stripped her down and dragged her into the farmhouse, upstairs to her bedroom. Eagerly and greedily, the equine swallowed the girl in one go, having wicked fun in showing her what life had in store for the once proud assassin. She digested her slowly but surely down into nothing but pulp, and not only extracted her nutrients, but also absorbed her very soul, after crapping out the bodily remains in the garden. Not only was her body enhanced, with the essence of her prey the mare had consumed came her victims knowledge of potions and poisons. This sure could come in handy. (Rp done in private)
Name: Nika Ariana
Age: 23
Weight: 127lbs
Height: 5'7''
Species: Human
Occupation: Assasin
Build: Toned and Athletic.
Nikan is a rather beautiful woman, she stands at five foot seven inches her body toned and her shapely atheltic body showing her curved hips and firm breasts. Her hair a dark brown almost black in colour rests down to her shoulders. Her eyes a matching brown, dark again pratically black. The rest of her face however is hidden by her leather face guard. Her cltohing fits her form perfectly, showing off her muscles, hugging her shapely hips and thighs whilst protecting her at the same time. Her wrists guarded by sleek lightweight wrist and armguards. Wearing only protective leather foot guards. Two daggers rest at her sides, a small pouch strapped to her left arm and waist, all designed to run flush with her body to mask the sight and sound of her.
True form.
Reference picture for true form
Weight: 127lbs
Height: 9'2''
Species: Sergal
Occupation: Assasin
Build: Toned and Athletic.
Family Ties:
Not much is known of Nika's family, she was orphanned as a young child and was soon taken in by the guild of assassins. Her childhood was full of harsh training and punishments for failed tasks however she was well fed and her body was never scared or marked by her trainers, they had other means to punish their students. The assassins guild she trained with are her family, she was rasied by them and taught the ways of the world. Though her jobs often involve the underhanded deed of silently killing her target, the guild she is within only takes those tasks it deems benefit itself and the people around it no matter how much money is offered they will not kill simply out of greed.
Much of the history of her birth and life before joining the assassins guild is shrouded in mystery, she knows nothing of her birth parents and nothing of where she was born or what her birth name was. She only knows herself as Nika Ariana as named by the man who found her lying dying in a ditch. Much before her time before she was taken in by the assassins guild she tries to forget, the times she was beaten for simply trying to take a slice of bread to feed herself. Scrounging for scarps of food and clothes in the cold weather and rain. She had almost given up on herself, prepaired to die before she was taken by a man who simply plucked the thenthin and bony girl from a ditch outside of town.
She was roughly seven years of age when she was taken in by the man, at first he simply fed her to get her strength up, mostly telling her stories as he mostly used the time to help her recover. Only once he was she was well enough in body did he share his name and placed the offer before her. His name Saric and his offer was simply, be thrown back onto the streets or join the guild.
Of course she knew her answer there as did he, and she accepted, how could she refuse the man who had saved her life. From there things grew much harder for her, days of endless training, over and over. At times she wanted to quit, at times she would have simply ran. But Saric was there, watching as always and she found she could not betray him, so she stayed.
The guild became more like a dysfunctional family to her, some where in it for blood alone others however where there much like her, orphans, beggars with no home given a second chance at life. Other than days of training she keeps the rest of her past to herself.
Personality: Nika is very fiery though also casious of others, adventurous and cunning.
Sleep: The most common poison she uses, mostly on guards to slip past them without being seen, often the poison is in a gas cloud or on the tip of a dart. The sleep poison is fast acting and will knock out her target in seconds. However it does little else and wears off in roughly one hour.
Paralasis: Another common poison she uses if she needs someone alive, used on her darts or in gas grenades this paralyses her target, allowing the to talk but unable to move their body. The effect takes a few minutes but lasts hours.
She has other poisons at her disposal but not all are to be shared.
Play style: Nika is an assassin and uses stealth and shadows to aid her. She is very unlikely to be in the open using posions, and silent wepaons to aid her in dealing with her targets. She will not kill if she can avoid it, unless her contract says overwise.
Nika uses a varity of poisons to aid her, mostly her skills invoice getting the toxins into the bodies of her targets and leaving them to their fate or dealing with them afterwards. Those killed are honored a simply mark of honor left, a black rose.