This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Naol. Naught but a name... and an odd one, at least by human standards. Mind you, it's pretty damned unique by the standards of her species, too.
Now, anyone with half a brain can infer from that statement that Naol is not human. She is, quite obviously, an alien. And not just that, she's a bounty hunter too!
Big surprise, really. Most aliens who come to earth are either fugitives, bounty hunters, or tourists, as is the case with one of my other characters. Naol, though... well. She's a girl on a mission.
Standing at 7 feet tall, in her armor, this girl isn't someone you can just push around, at least if you're human. She's an experienced mercenary, and adept at tracking people down. Her armor, a sleek black suit with viridian lighting and a visor of the same color. In addition, it is well-equipped with a variety of forensic and tracking tools, not to mention weapons. It's modified for her use, and only recognizes her DNA as a registered user, which is a plus when she has to take it off. It's semi-sentient, and will resist anyone not authorized to use it.... often with lethal force. The armor itself is almost form-fitting, with a gel-layer beneath to take impacts from kinetic weapons, missiles, and the like. It also sports a layer of shields, which take the brunt of energy-based attacks and shrapnel. The shields are easily recharged, in fact recharging over time during periods of inactivity. Alas, the suit is not invincible... it can be destroyed. However, her ship has a fabbery and the only schematic in existence for her suit, so this is a minor setback. The suit is, of course, power armor, for obvious reasons. The armor of the suit is made of fullerene nanotubules, woven together to be far stronger than even titanium steel. her armor, fully charged, can take artillery fire with only a little discomfort on her part. Ahhh, ain't technology grand? As for the weaponry on the thing, it has a plasma cannon, a cutting laser, and a micromissile launcher, with fabbery. Provided sufficient materials, it can produce anything she'll need, save for food.
As for the woman...
Well, what of the woman herself? Well.... woman isn't a terribly accurate term. She is, of course, not human....nor strictly female, at least in the human sense. She looks human enough in shape, at least.... in fact, she could be mistaken for a human, so long as no one knew of her internal anatomy, or could see her skin and hair colors. She stands a full six feet nine inches tall, and her skin is a dark, lovely shade of blue, smooth and supple. Her breasts aren't overlarge, proportionally Cs. However, at her height, they do seem a bit... bigger. Her hair is long, and silky, and not hair as we think of it, being composed of a different set of elements entirely. It feels even better, in fact, than human hair, and comes down to the small of her back. Her lips are a similar shade, though not so bright, so it's not terribly glaring on her. IN fact, it looks pretty good. Her eyes, as well, are inhuman... a lovely, viridian shade, shimmering silver-green, and capable of seeing energy emissions, which is quite useful. A natural adaptation, or an unnatural augmentation? Well, that's impossible to say, as most people don't know of the ability, and those who do don't ask.
When not wearing her armor, she tends to wear an energy-absorbing, black jumpsuit that leaves her hands free and her back partly exposed. This may seem stupid, but there is a very good reason for this. See... again, she's not human. Her internal anatomy is quite different, and some of her external anatomy as well. She's got at least seven tentacles in various places around her body, and at least three of these seem to originate on her back. Each tentacle has a small stinger at the end, usually sheathed, which can administer a toxin that has an as-yet unknown effect. Each tentacle can, as well, be used to consume someone smaller than her. For people her own size or larger, she must use another orifice. She is rather elastic, you see...
She has more than one stomach, it should be noted. Each tentacle feeds a separate chamber connected to her main stomach, and she can contain as many as four people smaller than her within these at one time. Any more than that, and things get uncomfortable. Her primary stomach is the only one that really digests things, but the others can absorb liquid nutrients, removing the need for intestines. Instead, she has another orifice there. It's redundant, mostly, typically used for flushing toxins from her system. She does have a remarkably human womb, though, it should be noted. In addition to these, she can consume people in numerous other ways, should she so desire.
She's quite familiar with the *ahem* recreational uses for her tentacles, and doesn't seem to have a sexual preferences. She is a bit perverse, though, as she does enjoy humans. Still, business before pleasure. Sliders not shown mean I could go either way. With the right partner, sliders could be ignored.... but odds are for most of you that you're not the right partner, so please respect my preferences. And, for those who don't like tentacles, they need never come into play, so don't be shy.
As for her ship... it's a gunship, of course. Fast, agile, heavily armed and armored, with defensive shields and a stealth system. Capable of laying mines of various sorts, as well as destroying small capital ships with relative ease, it's an impressive piece of hardware, run by a support A.I. named Adelon.