Draconus: "Welcome! Please make your way inside, its cold out there, and so warm in here!" The dragon greets you, kind and professional.
"Please may yourself at home, this way to the spa area. Signs posted around tell you the prices of the services and cameras will keep track
you for your safety. Dont worry about the bill until you are completely refreshed~"
You are then shoved towards a changing room so that you may dress yourself for the water. Swimsuits included for no extra cost.
This is the usual manor of greeting all those who enter this repurposed cave will typically recieve when the open sign is lit up. This
sprawling cave system is placed above an underground hotspring from which it draws its mineral rich waters. Volcanic activity to the right,
buffet table to the left, magic, resoursefulness, and good old fashioned dragon craftsmanship keep this locally famous spa running day in
and day out.
Desidia: Welcome to the VIP room darling! Com have a seat in the private bath and relax. Over here you'll see the bar with a variety
of drinks to choose from at your own leisure. If you look to your right you'll see a small arena. It's usually used for vore battles and
can be quite interesting to watch. If there's anything you want let one of the employees know and they'll get right one it!