
Nica is a big kitty, somewhere around 7-8ft tall. And she's all very curvy and soft, thanks to the thick fur layer and natural softness. Full, round breasts and nice, plush butt are included! And fluffy tail of course, all snow leopards are proud about their large, fluffy tails.
Nica is a dancer actually. She can strip or belly dance. She can also perform even more private and pleasant things, but for the bonus cost.
But lately she tries to evade all the private dances cause of her "little problem". Nica is cursed! She's blessed at the same time, but these things work together. Poor big, kitty is marked as a prey! What does that mean? Well in general anyone can vore her like she is a tiny mouse. Like open their maw, push her in and gulp! Swallow her down whole. This looks just amusing sometimes, especially if 'pred' don't actually want to vore her. And even worse, curse sometimes forces her (possibly with other things around) to be vored and stuffed into other creatures, leaving them full and surprised. In the end Nica can make a pretty big bulge or just a little lump. Curse works all randomly, but usually requires at least several minutes of contact to activate at random (so she can walk through crowds), plus it sometimes removes her memory about previous "accidents" and about the curse itself.
Good side is her blessing - total reformation, which helps her staying alive with the terrible curse. In general Nica always reforms after being vored and digested, usually after a day or several hours. She sometimes even escapes from the non-digestive vore this way after being stuck for several hours. Sadly curse works randomy as well so she can reform right away after digestion or day after.

Looking for fun and silly scenes! Please no hard vore and bloody things! Also more interested in ub/cv/av/bv, than ov and tv, but this is optional. Absorption and random tf is possible! And I'm fine with digestion/scat as well as endo