Meet Neilina the bartender of the bar Eden Hall. She is the person you should look for if you feel depressed, overworked, sad, good, wonderfull, okay or if you just want to have an awesome drink. If you really are in need of her the bar certainly will be right around the corner over there. Like any good bartender she always is friendly and tries to help her customers with any problem they might have and cheer them up while providing them with the drinks she mixes with her godly bartender skills. Most people who have been to the bar once become regular guests and a bit later friends of her. Thanks to the fact that she can't get drunk at all she probably is the only bartender who actually can drink during work so she won't turn down someone wants to treat her to a drink. As long as the customers stick to good manners she will do everything she can to make their time enjoyable through drinks and conversation but if they try to harm her in any way she'll turn them into sentient objects that will stay in the bar forever.
I'm looking for fun and comments on that character. Maybe someone can convince me to rp with her already... |
The bar Eden Hall is inside a medium sized old looking wooden ship that somehow appears near persons that could use it's services and thanks to it's own powers noone would ever think that it is strange that their favorite bar just happens to be right over there and the bar's powers also prevent that their customers care about being from different worlds and times so they can happily relax and have a good time without having it effect their lives with big discoveries they shouldn't have made. Once someone has spotted the old ship they can go on board and enter the bar through the thick door with the Eden Hall sign on it. The bar itself is a room with a long barcounter and about twenty barstools. It's not a large room but a very comfortable and old looking one that is dimly lighted just like a good bar should be. The walls are covered with pictures of customers together with the bartender. The jukebox can be found on the other side of the room and certainly play a nice song that let's the new visitor instantly enjoy the atmosphere here already.
Behind the barcounter will stand the bartender who will greet them friendly while polishing or cleaning something in case she isn't busy with mixing a drink at the moment. Behind her are the shelves that are full with countless bottles and on the working area behind the counter always will be fresh fruits and everything else that is needed there. The glasses are on shelves on the side the jukebox is standing but windows won't be found here because a bar should be like a hideout after all where everyone should feel absolutely safe from the outside world. Somehow the air stays always good so the good mood wouldn't drop from bad smells or something like that. Naturally the bar is always clean too so all guests can and will have a good time in here. |
Some bottles in the bar Eden Hall look very interesting and unique and are completely unlike the bottles you'd see in other bars. In fact they look exactly like naked persons who are holding a wooden sign that displays what kind of liquid is inside them. They all have a very happy look on their faces and are crafted like they wanted to show their bodys off the best they could. Their heads can be taken off because they are the corks that close perfectly so no air ever would come into the bottle when it's closed and it even looks totally seamless then. The liquids inside them taste better then any of their kind so cocktails mixed with them will taste even better then they already would through Neilina's godly bartender skills. There aren't many bottles like this around and the vast majority of the bar's stock are regular ones but over the time more of them are added what pleases the customers of cause. Unfortunately the bartender can't give out information about the manufacturers because they want to stay anonymous.
Not one customer would suspect that those bottles actually are sentient and once have been living females who were dumb enough to assault Neilina in any way. Some of them wanted to steal something from her and others had a more direct approach but they all ended up having their bodies transformed into a bottle while holding a wooden sign and their soul had taken on a liquid form of a liquid they were strongly connected to in some way during their former life. Now they are part of the bar's stocks, their naked bottlebodys always on display in a showy pose for the customers while they have to watch how their soul is used for mixing drinks and feel how a part of their soul is consumed. It will feel really terrible and weird but somehow strongly addicting at the same time. Unfortunately their souls will restore what refills the body so their torment won't ever end. Most of them end up liking their fate after a bit of time passed though and happily support the bar Eden Hall in making the customers happy. |
The music in bar Eden Hall is exquisite and it's jukebox has a lot of cds it can choose from so every customer would find exactly the kind of music they want to hear. Like every good music collection it grows over the years and some customers suspect that the jukebox has been modified so it can access a whole storage room of cds but since they can't just rip it out of the wall in order to look noone knows and all the barkeeper would do as answer would be a happy and warm smile. A few songs are very popular and often played because they sound so special and reviving as if they were alive. Everyone who listens to it would have a good time and be cheered up even if they'd normaly not like the kind of music the song is from.
Like the bottles above those compact discs once have been living persons and while the female assaulters become bottles the male ones will change into jukebox fodder and have their favorite song engraved in them. As a sentient cd they will feel how the jukebox grabs them and moves them to the player where they spin around gracefully while getting read and being played before they finally get moved to their storage place again. While they are played their souls will fill the room and not only raise the quality of the music but have that cheering up and feeling good effect for the listeners that makes their songs so popular. Unlike the bottles they aren't in the bar all the time so their visual and optical sense will be connected to the jukebox itself so they can watch the bar all the time and hear the conversations and their music. Every other sense will remain on their discbody. |
Roleplay |
Here you will find a list of all special bottles bar Eden Hall already has in it's stock. Please notice that those bottles once have been female characters that won't be appearing anywhere else anymore so if you want to see them you have to come to the bar and you can have a drink mixed with their souls. The roleplays in progress are listed here as well as far as the soon to be bottled up character's player agrees to that. Once they have been transformed you will see this badge in their profile together with a note that they have been permanently been transformed into a bottle:
The list of the special bottles in stock of bar Eden Hall
Neilina caught this little thief that wanted to steal one of her bottles. What a naughty girl, right? She had to make sure that this one wouldn't steal anything ever again and while she was at it she turned Natsu into one of her sentient bottles. Now she is very happy to be able to serve top class vodka out of that nice new bottle with the violet hairs and those lovely eyes so be sure to order some of that when you visit the Eden Hall! |
Inside a bar there are certain ways how you should behave and groping the breasts of the bartender sure isn't something you should do - especially not in this bar because the bartender will make sure you'll get enough time to think about what you have been doing wrong. Unfortunately Sorina did just that and after a bit of time she's now on the shelf as a bottle that looks like she'd be rubbing against someone who is standing behind her while her face is in pure pleasure. |
A list of the jukebox' special compact discs can't be left out either so you'll find them below this paragraph. Don't forget that those cds have been male characters once and you won't be able to meet them... well hear them anywhere else besides at the bar Eden Hall so don't hesitate to come here and enjoy the music. Roleplays that are going on will be in the list as well as long as the soon to become music character's player is fine with this. The male characters who have been permanently transformed into a compact disk will have a note that this happened in their profile together with this badge:
The list of the special compact discs in the jukebox of bar Eden Hall
none so far |
There is a certain scene that happens in the times when the bar is closed but it is only for good friends of mine and i won't be talking about it unless at least one of your characters has become a bottle already and we have been talking a lot on regular base for a while and are on good terms. |
Information OverviewInformation Overview
Please be sure to have a good look at the compressed informations below:
General Things |
Domme |
Although she is a somewhat shy and gentle girl she won't get into a situation where it is totally hopeless for her so the best you could get from her would be a turnaround scene. |
Permanent TF |
Although it probably doesn't have a huge fanbase Neilania is only for permatf scenes. |
Innovative Ideas |
In case someone has a very nice idea for a scene with Neilina that isn't covered by the informations in this profile they should ask me. I'm always interested in doing something new and nice so it might work out and that scene will be done. |
Nice posts |
I want to have somewhat detailed roleplays so please be sure to be able to write at least 4-7 normal wordpad lines every post before you ask for a rp. |
Good behaviour |
It shouldn't be necessary to write about this but i expect my playpartners to be friendly and well behaved so for example if they need to leave quickly they should at least say that and poke me when they are back. If some disaster breaks their internet connection they should write me a PUB as soon as possible so i know what happened. |
Transformation |
Bottle TF |
Neilina is a bartender that will turn the bodies of any females who assault her in any way into bottles that look exactly like them and their souls will become a liquid they have had a strong connection to and they will refill themselves automaticly after being drunken. She'll keep them forever and mix cocktails for her customers with them. |
Compact Disc TF |
The males who assault the bartender in any way will become sentient compact disks for the jukebox and add to the atmosphere and mood of the bar. |
Vore |
Drinking |
Well the only vore element in her roleplays would be being drunken after the transformation but there always be a little bit left in the bottle that will regenerate so it will be an endless cycle of being consumed by others for her poor victims. |
Sexual Stuff |
Sex |
If you can force her to do that somehow it can happen but watch out for the transformation that will come. |
Anal Sex |
Is okay too |
Sextoys |
If you bring them along |
Playpartners |
General Notes |
Since herms aren't listed below someone might think that i don't want to play with them and whoever thought that was exactly right. I don't want to play with underaged characters either and those with profiles that are boring in my mind won't have a chance to play with me either. This probably sounds harsh but everyone should enjoy the rps they are having, right? |
Human/Demi |
I prefer those greatly and the chances to get me interested in a roleplay are probably the highest with those kinds of characters. |
Furries |
I'm not really good with them so feel free to ask but please don't be disappointed when I turn you down. |
Males |
I'm somewhat picky here and want classy males. Please don't be disappointed if i turn you down. If you are one of those who think it's cool to flash their dick in the profile picture please don't ask for a rp. Thanks. Males will become compact disks for the jukebox. |
Females |
I'll gladly play with any female characters that are to my liking. Females will become naked bottles. |