The Nexus Coalition Force are a group of beings that work against the spread of the corruption. They all have reasons to dislike it, and use those reasons to fuel their aggression against them. Currently their numbers are small, but over time they will grow strong enough to help fight back against the spreading scourge. Some of them are not even aware of each other, and fight the spreading corruption alone. But the fact remains that they still fight it.

She has lost her face, and now wears a mask to hide the fact. She still obeys the whims of the Necromancer, but from time to time her soul attempts to challenge him, and has random fits. Among all the infected, she certainly seems to be the most individual and unique of them all. She was freed by the angel
Rysa, and now helps fight against the Phyrexians. The Coalition was her idea, though she does not want to lead it.

An abomination that Creed Thane had created for fun and that had been cared for in secret by Eva,treated as a loved pet. Now that she is dead, it roams the wilds unnoticed or uncared for, looking for any meal it can find. Infected with a strain of the infection that is different from the one that the Necromancer prefers to use. As a result, he is on his own, and the Necromancer is unaware of his existence. He has already befriended a few, like
Lord_Plague and Kage((
Shadow_X)). He is capable of basic speech, though his voice is hard to understand. He plots against the Phyrexiansafter he received cruel treatment from him. It is whispered that he wishes to spread his own, less refined type of corruption over Nexus. He fights the Necromancer on his own, sometimes with

Wurmcoil Engine
They are two mechanical wurms that have coiled together to form one menacing wurm, though they can split when they like to. They follow the orders of their new master,
Technomancer, after their last master, The necromancer, was killed. It moniters and commands a handful of machines that survived the attack as his new master orders.

A girl who is only 12 years old, Reeva came from New Phyrexia with the
NanoGoddess Eva after her journey to that realm. She is the daughter of Sylvok, and like her mother, she has no metal in her body. Even her blood has no iron in it. She seems to be immune to the Phyrexian Oils, and she can also cure people who have been infected. She stays at the
NSC base and is watched over by Rina the angel as well.

An engineer who specializes in golems, she defected from the phyrexians after Glissa traded her to
Trystan so casually in a hostage situation. She escaped from the firefox, and eventually ran into Rina. Now she builds an army of golems to fight the army she had already constructed for the phyrexians. She has also been working on a pet project that she has not let anyone in on.
An elf that serves the phyrexians, Glissa is not someone you want to trifle with. She possesses powerful magic, and can spread the infection by touching something if she feels like it. She was resurrected by
Sion_Darkstar, and now seeks to free her master from his dimensional prison. She has been replaced by the Dark Woman though, and Yawgmoth decided to punish her by placing her under the servitude of