Namiyo Yokoyama
Iwagakure Ninja
5' 3"
Nami perfers flashy showy fashionable clothing, but she never compromises function for form. One of her favorite color combos is pink and black. Though she wears literally every color. There are a few accessories universal. She always wears a collar, hairband and cuffs made of studded leather. She enjoys wearing thigh, knee, or shin high shinobi boots with small heels. With a little experience she wears higher heels with the same dexterity as before. She also has a pair of glasses she needs for reading.
Namiyo was once a bitch. Once the operative word. Because of her time with Ishiko, she had become a more genuinely friendly person. However that doesn't mean she will immediately like you. Her more public persona is still in full swing. While she always seems to be having a good time, it is usually at someone's expense. She enjoys humiliating her opponents and sometimes allies that deserve it. She plays mind games and likes stepping in at the opportune moment. She has a certain way of making people angry and throwing them off their game even without genjutsu. She can twist words, mince meanings, and utilize innuendo to embarrass and infuriate people, all while smiling her evil sweet smile. She always seems to be in some sort of role when people don't know her. Despite this, her missions as a medic and the aura of her special friends has softened her where the evil smile only comes up once a day.
Her form of combat is not to combat. She is a medical specialist and tend to not inflict harm on others. As such, she has devoted 100% of her time to the medical arts and is one of the most skilled in that art. Because of her oath to do no harm, she needs someway to protect herself in the midst of battle. She can do this in one of three ways. First and most ninja like is her Hydrokinesis. She can expel a large amount of water from her mouth, and then use jutsus to control and shape it. Second is the use of her Genjutsus. She prefers the Kunoichijutsu Genjutsus, acting on the intimate compulsions and urges of the attacker. Third is her poisons. She has a scalpel coated with her custom made poisons that will greatly hinder her attacker with just a single nick. Finally there is her companion army. Kizoku the Liger, Wataru the Lemur, Aonoko the Tiger Keelback Snake, and Uyoku the Condor. While they can attack individually, if the force is large enough, she can access her Fusion Jutsus to combine two or more of them, and on rare occasions, she can fuse with them herself.
Medical Kit in a backpack:
2 Bottles of water
8 Packs of Crackers
2 Bars of Milk Chocolate
Suture Set
3 Scalpels
Field Basin
Cloth Bandages
4 Arm Slings
3 Leg Splints
Field stretcher - Two collapsable poles and a 6 foot long dense threaded fabric.
2 Burn Ointment
2 Heat Packs
2 Cold Packs
1 Bottle of Aloe Vera
Poison Kit
Dokueki Shoki (Heat Stroke Venom)
This poison is in the form of a fine paste that can be applied to metal weapons. The poison can only effect those that the weapon has broken the skin of. After one breaking of skin, the poison must be re-applied before it can affect another person or the same person again. This poison raised the targets body heat by 2 degree each post. After 3 post, it can cause the victum to sweat giving the first real noticable symptom. At 4, they have a high fever. The tempurature stop s at 103 degrees and requires some medical treatment to lower the fever. While not deadly, this poison can over extended time, weaken the immune system. The antidote of this poison can also be used as a fever reducer.
Zutsuu (Headache)
This poison is in the form of a fine paste that can be applied to metal weapons. The poison can only effect those that the weapon has broken the skin of. After one breaking of skin, the poison must be re-applied before it can affect another person or the same person again. When the poison enters the blood stream, it takes 1 post to incubate, afterwards the poison creates a headache that progressivly gets worse. The antidote for this poison can also releive regular headaches.
Shikori [Muscle Stiffness]
The Shikori Poison is created through the venom of a local Orb web spider near iwagakure no Sato. When it enters into the blood stream it may take three post to incubate. After these three post, the victim will start to feel thier muscles tighten up through out thier whole body, giving them a -1 to speed. The next post, this tightening is worse, sapping away thier phsyical power, or a -1 to strength. The effect finally reaches it's peak when the muscles around the chest tighten. This will pass after three post from the peak of the symptoms. The antidote for this poison is a powerful muscle relaxant.
Norimonoyoi [Motion Sickness]
This poison is a devilish one that, while it doesn't truely hinder movement, makes one think it is better not to move for a while. The poison is in the form of a white paste which can coat metallic items. After it enters the blood stream, it takes 1 post to incubate. After which, when ever the victim moves more than a casual stroll speed of 2, they feel a bit of dizziness and a slight bit of upset stomach. If they move at a speed of 7 or use Body flicker or another teleportation jutsu, they will feel incredibly nausous and might collapse to the ground from the extreme dizziness. This will persist for six post after incubation. The antidote for this poison is a small pill filled with vitamin C and can cure sea or air sickness
Nami's attitude isn't without origin. Nami is the daughter of two very doting young parents. Her mom is only 15 years older then her while her dad is only 17 years older. Since they were so young, they didn't have many bills of thier own. Then one night in a forest on the way home from a mission brought them their biggest bill ever. When Nami's mother was confirmed pregnant, Thier parents got them thier own apartment to live in, her mother was put on leave, and her father took back to back missions to ensure they had enough to support thier future son.
How ever the big day came and to thier shock, a baby girl arrived. After a few returns and rush shopping they welcomed her home. After a year, Nami's mother was taken off leave and the two parents went out on missions. She was often left with grandparents or neighbors who was trusted. Everytime either one fo them returned, she was terribly spoiled. this continued on even into the academy. When either of her parents came home, first was a family meal, then shopping for what ever she wanted if they could afford it. Much to her dad's shagrin though, after her first kunoichi class, all she ever wanted was clothing. Despite the terrors of A-rank missions and countless battles, his biggest fear was being taken clothing shopping by his daughter. He never felt quite right standing in the pre-teen section as young as he was.
The kunoichi class was her favorite in the academy. But soon the class was over and she had to select a new elective class to take. What was to be her primary mission. She was never the strongest as she never had to do chores. She had a knack for ninjutsu, but she was not overly thrilled with actual combat. So she was introduced to a Iijutsu instructor to learn the medical arts. A complex skill that was vital on virtually every mission. It was during this class that she learned of her Suiton Affinity. Then instead of simply purifying water, she learned how to produce her own purified water. A technique that would be useful in desert and naval combat where fresh water was at a minimum.
However the most important lesson she learned from her instructor was the need to avoid getting hit. Genjutsu was a common way for medics to evade combat. Though her teacher in this subject only taught her the bare basics and had her form her own. As such, she created genjutsu that would serve well in both the medical field and in kunoichi based missions requiring her to get in very close to her target. Despite her graduating the academy, she still has scheduled classes at the academy.
After becoming a genin she had been placed in a team with Ishiko. This girl would soon become the most important person in her life. Thier sensei gave them a test, which they seemingly passed, but they weren't quite sure. She only knew she had to get clean clothes after it. Even on her team, she still ahd numerous training sessions at the academy to learn new medical arts. However soon Ishiko and her were without a team. They were placed on a team with a one eyed psychotic woman and a demon boy. This didn't last dinner meeting. After a few weeks from not hearing from Ishiko or having any missions, she applied to the restaurant known throughout Iwagakure. If the shinobi corps wanted her, they knew where to find her.
And true to form she was soon found working in the restaraunt. However it wasn't marching orders to return, but a friendly suggestion to return from a Jounin. It was too long since she had been on a team, but with Wataru and Kizoku, she felt like a one shinobi team. However that isn't going to stop the now sociable kunoichi form seeking a team placement.
Fusion Forms
Ingrediants: Namiyo and Uyoku
This form is a simple one that merely places Uyoku's wings on Nami's back and allows her to fly. A side effect is that her bones also become hollow.
Ingrediants: Namiyo and Wataru
This form's only noticable change from Namiyo's base appearence is the larger yellow eyes. Her agility is greatly increased and she has excellent night vision.
Ingrediants: Namiyo and Aonoko
This form replace's Namiyo's legs with the snake tail. She can swallow enemies whole and produce poison with a bite.
Ingrediants: Namiyo and Kizoku
Namiyo melds her form into the larger liger's form giving the already intimidating beast a human stature and mental processes.
Ingrediants: Uyoku and Wataru
Combinig the two creatures she creates basically an agile flying monkey.
Ingrediants: Uyoku and Aonoko
A strange flying snake, Uko can bind up enemies and carry them into the sky.
Ingrediants: Kizoku and Uyoku
Basic form. A Liger with wings. Scarry enough?
Ingrediants: Wataru and Aonoko
This smaller Naga has a lemur torso instead of a human's. While smaller, it is more annoying to land a hit on due to it's agility.
Ingrediants: Wataru and Kizoku
Combining the agility of the lemur and the Power of the Liger, this form is a near anthromorphic liger with a feral mind.
Ingrediants: Aonoko and Kizoku
In what is a strange experiment, Kizoku replaces his tail with the entire body of Aonoko.
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Uyoku, Wataru
Namiyo's body undergoes a more dramatic transformation in this stage. Her muscles tense yet loosen for her greater agility while wings on her back allow her to fly.
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Uyoku, Aonoko
A skilled warrior, Namiyo's skill [not her mind] is added to the condor morph body. Her left arm is truned into a snake's body.
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Uyoku, Kizoku
With powerful muscles and sharp claws on her hands and feet, this flying ninja form is deadly in close combat.
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Wataru, Aonoko
When she absolutly positivly needs to dodge everything thrown at her, Namiyo shrinks down to half he rsize, becomes more agile and becomes a naga.
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Wataru, Kizoku
Agility, Strength, and Skill. This form features Namiyo's body, Kizoku's ears and claws, and Wataru's tail.
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Aonoko, Kizoku
Skill, Speed, and Power? When she strikes, it's liable to break bones. With a Naga like shape, her form is has a Liger morph torso.
Ingrediants:Uyoku, Wataru, Aonoko
this is what a flying ninja should be. Extremly quick and agile, this lemur naga has wings on his back to enable him to soar.
Ingrediants:Uyoku, Wataru, Kizoku
Instead of Uyoku just giving his wings, this time his presence is more noticable. His body becomes more humanoid in stature. The liger stripes and muscles are very apparent
Ingrediants:Uyoku, Aonoko, Kizoku
The beginning of something truely frightening. Liger Body, Condor wings, and a tail that is a snake.
Ingrediants:Wataru, Aonoko, Kizoku
A walking Ligermorph with a snake for a tail
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Uyoku, Wataru, Aonoko
This version is a more skilled Condor morph, sporting the left arm of a snake and a feminine form.
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Uyoku, Wataru, Kizoku
A powerful Condormorph that combines terrible power, flight, sharp claws, and intellegence with the pure evil mind of Uyoku
Ingrediants:Namiyo, Wataru, Aonoko, Kizoku
This Ligermorph combines Skill, Power, Speed, and Agility into an apex ninja.
Ingrediants:Uyoku, Wataru, Aonoko, Kizoku
This COndor morph takes the power from Kizoku, the agility of Wataru and has Aonoko as a left arm.
Ingrediants: Namiyo, Uyoku, Wataru, Aonoko, Kizoku
Her most powerful form. It combines the Powerful body of the liger, The wings of the condor, the agility and stance of the lemur, the dexterity and poison of the snake [which is it's tail, and the skill and mental capacities of the human. this towering form is an incredible predator and not one that could be taken down lightly. Because of Namiyo's medical Jutsus, it has regenrative capabilites and even has access to her suiton jutsus.
Ingrediants: Namiyo, Uyoku, Wataru, Aonoko, Kizoku
This form is considerd the dark side of Namiyo. The form is controlled by the mind of Uyoku, not Namiyo. It is a condormorph with amazing speed, agility, power, skill, and cruelty. All this and the ability to control water and fly.