Name: "I am Princess Ni"
Age: "My age 17 but that's my earth age, I'm not gonna give my real age away"
Gender: "Female Obviously"
Race: "I'm a Elite Sayian"
Family: "Vegeta Is My older dork of a half Brother"
"King Vegeta is my daddy who knocked up Momma before Planet Vegeta was destroyed"
Home: "A Space ship travelling from planet to Planet"
Power level: "I'm not gonna do a stupid Joke like Vegeta and say it's Over 9000 *Sigh* Look it's extremely High, You know Broly, he was born with a power level of 10'000 I was born 10 times stronger then that and well i've been in space for like 100 earth years".
Forms: "Ever heard of the Legendary Super Sayian" Smirks "Well i can go Legendary Super Sayian 3"
Attacks: "Ki blast duh"
"Flight Also Duh"
"Planet Destroyer... Oh yeah that, one blast can make a planet go boom when i want".
"I can also use instant transmission... Just ask them Yardratians, tasty when cooked to, oh yeah I blew up that planet and jumped to my ship so if you saw a few comets a few years ago that killed Dinosaurs, that was me"
I borrowed a few moves from bro to, like he's bang beam" *Points finger at you* "Bang oops your dead",
Ki Sense –"No point hiding from me, i can sense your weak powers a mile away"
Telekinesis – "You need to put a sock in your mouth to shut up" Lifts a tree from the ground and throws it at you "Or that"
Telepathy – 'Hey... watcha thinking, i know what I'm thinking, your gonna die'.
Afterimage: "Now you see me.... but i'm not there... am i to quick... I must be".
Omega Shine: "Think of Vegeta's Final Shine with Broly's Omega blaster... a nice big charged blast of energy that i can keep Pumping Ki into"

"Oh look how funny this is, My Legendary Super Sayian form is my Super Sayian form... Looks like Somebody be in trouble".

"Super Sayian two, hey i get my Pupils back... errr sorta".

"My Ultimate form for now, My Legendary Super Sayian 3".
Story: "Well when i heard of this story, I was about 5 or so, but here goes, after King Vegeta lost he's wife, most likely to the hands of Freeza's family behind the scene, The King decided to take a Female Elite, and Impregnate her before sending her off the Planet, and about a day or two later, the planet was Destroyed with only 3 Sayians left... Apperently I mean Come on, Prince Vegetable head (Vegeta), Nappa, Raddish (Raditz), Turtle (Turle) Karrot (Kakarot/Goku) then Broly, Paragus and Me and Mom, I mean come on, really Freeiza, if your gonna kill a entire race, make sure you get the job right, anyways, Mom landed on that Planet Namek, and she gave birth to me about 9 months later, they seemed like nice green... alien folks, but just remember i was a kid so i wasn't gonna brutally murder them, and when i was 3 i started to train and when i was 5 Mom decided we moved along, only to learn about 50 years but like 15 years on earth, it blows up, Vegeta dies, comes back, Kakarot kills Freeza and leaves the planet... Impressive, oh and like our race dropped down to Just Vegeta, Broly, Goku and Myself, Mom well... she was in my way" Licks lips.
anyways, Goku and Vegeta got Pretty Chummy after killing Cooler and a few robotic clowns on earth but they did seem to wound Broly for 7 years as Paragus died, and lucky Me goku died but he did leave a kid or two on earth, Vegeta had one, and them 3 brats managed to kill broly when he came back, no idea how but thats a mystery only they know, and with Vegeta blowing himself up, it leave me as the only full blooded Sayian, that was till Goku and Vegeta ended up coming back to finish off that Buu Monster".
"But that's their Story, Mine Involved destroying pretty much all of Freeza's bases and any planet contaminated in he's families filthy hands, that was a lot and well... I just left to the far corner of the Universe to well... play with my self and become stronger, i know boring, but time moved so slow, and i aged like it didn't matter, I just became so strong, i decided to go to that earth and test out how strong i really am".
"Awww Yeah My theme song"