Nelias was wandering through a very old and beautiful forest when she heard the most angelic voice. Following the sound of the singing she came to a glen where Nikiri was singing to the forest animals. Nel kept quiet so as not to interrupt. When the lamia finished she took notice of Nel. She invited her to her temple and showed her what all she did. When Nel asked about disciples Nikiri grew suspicious. After Nelias made a comment about how Nikiri didn't need to use her central heart to monitor the forest Nikiri misunderstood and became hostile. Nel being a fragile girl ended up becoming frightened. Nikiri realized that Nel meant no harm but wanted her to know why she reacted the way she did. Nikiri took Nelias to a reflecting pool and revealed the dark tragedy that nearly destroyed the forest. Nel lapsed into a state of shock not being able to handle the horror she was shown. Nikiri once more realized just how pure Nelias was in her heart. She comforted her and brought her to her bedchamber to rest. When she turned to leave Nel cried out for her to stay. Nikiri climbed into the bed with her and held her close as Nelias cried out her sorrows. Then Nikiri called Nelias gorgeous. In a daring move Nel kissed Nikiri. The Forest Guardian returned the kiss and more~. After thoroughly blowing Nel's mind Nikiri asked Nel to be her mate. Nel told Nikiri that she wanted to be a mother some day. So Nikiri gave herself a working penis! After some expert fellatio Nelias rode the amazing lamia into Nirvana~. Nelias fell asleep next to Nikiri and had dreams. Dreams of six semi blurry Lamia children playing
Nelias is a Lamia with odd scales. They aren't just one color. They shift in different light and the effect can be quite stunning. She wasn't always like this. In fact she wasn't always a Lamia. More on that later.
Nelias, or Nel, is a young Lamia by normal standards but as I said earlier she isn't normal. So to avoid confusion let's just say her torso looks about 25 years old. Her waist is slim but flairs out into very wide hips. At this point her tail starts but I want to save that for later as well. She is around a E cup and has a light muscle tone. Her face is quite beautiful with the looks of a major supermodel, without the heavy makeup. Her hair was long but kept in a pleated braid that fell down her back. At the end of her hair was a heavy metal ring that she would use as a weapon if attacked. Her eyes were slitted pupils like a snakes and had an amber hue to them. If she gets angry they shift to an almost florescent orange.
Now. I will share the origin and description of her unusual tail. You see Nel was from a medieval dimension in which there lived a powerful warlock. He ravaged the lands and was feared by all. He was very fond of preforming cruel experiments on the women of his world. Nel was one of the unfortunate subjects he had for this. He wanted more power and he sought to gain this by bonding himself to various spirits and animals. But no one, no matter how power hungry, would do something like this to themselves without having tested it first. He took Nel and placed her in a large arcane circle. He began chanting and invoked the spell. The chosen spirit was one of light and the animal was a massive constrictor. The spell worked! In the circle a lamia now sat with a near 30 foot tail. The ambient light in the room grew as her scales seemed to shine with an inner light. When she moved they shifted color. First red, then orange, then yellow, green, and so on. The warlock was so struck by the beauty he didn't see her long tail coming from behind. In a flash she had him pinned between her luminous coils. Her maw opened wide and began to swallow him whole! Having destroyed the warlock she was hailed as a hero. Then she discovered she inherited his magical power. She dabbled in many arcane arts but never sought more power. She shared her power with the whole world and It began to prosper and grow. Eventually she stumbled across dimensional magics and attempted to open a portal to another world. The spell failed and she was sucked into the unstable portal along with a chunk of the ground. The site was turned into a memorial for the Shimmering Lady, the title she had earned. But Nel wasn't dead. She was sent to Nexus. And she saw wondrous things. She loved this new land so much she decided to stay. She now has a small cottage in the forest close to the park.
Nel can bend light and create elegant and complex light shows. She could also make a beam of concentrated sunlight and slice through almost anything. But she refuses to use her power for harm.
She has advanced control of all the elements to the point of being able to make a fire that draws all heat into it. She can make ice that burns, and wind that does not blow.
She has mastered healing magic to the point of being able to reform someone as long as their soul has the will to go on.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Moderate
Level 2 | Moderate
Level 3 | Moderate
Level 4 | Very Low
Level 5 | Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Low
Level 7 | High
Level 8 - The Malebolge | Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus | Low
Level descriptions:
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